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reverseverb(CHANGE TO OPPOSITE)C1[T]tochangethedirection,order,position,result, etc. of something toitsopposite: (使)反向;(使)倒转;彻底改变;推翻 The newmanagerhopedto reverse thedeclinein the company'sfortunes.新经理希望能够扭转公司江河日下的状况。 Now that you have ajoband I don't,oursituationsare reversed.你找到了工作,我倒没有工作了,我们的情况正好掉了个儿。 TheCourtof Appeal reversed theearlierjudgment.上诉法院推翻了先前的判决。 - There ispressureon thecouncilto reverseitsdecision.
- He reversed into alamppostanddamagedthe back of thecar.
- Theyclaimtheproductcan reverse thesignsofageing.
- Tocompletethetesthe had to reverse thevehicleinto aparkingspace.
- The court'srulingreverses theoriginaljudgment.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesChanging - about-face
- about-turn
- alterable
- altered
- alternate
- disturb
- drip
- modulate
- modulation
- move on
- move the goalpostsidiom
- move with the timesidiom
- pivot
- rewrite
- sanitization
- shakesomeoneout ofsomething
- shakesomeoneup
- stead
- steepness
- sway
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: reverseverb(DRIVE BACKWARDS)B2[IorT]mainly UK(USusuallyback up)todriveavehiclebackwards: 倒车 He reversedintoalamppostanddamagedthe back of thecar.他倒车时撞到了路灯柱,造成车尾受损。 She reversed thecarinto theparkingspace.她把车倒进停车位。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto go backwards - reverseThe road ahead was blocked by a tree so I had to reverse.
- backI backed into the drive.
- back upI backed up into an empty parking space.
- retreatShe retreated hastily back up the stairs.
- pull backUN peacekeepers have pulled back from the border.
- withdrawThe British army withdrew from Dunkirk in 1940.
See more results » SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBackwards, sideways and back and forth - anticlockwise
- back and forthidiom
- back to frontphrase
- backward
- backwards
- hither and thitheridiom
- lateral
- laterally
- libration
- retro
- round
- saw
- side
- stand
- step aside
- swept-back
- there and backidiom
- to and fro
- to-ing and fro-ing
- wrong
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: On the road: driving & operating road vehicles reverseverb(PHONE)reverse the chargesmainlyUK(USusuallycall collect) to make aphonecallthat ispaidfor by thepersonreceivingit 打对方付费电话;使受话方付款SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCommunications - by telephone - 3G
- 4G
- 5G
- aeroplane mode
- airplane mode
- area code
- autodial
- dialling tone
- Directory Enquiries
- helpline
- phone mast
- pick
- picksomeone/somethingup
- pocket dial
- prank caller
- ring
- roam
- telecoms
- telephone
- transfer
See more results » the reverse C2theoppositeof what has beensuggested: 相反的情况(或事物);对立面 You mightthinkthatpeoplewho don'tworryabouttheirdietarefatterand moreunhealthy; infact, the reverse istrue.你也许会认为不担心自己饮食的人会更胖更不健康,实际情况却刚好相反。 Whateverofficialnewsbroadcastsclaimed, hebelievedthe reverse.不管官方新闻报什么,他都只相信相反的消息。 the back of acoin,medal, etc.: (硬币、奖章等的)反面,背面Thecoinhas aroyalcoatofarmson the reverse.硬币的背面有王室盾徽的图案。 - Conventiondictatesthat it is the man whoasksthe woman tomarryhim and not the reverse.
- "So is hehappier?" "Quite the reverse. I've neverseenhim moremiserable."
- It's astrangesituation- it's the reverse of what you'dexpect.
- Ithoughtthat she'd behappieroncehe washomebut infactthe reverse istrue.
- Andrewtendstolookafter thekidswhile Marie does thehouseworkwhich is the reverse of thishousehold.
in reverse (order) C1in theoppositeorderor way: 向相反方向;倒;逆 Tostoptheengine, yourepeatthe sameprocedures, but in reverse (order).要想关掉发动机,你得按相反顺序重复同样的步骤。 C2[U](alsoreverse gear)themethodofcontrollingavehiclethat makes it gobackwards: 倒车挡 To gobackwards, you mustputthecarin/intoreverse (gear).要想倒车,你得挂倒车挡。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesin the opposite to a forward direction - backwardsUKThe dog growled and I took a step backwards.
- backHe leant back on the sofa.
- in reverseI put the car in reverse.
- the wrong way aroundThe batteries are in the wrong way around.
- back to frontUKHe always wears his baseball cap back to front.
See more results » [C]formaladefeatorfailure: 失败;挫折 Theysufferedaseriousmilitary/politicalreverse.他们遭受了一次重大的军事/政治失败。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesOpposites - antinome
- antithesis
- antithetical
- antonymous
- anything
- converse
- counterpose
- dichotomous
- dichotomy
- exactly
- flip side
- go into reverseidiom
- inverse
- or otherwiseidiom
- otherwise
- polar
- polarity
- pole
- poles apartidiom
- vice versa
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Surfaces of objects The engine & engine parts Failures oppositeto what has justhappened, or to what isusualorexpected: Repeat thestepsin reverseordertoshutthesystemoff. Theinterventionwasdesignedtohelp, but it had the reverseeffect. towards thedirectionthat isoppositeto the one you arefacing: Hedeliveredaperfectreversepassto histeammate. Thediverthen does three and ahalfreversesomersaultsin theairbeforeplungingheadfirst into thewater. Synonymbackward(OPPOSITE DIRECTION) the reverse side On the reversesideof thecoinwill be aportraitof the Queen. Eachentrymust beclearlylabelledwithyourname,address, anddateofbirthon the reverseside. - Lastmonthwediscussedanaloguetodigitalconversionand the reverseprocess.
- Blood was nowflowingin a reversedirectioninordertonourishthestarvedheartmuscle.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesOpposites - antinome
- antithesis
- antithetical
- antonymous
- anything
- converse
- counterpose
- dichotomous
- dichotomy
- exactly
- flip side
- go into reverseidiom
- inverse
- or otherwiseidiom
- otherwise
- polar
- polarity
- pole
- poles apartidiom
- vice versa
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Backwards, sideways and back and forth (Definition ofreversefrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)reverseverb(CHANGE TO OPPOSITE)C1[T]tochangethedirection,order,position,result, etc. of something toitsopposite (使)反向;(使)倒转;彻底改变;推翻The newmanagerhopedto reverse thedeclinein the company'sfortunes.新经理希望能够扭转公司江河日下的状况。 Now that you have ajoband I don't,oursituationsare reversed.你找到了工作,我倒没有工作了,我们的情况正好掉了个儿。 TheCourtof Appeal reversed theearlierjudgment.上诉法院推翻了先前的判决。 - There ispressureon thecouncilto reverseitsdecision.
- He reversed into alamppostanddamagedthe back of thecar.
- Theyclaimtheproductcan reverse thesignsofageing.
- Tocompletethetesthe had to reverse thevehicleinto aparkingspace.
- The court'srulingreverses theoriginaljudgment.
reverseverb(DRIVE BACKWARDS)B2[IorT]todriveavehiclebackwards 倒车He reversedintoalamppostanddamagedthe back of thecar.他倒车时撞到了路灯柱,造成车尾受损。 She reversed thecarinto theparkingspace.她把车倒进停车位。 reverseverb(PHONE)reverse the charges(USalsocall collect) to make aphonecallthat ispaidfor by thepersonreceivingit 打对方付费电话;使受话方付款 the reverse C2theoppositeof what has beensuggested 相反的情况(或事物);对立面You mightthinkthatpeoplewho don'tworryabouttheirdietarefatterand moreunhealthy; infact, the reverse istrue.你也许会认为不担心自己饮食的人会更胖更不健康,实际情况却刚好相反。 Whateverofficialnewsbroadcastsclaimed, hebelievedthe reverse.不管官方新闻报什么,他都只相信相反的消息。 the back of acoin,medal, etc. (硬币、奖章等的)反面,背面Thecoinhas aroyalcoatofarmson the reverse.硬币的背面有王室盾徽的图案。 - Conventiondictatesthat it is the man whoasksthe woman tomarryhim and not the reverse.
- "So is hehappier?" "Quite the reverse. I've neverseenhim moremiserable."
- It's astrangesituation- it's the reverse of what you'dexpect.
- Ithoughtthat she'd behappieroncehe washomebut infactthe reverse istrue.
- Andrewtendstolookafter thekidswhile Marie does thehouseworkwhich is the reverse of thishousehold.
in reverse (order) C1in theoppositeorderor way 向相反方向;倒;逆Tostoptheengine, yourepeatthe sameprocedures, but in reverse (order).要想关掉发动机,你得按相反顺序重复同样的步骤。 C2[U](alsoreverse gear)themethodofcontrollingavehiclethat makes it gobackwards 倒车挡To gobackwards, you mustputthecarin/intoreverse (gear).要想倒车,你得挂倒车挡。 [C]formaladefeatorfailure 失败;挫折Theysufferedaseriousmilitary/politicalreverse.他们遭受了一次重大的军事/政治失败。 reverse| American Dictionarytocausesomething to go in theoppositedirection,order, orposition: [T]Thegroupistryingto reverse thetrendtowarddevelopingthewetlands. reverse
Repeat thestepsin reverseordertoshutthesystemoff. theoppositedirection,order, orposition: [U]Acarcame down thestreetin reverse. A reverse is also adefeatorfailure: [C]Hesufferedaseriesoffinancialreverses in the 1980s. (Definition ofreversefrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)reverse| Business English[T]tochangeadecision,plan, etc. so that itbecomestheoppositeof what it was before: Management havereversedtheirdecisionon thematter. [IorT]tostopthingshappening, or tostophappening, in aparticularway: reverse a process/trendWe have to do something to reverse thetrendofpeoplemovingaway toseekwork. Thestrugglingretailerhasslashedpricesin anattemptto reverse thedeclineinsales. Thetrendisexpectedto reverse nextyear. [T]tostarttobehaveor to do things in a way that is theoppositeof whathappenedbefore: Theupwardtrendinpricesmaysoonreversecourse. Customerfeedbackforcedthem toreversedirection. [T]LAWtochangealegaldecisionin acourtoflaw: Thecourtofappealreversed theverdictinJune. reverse (the) chargesUK(UScall collect) COMMUNICATIONSto make aphonecallthat ispaidfor by thepersonwhoreceivesit: Call me from theairportand reverse thecharges. formalaproblemorfailurethat makes it moredifficultfor apersonororganizationto besuccessful: Thecompanysuffereda reverse on thetradingmarket. (alsothe reverse)theoppositeof something: Thedirectorassuredus thecompanywas doing well, but itturnedout that the reverse wastrue. the reverse of sthHerapproachtomarketingis the reverse of what we have done sofar. the othersideof apieceofpaper, etc.: Writeyouraccountdetailson the reverse of thecheque. be in reverse/go into reverse FINANCEif somethingrelatingtofinancegoes into reverse, itstartstolosevalue: Theshareswere in reverse for alongtime. If we don't get anysalesgrowth,profitswill go into reverse. theoppositeof what has just beenmentioned: Althoughintendedtoreassureshareholders, thisstrategyclearlyhadthe reverseeffect. going in theoppositedirectionfrom what usuallyhappensor what hashappenedbefore : Wereviewedall thefiguresin reversechronologicalorder. used todescribethe othersideof apieceofpaper, etc.: She made anoteon thereversesideof the lastpage. (Definition ofreversefrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofreversereverse In a separate session, the orientations of the gratings were reversed so that each eye viewed each orientation in a counterbalanced design.From theCambridge English Corpus To isolate the problem, assume that if satisfactory reasoning is not forthcoming, the decision can be reversed.From theCambridge English Corpus The gender switch produces humor, but it does not disrupt or reconfigure gender relations or hierarchies; instead, it temporarily reverses them.From theCambridge English Corpus The opposite direction was created by reversing the order.From theCambridge English Corpus However, this trend was reversed later : living with relatives became commonplace for 75 per cent of single old women.From theCambridge English Corpus To this should be added that the alienation expressed through modernist rupture cannot simply be reversed.From theCambridge English Corpus The effect of syllable length on tokens in onsets and in codas was reversed when we considered the effect of ordinal syllable position on deletion.From theCambridge English Corpus Simply by turning over the ideas, the conclusion can be reversed.From theCambridge English Corpus The values of these response categories were reversed for the positive affect items.From theCambridge English Corpus In less than two decades, the province reversed its diversified productive pattern and became specialised in sugar production.From theCambridge English Corpus In the following empirical analyses, however, the numerator and the denominator are reversed so that higher scores indicate increased party policy extremism.From theCambridge English Corpus Lexical transducers have been used extensively for morphological analysis, and in theory a finite-state transducer implementing an analyser can be reversed to produce a generator.From theCambridge English Corpus Interestingly, the relationship between having a child at home and political participation is reversed between those with a partner and those without.From theCambridge English Corpus Finally, identical results were obtained when the deactivation protocol order was reversed (right, bilateral, then left).From theCambridge English Corpus Such changes are not automatically reversed as the economy improves.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/reverse## |