uk/rɪˈviː.lɪŋ.li/us/rɪˈviː.lɪŋ.li/in a way thatshowsmore of thebodythan isusual:
使身体过分裸露地Theycomplainedthat the woman wasdressedtoo revealingly.他们抱怨说,这个女人穿得太暴露了。
She waswearinga revealinglytinyblackdress.她穿着一件暴露的黑色小礼服。
in a way thatshowssomething that was notpreviouslyknownorseen:
揭露真相地;透露内情地;发人深省地Hespokerevealingly about theproblemshe had had.他坦率地讲述了他所遇到的问题。
Revealingly, shebecameemotionalwhen herworkwasmentioned.当她的工作被提及时,她变得情绪化,揭示了她内心的想法。
- A revealinglylowtopisperhapsnot thebestthing towearforwork.
- her revealinglyautobiographicalnewtravelbook
- He writesbeautifullyand revealingly about thelovebetween the two men.
- Theyapproachedtheissuefrom revealingly differentperspectives.
Revealing secrets & becoming known
- (the) word is/gets outidiom
- anti-secrecy
- backchannel
- bare
- blowsomeone'scoveridiom
- blow/take the lid offsomethingidiom
- break
- declassify
- hold
- leakage
- Queen's evidence
- rat
- rat onsomeone/something
- reintroduce
- revelatory
- shed
- state's evidence
- tip
- transpire
- unload