adjective[before noun]
(alsointer-colonial)uk/ˌɪn.tə.kəˈləʊ.ni.əl/us/ˌɪn.t̬ɚ.kəˈloʊ.ni.əl/involvingtwo or morecolonies(=countriesthat areruledby anothercountry):
Themerchantsof Mexico City then took theinitiativein intercolonialtrade.
- He called the first intercolonialcongressin 1690 toopposepossibleFrenchincursions.
- At the first intercolonialcricketmatchplayedin 1851, TasmaniabeatVictoria by threewickets.
- At thattime,theirproductswereexportedmainlyto the intercolonialmarkets.
Colonization & self-government
- acknowledgement of country
- annex
- annexation
- anti-colonial
- anti-colonialism
- colonize
- colony
- commonwealth
- condominium
- crown colony
- imperialist
- independence
- Independence Day
- land acknowledgment
- Nat
- recolonization
- recolonize
- secede
- secession
- self-determination