toofficiallyforcearule,tax,punishment, etc. to beobeyedorreceived:
推行;强制实行Very hightaxeshaverecentlybeen imposedoncigarettes.最近对香烟开征很高的税。
Judges are imposingincreasinglyheavyfinesforminordrivingoffences.法官们对轻微的违章驾驶开始处以越来越重的罚款。
Thecouncilhas imposed abanonalcoholin thecityparks.市政会禁止在城市公园中饮酒。
toforcesomeone toacceptsomething,especiallyabeliefor way ofliving:
把(尤指信仰或生活方式)强加于I don'twantthem to imposetheirreligiousbeliefsonmychildren.我不希望他们把自己的宗教信仰强加给我的孩子们。
We must impose somekindoforderonthe way thisofficeisrun.我们得给这个办公室的管理定出规章来。
- Hewantsthegovernmentto imposestrictcontrolsondogownership.
- Inviewof thequantityofdrugsinvolved, 16yearswas the mostlenientsentencethejudgecould impose.
- Thegovernmenthasfailedto imposeitswill uponregionalcommunities.
- Centralgovernmenthas imposed acaponlocaltaxincreases.
- Somepeoplelike thesenseofstructurethat amilitarylifestyleimposes.
Causing somebody to act
- arm-twisting
- bludgeon
- bounce
- bouncesomeoneintosomething
- bulldoze
- bully
- forcibly
- holdsomeoneto ransomidiom
- impel
- jolt
- kick
- railroad
- reduce
- reducesomeonetosomething
- reimpose
- reimposition
- screw
- slap
- squeeze
- trap
toexpectsomeone to do something for you orspendtimewith you when they do notwantto or when it is notconvenientfor them:
勉强;打扰,麻烦Are yousureit's allrightfor me to cometonight? I don'twantto impose.你肯定我今天晚上来没有问题吗?我不想太麻烦你。
She's always imposingonpeople-askingfavoursand getting everyone to do things for her.她总是强人所难——要人帮忙做这做那。
Treating people or animals badly
- a raw dealidiom
- abuser
- anti-harassment
- at the hands ofsomeoneidiom
- batten
- batten onsomeone
- ill-treat
- ill-treatment
- ill-used
- inflict
- infliction
- prey
- prey onsomething
- putsomeonethroughsomething
- put upon
- tyrannize
- tyranny
- uncared for
- use
- victimization