uk/ˈpiːt.sə/us/ˈpiːt.sə/(USold-fashionedalsopizza pie)A1
alargecircleofflatbreadbakedwithcheese,tomatoes, and sometimesmeatandvegetablesspreadontop:
比萨饼asliceof pizza一块比萨饼
I likelotsof different pizzatoppings.我喜欢好多不同的比萨饼配料。
adeep-pan(USdeep-dish) pizza厚比萨饼

Joff Lee/Photolibrary/GettyImages
- apepperonipizza
- IthoughtI'ddressup thefrozenpizza with a fewextratomatoesandolives.
- There's not much toeatin thefridge. Should Isendout for a pizza?
- pizzatoppings
- If youpopthe pizza in theovennow, it'll bereadyin 15minutes.
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