anaturalwideflowoffreshwateracrossthelandinto thesea, alake, or another river:
河;江;川;水道Wesailedslowlydown the river.我们顺流而下缓缓航行。

Flavia Morlachetti/Moment/GettyImages
A1(written abbreviationR)
used before or after thenameof a river:
(通常用于河流名称前,有时位于河流名称后)河the River Thames/Seine/Nile泰晤士/赛纳/尼罗河
the Hudson/Mississippi/Yangzte River哈德逊河/密西西比河/扬子江
up (the) river
in theoppositedirectionto theflowofwaterin the river:
向河的上游,逆流而上Wesailedup river.我们逆流而行。
down (the) river
in the samedirectionas theflowofwaterin the river
向河的下游;顺流而下- Changing thecourseof the river wouldcauseseriousenvironmentaldamageto thewholevalley.
- Effluents fromlocalfactoriesarefindingtheirway into the river.
- Severalsmallstreamsfeedinto the river near here.
- Wewantcleanrivers andlakes, where you canswimwithoutrisktoyourhealth.
- They'rebuildingnewhousesby the river.
Watercourses & waterfalls
- amazon
- arroyo
- beck
- bourne
- brook
- cascade
- cataract
- Euphrates
- fluvial
- fordable
- gulch
- maelstrom
- plunge pool
- rapids
- rill
- riverbed
- riverine
- runnel
- waterfall
- waterway
Geographical places
rivers ofsomething