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pinnoun[C](PIECE OF METAL)B1asmallthinpieceofmetalwith apointat one end,especiallyused fortemporarilyholdingpiecesofclothtogether: (尤指用于固定布料用的)别针,大头针 I'llkeepthetrouserpatchinplacewith pins while Isewit on.在把裤子的补丁缝上去时,我会用别针把它固定好。  akiyoko/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages athinpieceofmetal: 钉,楔,销,栓If youpullthe pin out of a hand-grenade, it'llexplode.拉掉手榴弹上的保险针它就会爆炸。 a two-pin/three-pinelectricalplug那是两相插头还是三相插头? Doctorsinsertedametalpin in hislegtoholdthebonestogether.医生们把一根钢针钉进他腿里把骨头固定住。 adecorativeobject, used asjewellery: 饰针 Peter_Horvath/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages  shutterman99/iStock / Getty Images Plus/GettyImages - Hestuckup anoticeon theboardwith pins.
- She'd used some pins toholdtheseamtogether.
- I've notstitchedthehemyet, it's justheldup with pins.
- Don'tprickyourself on those pins.
- They had toinserta pin into hiskneejoint.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesKnitting & sewing - appliqué
- appliquéd
- Aran
- Bargello
- baste
- haberdashery
- handknit
- handknitted
- hank
- hem
- overcast
- quilting
- reknit
- resew
- rib
- runsomethingup
- running stitch
- sampler
- seam
- sew
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Pins, clips, hooks & pegs Jewelry pinnoun[C](INTERNET IMAGE)animagethat you cansaveandsharewith otherpeopleon Pinterest(= asocialmediawebsite): You canorganizepins into differenttopics. Most pinslinkback to theoriginalwebsitetheyappearedon. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesInternet terminology - above/below the foldidiom
- address bar
- affiliate link
- affiliate marketing
- all-you-can-eat
- domain name
- internet
- internet café
- internet-enabled
- interweb
- IP
- keyboard warrior
- podcast
- refresh
- shopping basket
- unlike
- upvote
- user experience
- utility computing
- UX
See more results » pinnoun[C](LEG)[usually plural]old-fashionedhumorousaleg: 腿 Grandpa's veryoldnow and he's veryshakyon his pins.爷爷现在年纪很大了,走路有点不稳。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesThe leg - Achilles tendon
- appendicular
- bipedal
- crural
- cruris
- gastrocnemius
- hamstring
- leggy
- limb
- peroneal
- peroneus
- pes anserinus
- piriformis
- popliteal
- shank
- subtalar
- surae
- sural
- talocalcaneal
- talofibular
See more results » pinnoun[C](IN CHESS)gamesspecializedIn thegameofchess, a pin is aspecialmovethatstopsthe otherplayerfrommovingone oftheirpieces, because tomoveit will put another morevaluablepieceindanger: 牵制,困子(国际象棋中“牵制”或“困子”,是特殊的一步,移动后阻止另一方移动棋子,因为移动棋子会使另一个更重要的棋子有危险) Thatnastypinstoppedme frommovingmyknight.这步讨厌的牵制,使我无法移动我的马。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBoard games - backgammon
- bishop
- blitz
- board game
- castle
- Chinese chequers
- Chutes and Ladders
- counterplay
- defence
- draught
- endgame
- forfeit
- gambit
- move
- pawn
- queen
- queenside
- re-roll
- resign
- square
See more results » pinverb(FASTEN)B1[T+ adv/prep]tofastensomething with a pin: (用别针等)别住,钉住,固定住 Alargepictureof thepresidentwas pinnedto/(up) ontheofficewall.总统的巨幅照片钉在了办公室的墙上。 She had pinnedupherbeautifullonghair.她把她那美丽的长发用发夹别了起来。 [T]USold-fashionedWhen ayoungman pins ayoungwoman, he gives her apieceofjewelleryto show that theyloveeach other. (青年男子)向(青年女子)赠送首饰 - Aflowerwas pinned to herlapel.
- She'd pinned abroochon herjacket.
- He pinned anoticeon theboard.
- We're notallowedto pin anything on thesewalls.
- He had aredribbonpinned to hiscollar.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesFastening and tying - anchor
- bale
- be locked togetheridiom
- belay
- bind
- boardsomethingup
- bound
- bowline
- granny knot
- half hitch
- harness
- hobble
- hogtie
- stake
- strap
- strapsomeonein
- strapsomethingup
- tack
- tapesomethingup
- tether
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Relationships: finding a partner pinverb(SAVE ON COMPUTER/PHONE)[T]tocopyandsaveawebsitelink,computerprogram,emailmessage, etc. andaddit to asocialmediapageor aplaceonyourcomputerscreen: You canseewho has pinnedimagesfromyourblog. Sheshowedme how to pin awebsiteto thetaskbar. The pinnedtweetstaysat thetopofyourprofilepage, so it’s the first thingpeoplereadwhen theyaccessthatpage. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesInternet terminology - above/below the foldidiom
- address bar
- affiliate link
- affiliate marketing
- all-you-can-eat
- domain name
- internet
- internet café
- internet-enabled
- interweb
- IP
- keyboard warrior
- podcast
- refresh
- shopping basket
- unlike
- upvote
- user experience
- utility computing
- UX
See more results » pinverb(STOP MOVEMENT)[T+ adv/prep]toforcesomeone or something tostayin aparticularplaceby puttingweighton him, her, or it: 按住,压住 She was pinned(down) underapileofrubble.她被压在了一堆碎石下面。 Aguyleapedout at me and pinned me(up) againstthewall.一个家伙向我扑过来,把我按在了墙上。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCapturing or taking possession of things - -grabbing
- apprehend
- apprehension
- arrogate
- at bayidiom
- cage
- capture
- catch
- clutch
- collar
- entangle
- get/lay/putyourhands onsomeoneidiom
- grab
- grabber
- repo
- repo man
- repossess
- seize
- sequester
- sequestration
See more results » Idiomspin backyourears pinyourhopes onsomething/someone Phrasal verbspinsomeonedown pinsomethingdown pinsomethingonsomeone abbreviationforpersonal identification number: asecretnumberthat apersonuses together with aspecialcardto getmoneyfromtheirbankaccountout of amachine, or whenpayingbycreditcard 个人身份识别码;银行卡密码(personal identification number 的缩写)SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBanks - anti-city
- bancassurance
- bank
- building society
- cash drawer
- challenger bank
- chequebook
- clearing bank
- credit
- credit union
- debit
- debit column
- deposit
- electronic banking
- giro
- investment bank
- landbanking
- pay
- safe deposit box
- statement
See more results » (Definition ofpinfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)pinnoun[C](METAL STICK)B1asmallthinpieceofmetalwith apointat one end,especiallyused fortemporarilyholdingpiecesofclothtogether (尤指用于固定布料用的)别针,大头针I'llkeepthetrouserpatchinplacewith pins while Isewit on.在把裤子的补丁缝上去时,我会用别针把它固定好。 钉,楔,销,栓If youpullthe pin out of a hand-grenade, it'llexplode.拉掉手榴弹上的保险针它就会爆炸。 a two-pin/three-pinelectricalplug那是两相插头还是三相插头? Doctorsinsertedametalpin in hislegtoholdthebonestogether.医生们把一根钢针钉进他腿里把骨头固定住。 adecorativeobject, used asjewellery - Hestuckup anoticeon theboardwith pins.
- She'd used some pins toholdtheseamtogether.
- I've notstitchedthehemyet, it's justheldup with pins.
- Don'tprickyourself on those pins.
- They had toinserta pin into hiskneejoint.
pinnoun[C](LEG)[usually plural]old-fashionedhumorousaleg 腿Grandpa's veryoldnow and he's veryshakyon his pins.爷爷现在年纪很大了,走路有点不稳。 pinnoun[C](IN CHESS)gamesspecializedIn thegameofchess, a pin is aspecialmovethatstopsthe otherplayerfrommovingone oftheirpieces, because tomoveit will put another morevaluablepieceindanger. 牵制,困子(国际象棋中“牵制”或“困子”,是特殊的一步,移动后阻止另一方移动棋子,因为移动棋子会使另一个更重要的棋子有危险)Thatnastypinstoppedme frommovingmyknight.这步讨厌的牵制,使我无法移动我的马。 pinverb(METAL STICK)B1[T+ adv/prep]tofastensomething with a pin (用别针等)别住,钉住,固定住Alargepictureof thepresidentwas pinnedto/(up) ontheofficewall.总统的巨幅照片钉在了办公室的墙上。 She had pinnedupherbeautifullonghair.她把她那美丽的长发用发夹别了起来。 [T]USold-fashionedWhen ayoungman pins ayoungwoman, he gives her apieceofjewelleryto show that theyloveeach other. (青年男子)向(青年女子)赠送首饰 - Aflowerwas pinned to herlapel.
- She'd pinned abroochon herjacket.
- He pinned anoticeon theboard.
- We're notallowedto pin anything on thesewalls.
- He had aredribbonpinned to hiscollar.
pinverb(STOP MOVEMENT)[T+ adv/prep]toforcesomeone or something tostayin aparticularplaceby puttingweighton him, her, or it 按住,压住She was pinned(down) underapileofrubble.她被压在了一堆碎石下面。 Aguyleapedout at me and pinned me(up) againstthewall.一个家伙向我扑过来,把我按在了墙上。 Idiomspin backyourears pinyourhopes onsth/sb Phrasal verbspinsbdown pinsthdown pinsthonsb abbreviationforpersonal identification number: asecretnumberthat apersonuses together with aspecialcardto getmoneyfromtheirbankaccountout of amachine, or whenpayingbycreditcard 个人身份识别码;银行卡密码(personal identification number 的缩写) pinnoun[C](FASTENER)athinpieceofstiffwirewith apointedend that you canstickthrough two things tofastenthem together: Mary put a pin in herhairtoholdherhaton. A pin can also bedecorativeand used asjewelry: Sheworeabeautifulgoldpin on hercoat. pinverb(HOLD FIRMLY)[Talways+ adv/prep]toholdsomeone or somethingfirmlyin the samepositionorplace: After theearthquakethere were severalpeoplepinned in thewreckage. fig.No one could pin thelabelof "conservative" on him(=callhim that). pinverb(FASTENER)Shekeptamapof Manhattan pinned on thewall. Phrasal verbspinsomeonedown pinsomethingonsomeone/something pin downsomething pin downsomeone abbreviation forpersonalidentificationnumber(= asecretnumberthat can bereadby acomputertoprovewho you are): Ipunchedmy PIN into theATMmachineand took out $100. (Definition ofpinfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)abbreviationforpersonalidentificationnumber: asecretnumberused with abankcardorcreditcardto getmoneyfrom acashmachineorpayforgoodsin astore: PleaseenteryourPINnumber. (Definition ofPINfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofpinpin The specimen is rather damaged and as one wing was badly broken it was removed and mounted for pinning below the insect.From theCambridge English Corpus In this world, the intention of speech acts is impossible topindown, meaning is inaccessible, language opaque.From theCambridge English Corpus The output of our algorithm is a (possibly empty) range of criticalpinheights for the part at each of its stable orientations.From theCambridge English Corpus The office pedagogy includespin-ups and site visits.From theCambridge English Corpus It is therefore difficult topindown the concept to any single meaningful indicator.From theCambridge English Corpus Unfortunately, these questions have no easy answers, in large part because of the difficulty of pinning down what we mean by "culture," exactly.From theCambridge English Corpus For one thing, our taxonomic considerations have shown that the nature of collectives is not easy topindown.From theCambridge English Corpus A plug has a key way and a set of holes through which the pins can slide.From theCambridge English Corpus Rather than the immediate action, we would like to know what the final outcome will be after the part interacts with apin.From theCambridge English Corpus All this makes the discussion frequently incoherent and hard topindown.From theCambridge English Corpus Five matched sets of raceme explants (10 racemes) were removed from each of four plants withpin-type flowers and four plants with thrum-type flowers.From theCambridge English Corpus The exact effects of the resulting two decades of stalemate are difficult topindown, but two are unmistakable.From theCambridge English Corpus To prevent accidental legitimate cross-pollination, plants withpin-type flowers and plants with thrumtype flowers were grown in separate chambers.From theCambridge English Corpus Worms, transferred to microtitre plates using insect pins, were placed individually in the bottom of a well containing 200 l of water.From theCambridge English Corpus It has been developed as a technique, whose role is topindown the ever-changing world of service delivery.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/pin## |