pipe band
uk/ˈpaɪp ˌbænd/us/ˈpaɪp ˌbænd/agroupofpeoplewhoplaydrumsandbagpipes(= atypeofmusicalinstrument,playedespeciallyinScotlandand Ireland, from which youproducesoundbyblowingairinto abagandpressingit out throughpipes):
风笛鼓乐队The Regimental Pipe Band wasplaying.该团的风笛鼓乐队正在演奏。
New Zealand isevensaid toboastmorepipebandsthanScotland.据说新西兰的风笛鼓乐队比苏格兰还多。

theasis/iStock Unreleased/GettyImages
- Kilts have never been sopopularwith men who are notmembersofpipebands.
- Isearchedonlineforcollegeswithpipebandsand Ionapoppedup.
- About 4,000peoplemarchedalong thetwistingcountryroadto thesite,ledby atraditionalpipebandinfullregalia.
Groups of musicians
- band
- big band
- boy band
- brass band
- chamber orchestra
- duo
- ensemble
- gamelan
- group
- marching band
- military band
- octet
- quartet
- quintet
- rhythm section
- septet
- sextet
- tribute band
- trio
- wind