to (causesomething to) getbetter:
改进,改善He did a lot to improveconditionsforfactoryworkers.他为改善工厂工人的工作条件做了许多工作。
Ithoughtthebestway to improve myFrenchwas tolivein France.我认为提高我的法语的最好办法是在法国生活。
Herhealthhas improveddramaticallysince shestartedon this newdiet.自从开始这种新的饮食,她的健康状况大为改善。
to improve something
- improveHis health has improved dramatically since he started exercising.
- get betterThe first part of the book isn't very good but it gets better.
- rallyThe team played badly in the first half but rallied in the second.
- recoverWe are still waiting for the economy to recover.
- look upOur financial situation is looking up.
- pick upBusiness is really beginning to pick up.
- Someathletestakedrugsto improvetheirperformance.
- Thiswinewill improve withage.
- Studiessuggestthatregularintakeof thevitaminsignificantlyimprovesbrainfunction.
- Myqualityoflifehas improvedtremendouslysince Imovedto thecountry.
- Compare somerecentworkwithyourolderstuffand you'llseehow much you've improved.
Becoming better
- alive
- bloom
- blossom
- bounce
- by/in leaps and boundsidiom
- come aliveidiom
- come along
- consolidate
- heal
- move on to bigger/better thingsidiom
- on the up (and up)idiom
- perk
- perk(someone)up
- pick
- rally
- sharpen(something)up
- sharpen up your actidiom
- straighten
- straighten up
- turn around
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Making things better
Phrasal verb
improve on/uponsomething