uk/ˌɪn.dɪˈpen.dənt/us/ˌɪn.dɪˈpen.dənt/independentadjective(NOT INFLUENCED)
notinfluencedorcontrolledin any way by otherpeople,events, or things:
独立的an independentenquiry/organization独立调查/机构
They all made the samecomment,quiteindependentofeach other(= withoutdecidingtogether to do so).他们都不约而同作出了相同的评论。
An independentpoliticiandoes notagreeorvotewith anyparticularpoliticalparty.
(从政者)无党派的- An independentadviserhas beenbroughtin toconciliatebetween the twosidesinvolvedin theconflict.
- It's hard toobtaintrulyindependentfinancialadvice.
- Hundreds ofsmallindependentshopswill beforcedtocloseby theopeningof thissuperstore.
- We make use ofavailableresearchfacilitiesandlicensetechnologyfrom independentsources.
- Theindustryhas notcommentedon theresultsof an independentstudyinto thesafetyofmobilephones.
Freedom to act
- (as) free as a birdidiom
- agency
- at willidiom
- autonomous
- autonomy
- blank cheque
- free hand
- free pass
- free reinidiom
- free spirit
- free-form
- me time
- no holds barredidiom
- non-didactic
- non-directed
- non-restricted
- paddle
- rein
- voluntary
- wriggle room
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Politics - general words
independentadjective(NOT RULED)
An independentcountryis notgovernedorruledby anothercountry:
(国家)独立的BelizebecamefullyindependentfromBritainin 1981.伯利兹于1981年脱离英国完全独立。
Tibet,oncean independentcountry, is nowruledbyChina.西藏曾经是一个独立国家,现在却是中国的一部分。
- Theprovinceisnominallyindependent.
- Abloodycivilwarfollowedtheproclamationof an independentstate.
- Theinternationalcommunityhasrefusedtorecognizethenewlyindependentnationstate.
- Thecreationof independentstateshasledto aresurgenceofnationalism.
- AfterIndiabecameindependent, shechoseto be amemberof theCommonwealth.
Colonization & self-government
- acknowledgement of country
- annex
- annexation
- anti-colonial
- anti-colonialism
- colonize
- colony
- commonwealth
- condominium
- crown colony
- imperialist
- independence
- Independence Day
- intercolonial
- land acknowledgment
- recolonization
- recolonize
- secede
- secession
- the Raj
independentadjective(NOT HELPED)
not takinghelpormoneyfrom otherpeople:
自立的,独立的Grandma's very independent and does all her ownshoppingandcooking.祖母非常独立,购物做饭全是自己干。
I've always beenfinanciallyindependent.在经济上我一直自食其力。
- She'sfiercelyindependent.
- Sheattachesgreatvalueto beingfinanciallyindependent.
- Shewantedto be independent andbeholdento no one.
- She's verymatureand independent for herage.
- Iwishyou'd be abitmore independent.
Unaided and working alone
- fair
- fend foryourself
- go it aloneidiom
- independently
- self-help
- self-reliance
- self-sufficient
- self-taught
- single-handed
- single-handedly
- stand
- stand onyourown (two) feetidiom
- stand-alone
- throw
- unaided
- unassisted
- underyourown steamidiom
- unforced
- unsupported
- yourself
An independentgrammaticalclauseformspartof asentencebut can alsoformaseparatesentence.
(分句)独立的Linguistics: grammatical terms
- ablative
- apposition
- appositive
- appositively
- attributively
- concord
- demonstrative
- feminine
- intensifier
- nominal
- nominative
- predicatively
- premodifier
- quantifier
- regularity
- singular
- stative
- syntactic
- syntax
- uncountable
apoliticianwho does notrepresentapoliticalparty:
(不代表任何党派的)独立政客Heleftthe Conservatives andstoodas an independent.他离开了保守党,以独立候选人身份参选。
avoterwho does notbelongto apoliticalparty:
不属于任何党派的投票人She isgainingsupportamong independents who have nopoliticalpreferenceor wholeanDemocratic.她正在获得那些没有政治倾向或倾向民主党的独立投票人的支持。
Politics - general words
- anti-capitalism
- anti-capitalist
- anti-communism
- anti-communist
- anti-fascism
- lab
- laissez-faire
- left
- left of centre
- leftist
- overstep
- parliament
- party politics
- personality cult
- pinko
- subsidiarity
- super-conservative
- Thatcherism
- the Third Way
- Tory
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Voters & candidates in elections
ashop,smallbusiness, etc. that is notpartof alargecompany:
(不属于大企业的)独立经营店铺,独立小企业Thebandwouldrathersignto an independent than amajorrecordlabel.这支乐队宁愿跟独立唱片公司签约,而不是跟大公司。
Freedom to act
- (as) free as a birdidiom
- agency
- at willidiom
- autonomous
- autonomy
- blank cheque
- free hand
- free pass
- free reinidiom
- free spirit
- free-form
- me time
- no holds barredidiom
- non-didactic
- non-directed
- non-restricted
- paddle
- rein
- voluntary
- wriggle room
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Shops & auctions