apartof something:
块;片;段;碎片;碎块a pieceofclothtornfrom hercoat从她大衣上撕下的一块布
Hecutthecakeinto six pieces.他把蛋糕切成了6块。
Thisjigsawpuzzlehas two piecesmissing.这套拼图玩具少了两块。
Thevaselayon thefloorinpieces(=brokenintosmallparts).花瓶碎片散落一地。
Thebuildingwas takenapartandreassembledpiecebypiece(= onepartafter another).房子被拆开,又一块块地重新拼搭起来。

Samere Fahim Photography/Moment/GettyImages
- I'm going to have another piece ofcake.
- A piece ofshellfellinto thecakemixture.
- Hebrokeoff a piece ofchocolate.
- Idroppedthevaseand itbrokeinto pieces.
- Sherippedup hislettersandburnedthe pieces.
Words meaning small pieces and amounts
- by a noseidiom
- clipping
- crumb
- dab
- dollop
- fraction
- grain
- hint
- oddments
- paring
- peewee
- pinch
- potsherd
- skinny
- spark
- swatch
- tad
- thimbleful
- tidbit
- tiddler
asingleobjectof aparticulartype:
(某类事物中的)一件,一个,一条a pieceoffurniture/clothing/equipment一件家具/衣服/设备
a piece ofpaper(= awholesheet)一张纸
a pieceofchina(= anobjectmade ofchina)一件瓷器
a pieceofinformation/advice一条消息/建议
anitemofclothing,especiallyone that isexpensive,fashionable, orindividuallymade :
时尚华服,定制服装Each piece isquiteunique,owingto thefactthat all hercreationsare hand-knitted.她的每件时装都非常独特,因为她所有的作品都是手工编织的。
something that has beencreatedby anartist,musician, orwriter:
Did youreadthat piece(=article)in thenewspaper?你看报纸上的那篇文章了吗?
asinglething thatformspartof a set:
acoinwith astatedvalue:
(某种币值的)硬币Could youswapme twoquartersfor a 50centpiece?你能帮我把一枚50美分的硬币换成两枚25美分的吗?
- Ireadaninterestingpiece ofinformationin thenewspaper.
- If youlistencarefullyto this piece ofmusic, you canhearaflutein thebackground.
- Valuable pieces ofchinawere ondisplayin a glass-frontedcabinet.
- How many pieces ofbaggagedo you have?
- Thewinningnoveltrulyis amagnificentpiece of writing.
Objects - general words
- affair
- Americana
- artefact
- blank
- column
- conversation piece
- curio
- entity
- ephemera
- extrusion
- forensics
- gewgaw
- non-abstract
- object
- phenomenon
- shape
- snow globe
- such and such
- tchotchke
- thing
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Clothing - general words
The visual arts in general
Words meaning parts of things
Payment methods
USslangHe wascarryinga piece when he wasarrested.他被逮捕时身上有一把枪。
Handguns & rifles
- .22
- .45
- air pistol
- air rifle
- airgun
- carbine
- colt
- firearm
- flamethrower
- gat
- pistol
- ray gun
- revolver
- rifle
- Saturday night special
- starting pistol
- stun gun
- submachine gun
- tommy gun
- Uzi
Scottish English

Richard Griffin/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Piece words and group words
Piece words make it possible to talk about a single unit or units of something which is seen as uncountable. Piece words include words such as piece, bit, item, article. We normally use them with of. We can use them in the singular or the plural.…Piece words
Piece words make it possible to talk about a single unit or units of something which is seen as uncountable. Piece words include words such as piece, bit, item, article. We normally use them with of. We can use them in the singular or the plural.…Idioms
come to pieces
givesomeonea piece of your mind
fall to pieces
(all) in one piece
in pieces
pick/pullsomeone/somethingto pieces
a piece of ass
a piece of cake
a piece of the pie
a piece of work
takesomethingto pieces