informaluk/ˈhaɪ.pəʊ/us/ˈhaɪ.poʊ/hyponoun[C](low blood sugar)
anoccasionwhen thelevelsofsugarin someone'sbloodbecomedangerouslylowand theyfeelilland mayeventuallybecomeunconscious:
低血糖Ioncehelpedadiabeticout of a hypo by giving him asugarlump.有一次,我给了一个糖尿病患者一块糖,帮助他从低血糖状态恢复过来。
Shesuffereda hypoattackthat made herloseconsciousness.她突发低血糖,失去了知觉。
- He had neverpreviouslyhad a hypo.
- Her hypos came on without muchwarning.
- You have to makesureyoueatenough toavoidhypos.
Disorders & diseases of the heart & blood
- acquired agammaglobulinemia
- agammaglobulinemia
- agnogenic myeloid metaplasia
- angina
- anti-anaemia
- dilated cardiomyopathy
- Ebstein's anomaly
- economy-class syndrome
- Eisenmenger syndrome
- endocarditis
- fur
- haemophilia
- lockjaw
- paediatric thrombocytopenia
- patent ductus arteriosus
- pericarditis
- peripheral vascular disease
- POEMS syndrome
- Raynaud's disease
- varicose vein
asyringe(=hollowneedle)used toinjectdrugsunder somoene'sskin. It isshortforhypodermicsyringe:
皮下注射器(hypodermic syringe 的简略说法)Used hyposlitteredtheroom.房间里到处乱丢着用过的皮下注射器。

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- Sheprickedherfingeron a hypo.
- Hetwistedthe hypo,separatingtheempty,rectangularsyringefrom thesharp,steeltip.
- She put the hypo away andgrabbedherbag.
- Hesnappedthe Tunnel into the hypo andjabbedtheneedleinto hishand.
Medical & surgical equipment
- bioprinting
- bougie
- cannula
- catheterization
- catheterize
- defibrillator
- drip
- electrocardiogram
- inhaler
- iron lung
- kidney machine
- lancet
- needle exchange
- puffer
- radiograph
- retinaculum
- safety blanket
- sterilizer
- thermometer