play verb (ENJOY )
A1 [I ] When you play,especiallyas achild, youspendtimedoing anenjoyableand/orentertainingactivity:
(尤指儿童)玩,玩耍 Thechildrenspenttheafternoonplayingwith theirnewtoys. 孩子们下午在玩自己的新玩具。
Mydaughterused to playwith thekidsnextdoor. 我女儿过去常跟隔壁的孩子们玩。
Children were playing on thevillagegreen. I'm not playing with him, he's notniceto me! Erikneededa goodwashafter playing in thegardenallday. IaskedSophie if shewantedto come round and play with Isabel. It'snicetohearchildrenplaying in thestreet. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesChildren's games
dress-up box dressing-up box follow-my-leader French cricket go fish Hacky Sack hide-and-seek hopscotch jack leapfrog musical chairs painting painting by numbers idiom peekaboo piggy in the middle piggyback Pokémon tag trick-or-treating warm See more results »
play verb (GAME )
A1 [I orT ] to takepartin agameor otherorganizedactivity:
参加(游戏、比赛等) Do youwantto playcards/football(with us)? 你想(和我们)打牌/踢球吗?
Irene won't beableto playin thetennismatchonSaturday. 艾琳星期六不能参加网球比赛。
Whichteamdo you playfor ? 你为哪支球队效力?
Luke plays centre-forward(= plays in thatpositionwithin theteam) . 卢克踢中锋。
B1 [T ] tocompeteagainst apersonorteamin agame:
与…比赛 Who are the Giants playing nextweek? 下星期巨人队和哪个队比赛?
[T ] tohitorkickaballin agame:
踢(球),击打(球) He played theballbackto thegoalkeeper. 他把球踢回给守门员。
A goodpoolplayertakestimedecidingwhichshotto play. 一个优秀的台球选手会从容考虑击哪个球。
[T ] (in acardgame) tochooseacardfrom theonesyou areholdingand put it down on thetable:
出(牌) She played theaceofspades. 她出了一张黑桃 A。
Thechildrenhad anargumentabout whatgameto play. I usually playfootballwith some of mymatesfrom theofficeonSaturdays. We need aminimumof tenpeopleto play thisgame. She waspickedto play for theteam. Susan is playinggolfeverydaytotrytoimprovehergame. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSports & games generally
battleship board sport buildering choose choose up sb/sth classic cross-country defensively game high jinks insurance multi-sport parasport parkour pickup pre-game snooker sport the first person TTRPG See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Competing in sport
General terms used in ball sports
Card games
play verb (ACT )
B1 [I orT ] toperformanentertainmentor aparticularcharacterin a play,film, etc.:
扮演,演出 ScottishOpera playedto fullhouseseverynight. 苏格兰歌剧院每晚演出都爆满。
I didn'trealizethat "Macbeth" was playing(= beingperformed) at thefestival. 我没想到《麦克白》正在艺术节上演。
In themovieversion, Branagh played thehero. 在电影版中,布拉那扮演主人公。
[T ] tobehaveorpretendin aparticularway,especiallyinordertoproduceaparticulareffectorresult:
假装,装扮 to playdead/dumb 装死/哑巴
Would youmindplayinghost (=entertainingtheguests) ? 你来招待客人好吗?
play a joke/trick
B2 todeceivesomeone to make themlaughor inorderto get anadvantageover them:
开玩笑;搞恶作剧 Shelovesplayingpracticaljokeson herfriends. 她喜欢对她的朋友们搞恶作剧。
When Isawthegun, my firstthoughtwas that he must be playing ajoke.
Hethoughtsomeone wastryingto play ajokeon him when hereceivedtheemail.
Onespring, hisstudentsplayed atrickon him byhidinghisbooks.
Sometimesournervoussystemcan playnastytrickson thebody.
play a part
B2 tohelptoachievesomething:
(在…中)起作用 Mythanksto everyone who has played apartin savingthehospital. 我向参与拯救这家医院的每一个人表示感谢。
Bettersanitationhelpedtoeradicatemalaria, butDDTalso played apart.
Thegovernmentwantsus all to play apartinfightingterrorism.
Some of thepeoplewho will play apartinrebuildingthecountryarereturningthere for the firsttimeindecades.
Vargas plays thepartoftreacherousaristocratwhobetrayshiskingandcountry. In themovie, he plays aconcernedandsensitivefathertryingtobringup twoteenagechildrenon his own. She plays thepartof thesexyblondewaitress. In Britishpantomimesa mandressesup as theDameand a woman plays thepartof theyounghero. Not solongago Viviana was a little-knownactressplaying in aprovincialtheatre. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCinema & theatre: acting, rehearsing & performing
act out amateur theater appear appearance blocking camp chew chew the scenery idiom greasepaint improvisation interpreter method acting re-enactment recreation rep tread walk walk throughsomething walkthrough wrap party See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Behaving, interacting and behaviour
Cheating & tricking
Helping and co-operating
A2 [I orT ] toperformmusicon aninstrumentorinstruments:
演奏,弹拨,吹奏(乐器);播放 Helearnedto play theclarinetat theageof ten. 他10岁就开始学习吹奏单簧管。
[+ two objects ] Play us asong!/Play asongfor us! 给我们奏支曲子吧!
On Radio London they playAfricanandSouthAmericanmusicas well asrockandpop. 伦敦广播电台不仅播放摇滚和流行音乐,还播放非洲和南美洲的音乐。
They couldhearajazzbandplaying in thedistance. 他们可以听到远处的爵士乐队在演奏。
A2 [I orT ] to (causeamachineto)producesoundor apicture:
(使)演奏;(使)播放 Play the last fewminutesof thevideoagain. 把录像带的最后几分钟再放一遍。
Jean plays theguitarand herbrotheris onpercussion. Suddenly,cymbalscrashedand theorchestrabeganplaying. I'm playing in aconcertat thechurchhallnextweekend. I'veaskedthem not to playtheirmusicsoloudly, but they're not being verycooperative. Thefamilyall playinstruments- they're all verymusical. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPlaying music
accompaniment accompany air guitar beatsomething out beatbox blow pick picksomeone/something out pitch play (something ) by ear idiom playability playable pump roof tap transpose transposition ultra-smooth vibe wah-wah See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Recording sounds and images
Using and misusing
play verb (MOVE )
[I orT ] todirector bedirectedover or onto something:
(使)发射(或喷射、照射) Firefighters playedtheirhoses onto thebaseof thefire. 消防队员把水龙头对准火源。
Afountainwas playing(=sendingoutwater) in thecourtyardoutside. 外面院子里有个喷泉在喷水。
[I + adv/prep ] (of something yousee, such aslight) tomovequicklyor beseenfor ashorttime:
(光等)快速移动,闪现,浮现 Asmileplayedacross/over/on hislips. 他的唇角闪过一丝微笑。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesGeneral words for movement
betake budge budge up carry circulate dad dancing gangway kinetic kinetic energy libration locomotion mill around motion movement pass round scoot seethe shove slip See more results »
play verb (RISK MONEY )
[T ] toriskmoney,especiallyon theresultsofracesorbusinessdeals ,hopingtowinmoremoney:
赌,投机 He playsthehorses /thestockmarket . 他玩赌马/炒股。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesGambling & bookmaking
a/the bookmaker's phrase ante anti-gambling bank bet blackjack casino chip co-favourite cockfight favourite poker machine punt raffle slot machine stakesomething onsomething sweepstake toss up trifecta turf accountant See more results »
Idioms be playing atsomething
go play with yourself!
have it all to play for
havesomething to play with
play big
play the race, gender, etc. card
playsomeone attheir own game
playyour cards right
play (something ) by ear
play it by ear
play (merry) hell withsomething
play (it) safe
play it straight
play a joke/trick onsomeone
play ball
play both ends against the middle
play fair
play footsie
play for time
play games
play God
play hard to get
play hardball
play it cool
play possum
play sb on
play second fiddle
play silly buggers
play small
play the field
play the game
play the system
play to the gallery
play to the whistle
Phrasal verbs play along
play around
play around withsomething
play atsomething
playsomething back
playsomething down
play off
playsomeone/something off againstsomeone/something
play on
play on/uponsomething
playsomething out
playitself out
play out
playsomething up
play(someone) up
play up
play up tosomeone
play withsomething
play withyourself
play noun (ACTING )
A2 [C ] apieceof writing that isintendedto beactedin atheatreor onradioortelevision:
剧本;戏剧 aradioplay 广播剧
"Did youseethe play(= theperformanceof the play) onThursday?" "No, I went onWednesdaynight." “你星期四去看的那出戏吗?”“不,我星期三去的。”
He's got asmallpartin theschoolplay. In Shakespeare's play 'Twelfth Night', Duke Orsinofallsinlovewith thedisguisedViola. Duringcertainscenesof the play there isn't anyscriptand theactorsjustimprovise. The play will beperformedfirst in London, and will thentourtherestof thecountry. Hislatestplay hasdelightedtheatreaudiencesandtheatrecriticsalike. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesLiterature
action hero alliterative alternative history anapest anti-literary femslash fictionality fictive free verse genre fiction ode passion play pentameter poem poesy tartan noir theatrics topos tragedy tragicomic See more results »
play noun (GAME )
[U ] theactivityof takingpartin asportor agame:
比赛 Rainstoppedplay during thefinalof theNationalTennis Championship. 下雨使全国网球锦标赛的决赛中断了。
[C ] US aplanor asmallset ofactionsin asport:
打法;比赛中的动作 The newpitchermade agreatplay on thatthrowto firstbase. 新投手向一垒投出了精彩的一球。
in play
If aballis in play, it is in apositionwhere it can behit,kicked, orthrown:
Shemanagedtokeeptheballin play. 她成功地把球救了回来。
Therefereeletthegamecarryon as theballwas in play.
Thematchwas verybroken, with theballin play for atotalof only 41minutes.
out of play
If aballis out of play, it is not in apositionwhere it can behit,kicked, orthrown:
Theballhad gone out of play. 这个球成了死球。
Intennis, theballis out of play if it goesoutsidethelinesorbouncesmore thanonce.
By the end of the day's play Davies had aleadof threepoints. There was sometrulymagnificentplay in the third set of thematch. Play willresumehere at Wimbledon at 2 p.m.tomorrow. Could it be that thechampionisallowinghispersonalproblemstoaffecthis play? We'veseensome veryuntidyplay from bothteamssincehalf-time. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCompeting in sport
bring bringsomeone on bye bye week catchup clash distance duel explosive flying start gear go the distance idiom match non-competitor outduel park the bus idiom partner up play big idiom square weigh See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Sports & games generally
General terms used in ball sports
play noun (ENJOYMENT )
B2 [U ] activitythat is notseriousbut done forenjoyment,especiallywhenchildrenenjoythemselves withtoysandgames:
玩,玩耍 Thekidsdon't get muchtimefor play in theevenings. 孩子们晚上没有多少时间玩。
Wewatchedthechildrenat play in thepark. 我们看着公园里玩耍的孩子们。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesGeneral words for fun
amusement crack craic fling fun gas giggle hoopla horseplay jollification laugh lolz merriment riot rough rough and tumble idiom sesh sport whimsy
play noun (MOVEMENT )
the play ofmoonlightacross thewater 水面上月光闪烁
the play ofemotionacross/on hisface 他面部表情的变化
[U ] thefactthat aropeor astructureisfreetomove,especiallyasmalldistance:
(尤指小幅度的)伸缩余地;间隙;活动空间 Aircraftwingsaredesignedto have acertainamountof play in them. 飞机的机翼设计得有一定的弹性空间。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesGeneral words for movement
betake budge budge up carry circulate dad dancing gangway kinetic kinetic energy libration locomotion mill around motion movement pass round scoot seethe shove slip See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Flexible, loose and yielding
Grammar Play orgame ?
Play as a noun means ‘a piece of dramatic writing for the theatre or radio or television’: …
Play as a noun means ‘a piece of dramatic writing for the theatre or radio or television’: …
Game is a noun. We use it to talk about sports or other entertaining activities: …
Idioms come into play
give/allowsomething full play
make a play forsomething/someone
play on words
(Definition ofplay from theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
play verb (ENJOY )
A1 [I ] When you play,especiallyas achild, youspendtimedoing anenjoyableand/orentertainingactivity.
(尤指儿童)玩,玩耍 Thechildrenspenttheafternoonplayingwith theirnewtoys. 孩子们下午在玩自己的新玩具。
Mydaughterused to playwith thekidsnextdoor. 我女儿过去常跟隔壁的孩子们玩。
Children were playing on thevillagegreen. I'm not playing with him, he's notniceto me! Erikneededa goodwashafter playing in thegardenallday. IaskedSophie if shewantedto come round and play with Isabel. It'snicetohearchildrenplaying in thestreet.
play verb (GAME )
A1 [I orT ] to takepartin agameor otherorganizedactivity
参加(游戏、比赛等) Do youwantto playcards/football(with us)? 你想(和我们)打牌/踢球吗?
Irene won't beableto playin thetennismatchonSaturday. 艾琳星期六不能参加网球比赛。
Whichteamdo you playfor ? 你为哪支球队效力?
Luke plays centre-forward(= plays in thatpositionwithin theteam) . 卢克踢中锋。
B1 [T ] tocompeteagainst apersonorteamin agame
与…比赛 Who are the Giants playing nextweek? 下星期巨人队和哪个队比赛?
[T ] tohitorkickaballin agame
踢(球),击打(球) He played theballbackto thegoalkeeper. 他把球踢回给守门员。
A goodpoolplayertakestimedecidingwhichshotto play. 一个优秀的台球选手会从容考虑击哪个球。
[T ] (in acardgame) tochooseacardfrom theonesyou areholdingand put it down on thetable
出(牌) She played theaceofspades. 她出了一张黑桃 A。
Thechildrenhad anargumentabout whatgameto play. I usually playfootballwith some of mymatesfrom theofficeon Saturdays. We need aminimumof tenpeopleto play thisgame. She waspickedto play for theteam. Susan is playinggolfeverydaytotrytoimprovehergame.
play verb (ACT )
B1 [I orT ] toperformanentertainmentor aparticularcharacterin a play,film, etc.
扮演,演出 ScottishOpera playedto fullhouseseverynight. 苏格兰歌剧院每晚演出都爆满。
I didn'trealizethat "Macbeth" was playing(= beingperformed) at thefestival. 我没想到《麦克白》正在艺术节上演。
In themovieversion, Branagh played thehero. 在电影版中,布拉那扮演主人公。
[T ] tobehaveorpretendin aparticularway,especiallyinordertoproduceaparticulareffectorresult
假装,装扮 to playdead/dumb 装死/哑巴
Would youmindplayinghost (=entertainingtheguests) ? 你来招待客人好吗?
play a joke/trick
B2 todeceivesomeone to make themlaughor inorderto get anadvantageover them
开玩笑;搞恶作剧 Shelovesplayingpracticaljokeson herfriends. 她喜欢对她的朋友们搞恶作剧。
play a part
B2 tohelptoachievesomething
(在…中)起作用 Mythanksto everyone who has played apartin savingthehospital. 我向参与拯救这家医院的每一个人表示感谢。
Vargas plays thepartoftreacherousaristocratwhobetrayshiskingandcountry. In themovie, he plays aconcernedandsensitivefathertryingtobringup twoteenagechildrenon his own. She plays thepartof thesexyblondewaitress. In Britishpantomimesa mandressesup as theDameand a woman plays thepartof theyounghero. Not solongago Viviana was a little-knownactressplaying in aprovincialtheatre.
A2 [I orT ] toperformmusicon aninstrumentorinstruments
演奏,弹拨,吹奏(乐器);播放 Helearnedto play theclarinetat theageof ten. 他10岁就开始学习吹奏单簧管。
[+ two objects ] Play us asong!/Play asongfor us! 给我们奏支曲子吧!
On Radio London they playAfricanandSouthAmericanmusicas well asrockandpop. 伦敦广播电台不仅播放摇滚和流行音乐,还播放非洲和南美洲的音乐。
They couldhearajazzbandplaying in thedistance. 他们可以听到远处的爵士乐队在演奏。
A2 [I orT ] to (causeamachineto)producesoundor apicture
(使)演奏;(使)播放 Play the last fewminutesof thevideoagain. 把录像带的最后几分钟再放一遍。
Jean plays theguitarand herbrotheris onpercussion. Suddenly,cymbalscrashedand theorchestrabeganplaying. I'm playing in aconcertat thechurchhallnextweekend. I'veaskedthem not to playtheirmusicsoloudly, but they're not being verycooperative. Thefamilyall playinstruments- they're all verymusical.
play verb (MOVE )
[I orT ] todirector bedirectedover or onto something
(使)发射(或喷射、照射) Firefighters playedtheirhoses onto thebaseof thefire. 消防队员把水龙头对准火源。
Afountainwas playing(=sendingoutwater) in thecourtyardoutside. 外面院子里有个喷泉在喷水。
[I + adv/prep ] (of something yousee, such aslight) tomovequicklyor beseenfor ashorttime
(光等)快速移动,闪现,浮现 Asmileplayedacross/over/on hislips. 他的唇角闪过一丝微笑。
play verb (RISK MONEY )
[T ] toriskmoney,especiallyon theresultsofracesorbusinessdeals ,hopingtowinmoremoney
赌,投机 He playsthehorses /thestockmarket . 他玩赌马/炒股。
Idioms be playing atsth
go play with yourself!
havesth to play with
playsb attheir own game
playyour cards right
play (sth ) by ear
play it by ear
play (merry) hell withsth
play (it) safe
play a joke/trick onsb
play ball
play both ends against the middle
play fair
play footsie
play for time
play games
play God
play hard to get
play hardball
play it cool
play possum
play second fiddle
play silly buggers
play the field
play the game
play the system
play to the gallery
play to the whistle
Phrasal verbs play along
play around
play around withsth
play atsth
playsth back
playsth down
play off
playsb/sth off againstsb/sth
play on/uponsth
playsth out
playitself out
play out
playsth up
play(sb) up
play up
play up tosb
play withsth
play withyourself
play noun (ACTING )
A2 [C ] apieceof writing that isintendedto beactedin atheatreor onradioortelevision
剧本;戏剧 aradioplay 广播剧
"Did youseethe play(= theperformanceof the play) onThursday?" "No, I went onWednesdaynight." “你星期四去看的那出戏吗?”“不,我星期三去的。”
He's got asmallpartin theschoolplay. In Shakespeare's play 'Twelfth Night', Duke Orsinofallsinlovewith thedisguisedViola. Duringcertainscenesof the play there isn't anyscriptand theactorsjustimprovise. The play will beperformedfirst in London, and will thentourtherestof thecountry. Hislatestplay hasdelightedtheatreaudiencesandtheatrecriticsalike.
play noun (GAME )
[U ] theactivityof takingpartin asportor agame
比赛 Rainstoppedplay during thefinalof the National Tennis Championship. 下雨使全国网球锦标赛的决赛中断了。
[C ] US aplanor asmallset ofactionsin asport
打法;比赛中的动作 The newpitchermade agreatplay on thatthrowto firstbase. 新投手向一垒投出了精彩的一球。
in/out of play
If aballis in/out of play, it is/is not in apositionwhere it can behit,kicked, orthrown.
(球)处于可/不可比赛状态,在非死球/死球区域 Theballhad gone out of play. 这个球成了死球。
Shemanagedtokeeptheballin play. 她成功地把球救了回来。
By the end of the day's play Davies had aleadof threepoints. There was sometrulymagnificentplay in the third set of thematch. Play willresumehere at Wimbledon at 2 p.m.tomorrow. Could it be that thechampionisallowinghispersonalproblemstoaffecthis play? We'veseensome veryuntidyplay from bothteamssincehalf-time.
play noun (ENJOYMENT )
B2 [U ] activitythat is notseriousbut done forenjoyment,especiallywhenchildrenenjoythemselves withtoysandgames
玩,玩耍 Thekidsdon't get muchtimefor play in theevenings. 孩子们晚上没有多少时间玩。
Wewatchedthechildrenat play in thepark. 我们看着公园里玩耍的孩子们。
play noun (MOVEMENT )
移动,活动;变幻;闪现 the play ofmoonlightacross thewater 水面上月光闪烁
the play ofemotionacross/on hisface 他面部表情的变化
[U ] thefactthat aropeor astructureisfreetomove,especiallyasmalldistance
(尤指小幅度的)伸缩余地;间隙;活动空间 Aircraftwingsaredesignedto have acertainamountof play in them. 飞机的机翼设计得有一定的弹性空间。
Grammar Play orgame ?
Play as a noun means ‘a piece of dramatic writing for the theatre or radio or television’: …
Play as a noun means ‘a piece of dramatic writing for the theatre or radio or television’: …
Game is a noun. We use it to talk about sports or other entertaining activities: …
Idioms come into play
give/allowsth full play
make a play forsth/sb
play on words
play | American Dictionary
play verb (ENJOY )
[I ] tospendtimedoing somethingenjoyableoramusing:
play verb (COMPETE )
[I/T ] to takepartin agameor otherorganizedactivity:
[T ] Helovesplayingfootball.
[I ] Whatteamdoes she play for?
[I/T ] If you play apersonorteam, youcompeteagainst them:
[T ] We’re going to thestadiumtoseeNew York play Chicago.
[I/T ] If you play theballor ashot, youhitorkicktheball:
[T ] Ingolf, you have to taketimetodecidehow to playdifficultshots.
[I/T ] In acardgame, to play acardis tochooseit from theonesyou areholdingand put it down on thetable.
play verb (ACT )
toperformas acharacterin a play ormovie, or (of aperformance) to beshown:
[T ] She played thepartof abeautifulandbrilliantscientist.
[I ] What’s playing at(= beingshownat) thelocalmovietheaters?
To play is also tobehaveorpretendin aparticularway,esp. toproduceaneffectorresult:
[L ] Don’t playdumbwith me(=pretendyou don’tknowanything) – youknowvery well whathappened!
To play canmeantoinfluenceor have aneffecton:
[T ] Thepresidentdeniedthatpoliticsplayed anypartin hisdecisiontoappointa woman to theSupremeCourt.
play a joke onsomeone (also play a trick onsomeone )
To play ajokeon someone or play atrickon someone is todeceivesomeone foramusementor inorderto get anadvantage:
Shelovesto playjokeson herfriends.
[I/T ] toperformmusicon aninstrument, or tocausesomething thatproducessoundor apicturetooperate:
[I/T ] She plays (thepiano)beautifully.
[T ] I was just playing mystereo.
Ilearnedhow toplay theguitarbyear (= bylisteningratherthan byreadingmusic) .
play verb (RISK MONEY )
[T ] toriskmoney,esp. on theresultsofracesorbusinessdeals,hopingtowinmoney:
Idioms play ball
playyour cards right
play games
play hardball
play havoc with
play hooky
play it by ear
play it safe
play with fire
Phrasal verbs play along
play around
play backsomething
play downsomething
play up
play upsomething
play withsomething
play noun (ACT )
[C ] literature astorythat isintendedto beactedout beforepeoplewho have come toseeit:
Shestarredin many Broadway plays in hercareer.
play noun (COMPETE )
in play (also out of play )
If aballor somethingelseis in play, it is in apositionwhere it can be used aspartof theregularactionin agameorsport, and if it is out of play, it is not in such aposition:
[U ] She put theballin play inmidfield.
Insports, a play can also be aparticularactionor aplanfor aspecificset ofactions:
[C ] Theschoolfootballteamhas beenpracticingnew plays allweek.
(Definition ofplay from theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
have money/time, etc. to play with
to havemoney,time, etc.availableto use:
Swellingtaxreceiptshave given thegovernmentmoremoneyto play with over the last twoyears.
play by the rules
toobeytherulesof aparticularsystem:
Workers should not berelegatedtopovertyif theyworkhard and play by therules.
play by your own rules
to do things in the way that youwant,ratherthanobeyingtherulesof aparticularsystem:
Largemultinationalcorporationsoften play bytheirownrules.
play catch up
totryto be assuccessfulas otherpeople,companies, etc.:
Thefirmhasadaptedquicklytochangesin theglobalmarket,leavingitsrivalsto playcatchup.
play for high stakes
to takebigrisksinordertoachievesomething that you reallywant:
The Prime Minister isplayingfor highstakes, at theriskofalienatingpublicopinion.
play (it) safe
todecidenot to takerisks:
Thefederalgovernmentoften plays itsafebyfundingresearchthat islikelytosucceedbut may have only aslightimpact.
Thebiggestcompaniesusually playsafeandhiretoplegalfirmsfrom London or New York.
play the (money/stock) market
FINANCE totradeshares,bonds, etc.,especiallyinorderto makemoneyquickly,ratherthan toinvestover alongerperiod:
Spreadbettingcompaniesofferanopportunityforprivateindividualsto play thestockmarket.
play a key/major/important role/part (in sth) (also have a key/major/important role/part to play (in sth) )
to have a lot ofpowerorinfluencein aparticularsituation:
Hisfinancialexpertiseplayedamajorrolein London City airport'sdevelopment.
IT had akeypartto play inmodernizingtheorganization.
play the system
to use a set ofrulesorlawsinorderto get anadvantagefor yourself, in a way that may not befair:
If youknowhow to play thesystem, there arevariouslegalloopholesto beexploited.
play to your strengths
to do things that youknowyou are good at:
Inbusiness, you sometimes have tofollowyourinstinctsand play toyourstrengths.
Phrasal verbs play sth back
play sth down
play out
play sth up
[C ] FINANCE theactoftradingshares,bonds, etc.:
Institutionalinvestorsremainedon thesidelines,refusingtomake anybigplays until adefiniteannouncementis made.
be at play
to have aninfluencein asituation:
Manyissuesare at play here,includingtheimpacton theenvironment.
be in play
FINANCE if acompanyoritssharesare in play, they may beboughtby othercompaniesorshareholders:
In a corporate-drivendealenvironment,even"untouchable"bankstockscould be in play.
bring/call sth into play
tostartto use something for aparticularpurpose:
Specialcomputersoftwareprogramswerebroughtinto play during thevoterecount.
come into play
tobeginto have aninfluenceon something:
Newfederalpensionlawshave come into play that couldaffecttheretirementsecurityof many ofouremployees.
make a play for sth
totryto getcontrolof something:
Thegovernmenthas beenaccusedof making a play foronlinebettingtaxrevenues.
(Definition ofplay from theCambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
Examplesof play play
Shouldn't all players whoplay on a team sport be thought of as team players? From theCambridge English Corpus
One interpretation sees the updating as done by real players who repeatedlyplay against each other. From theCambridge English Corpus
Order is maintained by two means: direct management of the relations of the players and indirect structuring of the terms ofplay . From theCambridge English Corpus
However, both players receive the highest payoff by both playing their first or second strategy. From theCambridge English Corpus
Problems, then, are raised about the ecological validity of this constraint and the role it mightplay in the perception of ordinary, everyday motion. From theCambridge English Corpus
Despite the fundamental role phonetic representationsplay in language acquisition, there has been very little research on their development in a bilingual context. From theCambridge English Corpus
Nevertheless, it seems that there is a network of different psychological factors inplay , which seem to be interconnected and influencing one another. From theCambridge English Corpus
The second is to consider the possible mechanisms that are atplay in this protective effect. From theCambridge English Corpus
It may be that syllable structure may notplay a role in the organization of lexical representations, but may influence the organization of phonological representations. From theCambridge English Corpus
One possibility is that motor representations may actuallyplay a role in perceptual processing. From theCambridge English Corpus
Clarification requestsplay an important role in effective conversations, and children must learn the conversational rules for interpreting and responding to such requests. From theCambridge English Corpus
Every second section was removed, so that a person could enter into its centre in order toplay them. From theCambridge English Corpus
Instead, important individuals played essential roles, and their talent and authority was reported to be crucial to the building's success. From theCambridge English Corpus
The actors not only double up toplay different parts, but also perform different roles as entertainers, musicians, and storytellers. From theCambridge English Corpus
She would put on a scarf andplay various roles. From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Collocationswith play play These are words often used in combination withplay .
Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.
aggressive play
In some sports, an attacker is a specific type of player, usually one whose role involves aggressive play.
This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license.
big play
Clearly, what makes abig play has more to do with its theme than the size of its cast.
From theCambridge English Corpus
conference play
During the season, she scored six power play goals (all of them were scored in conference play).
This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.