(alsochild-bearing)uk/ˈtʃaɪldˌbeə.rɪŋ/us/ˈtʃaɪldˌber.ɪŋ/theprocessorfactof havingbabies:
Delayed childbearing,smallerfamilies, andcareersfor women areincreasinglybecomingthenorm.
How does childbearingaffectwomen'sincomes?
- Areteenmotherslikelytodisplaypoorerparentingskillscomparedto women whodelaychildbearing?
- There is atendencytopostponechildbearing and have fewerchildren.
- According to a WHOestimate, abouthalfa million womendieannuallyofillnessesassociatedwith childbearing.
- He said thesinglemostimportantway tocombatpovertyis toempowerwomen to takecontroloftheirchild-bearing.
- Thecountryhad one of thehighestratesofteenagechildbearing.
Obstetrics: birth
- antenatal
- antenatally
- Apgar score
- B, b
- birth centre
- birth partner
- birth rate
- bore
- breech
- delivery room
- hypnobirthing
- labour
- maternity suite
- maternity unit
- matrescence
- midwifery
- newborn
- preemie
- rooming-in
- stillborn
adjective[before noun]
(alsochild-bearing)uk/ˈtʃaɪldˌbeə.rɪŋ/us/ˈtʃaɪldˌber.ɪŋ/relatingto thetimein herlifewhen a woman isableto havebabies:
Thesurveyis onlyconcernedwith women of childbearingage.该调查只涉及育龄妇女。
Theprocedurecouldallowwomen toconceivepasttheirnormalchildbearingyears.
- Theyadvisewomen of child-bearingagetoavoidcertainfoods.
- Theconditiontendstoaffectwomen past childbearingage.
- Shewonderedhow many childbearingyearsshe hadleft.
- Anypatientof childbearingpotentialmust betestedforpregnancybefore being given thedrug.
Obstetrics: birth
- antenatal
- antenatally
- Apgar score
- B, b
- birth centre
- birth partner
- birth rate
- bore
- breech
- delivery room
- hypnobirthing
- labour
- maternity suite
- maternity unit
- matrescence
- midwifery
- newborn
- preemie
- rooming-in
- stillborn