identity fraud
uk/aɪˈden.tə.ti ˌfrɔːd/us/aɪˈden.t̬ə.t̬i ˌfrɑːd/thecrimeof using someone'spersonalinformationinordertopretendto be them and to getmoneyorgoodsintheirname:
Thebestway tostopidentityfraudis toshredallpersonaldocuments.
Mostidentityfraudseemsto be doneonlineor byordinarymail.
Inordertopreventidentityfrauds, becarefulhow youdisposeofyourmail.
identity theft
- Thousands oflogindetailswerestolenin what thepolicebelievewaslong-termidentityfraud.
- He called fortoughersentencesforidentityfraud.
- Identityfraudis acrimethatcostsall of us.
Fraud & corruption
- anti-bribery
- anti-corruption
- anti-counterfeiting
- anti-fraud
- Augean
- bribe
- defraud
- dolus
- embezzle
- embezzlement
- extortion
- launder
- malfeasance
- malpractice
- match-fixing
- money laundering
- nobble
- pyramid scheme
- siphon
- vishing