being,relatingto, orbelongingto apersonor topeopleasopposedtoanimals:
The humanbodyiscomposedof about 60percentwater.人体约60%由水构成。
Theyfoundsomeremainswhich werethoughtto be human.
Victory in thewarwasachievedat thecostofgreathumansuffering.战争的胜利是以人类的巨大痛苦为代价换来的。
Theinspectordeclaredthemeatfitforhumanconsumption(= in good enoughconditionforpeopletoeat).检查员宣布这种肉适合人类食用。
having thequalities,faults, andfeelingsthatpeoplehave, asopposedtogods,animals, ormachines:
OfcourseI makemistakes, I'monlyhuman.
When helaughsit makes himseemmore human.
It's very human to haveregretsabout the past.
- TheRedCross'sprimaryconcernis topreserveandprotecthumanlife.
- The humanearcannothearvery high-frequencysounds.
- Thereasonfor thedisasterwasenginefailure, not humanerror.
- In aworldwhere men andmachinescoexist, what does itmeanto betrulyhuman?
- He writes with enoughinsighttoconvinceus thateventhegreatestscientistsare alsotouchinglyhuman.
Humans, apes & monkeys
- anthropo-
- anthropoid
- ape
- baboon
- bonobo
- great ape
- hominid
- hominin
- homo
- Homo sapiens
- lemur
- loris
- macaque
- mandrill
- mankind
- ring-tailed lemur
- sapient
- silverback
- simian
- spider monkey
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Making mistakes
Weakness and vulnerability
Expressing and showing feelings
uk/ˈhjuː.mən/us/ˈhjuː.mən/(alsohuman being)B1
Thegreatestdamagebeing done toourplanettoday is that being done by humans.如今对我们星球的最大破坏来自于我们人类。
Homo sapiensspecialized
- It may befeasibletoclonehumans, but is itethical?
- Can therighttoliveeverbedeniedto any human?
- I don'tbelievethat humanbeingsareinnatelyevil.
- He's adespicablehuman being!
- Every human being has therighttofreedomfromoppression.
Humans, apes & monkeys
- anthropo-
- anthropoid
- ape
- baboon
- bonobo
- great ape
- hominid
- hominin
- homo
- Homo sapiens
- lemur
- loris
- macaque
- mandrill
- mankind
- ring-tailed lemur
- sapient
- silverback
- simian
- spider monkey