atypeoffoodmade withmeat,vegetables, orfruitcoveredinpastryandbaked:
馅饼Would you like some moresteakpie?你想再要点猪肉馅饼吗?

Waldemar Blazej Nowak/EyeEm/GettyImages
US(alsopizza pie)
used to refer to awholepizza,especiallyin thenortheasternUS:
Theirlargepepperonipiejumped50centsto $13.99.
There is also take-and-bakepizza: the pie isassembledin astoreorrestaurantandsolduncooked.

Joff Lee/Photolibrary/GettyImages
- Theapplepie was as good as the one mygrandmotherused to make.
- Hepolishedoff thewholepie.
- steakandkidneypie
- lemonmeringuepie
- Do youwantthis piehot?
Pastry & pies
- apple pie
- baked goods
- banoffee pie
- barquette
- bear claw
- custard tart
- Danish pastry
- elephant ear
- empanada
- Linzer torte
- millefeuille
- mince pie
- mincemeat
- napoleon
- quiche
- rough puff pastry
- samosa
- sausage roll
- shortcrust pastry
- éclair
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Savoury dishes
a piece/slice/share of the pie
pie in the sky