road map
(alsoroadmap)uk/ˈrəʊd ˌmæp/us/ˈroʊd ˌmæp/amapused tofindyourway whendrivingfrom oneplaceto another:
I have aninterestinantiqueautos, so Istartedtocollectoldroadmaps.
![picture of road map picture of road map](
CT757fan/E+/Getty Images /GettyImages
aplanfor how toachievesomething:
(实现某一目标的)蓝图,规划Abusinessplanis aroadmapforachievingavisionorgoal.商业规划是实现某一愿景或目标的蓝图。
- Thewebsiteprovidesroadmapsand acollectionofaerialphotographs.
- You are ageographygraduateand you don’t use a roadmap?
- Let'shopea 21st-centuryroadmapfortreatmentandcureof Alzheimer'sdiseaseemergessoon.
- Hehopeshisworkwillprovidea roadmap tobetterhealth.
- Theroadmap, which all therelevantpartiesaccept,callsfornationalelections.
- Here's how you cancreateyourowncareerroadmap andnavigatetowardsuccess.
Maps & map-making
- atlas
- cartographic
- chart
- compass rose
- contoured
- contouring
- coord
- coordinate
- geolocation
- isotherm
- plot
- resurvey
- satnav
- site map
- survey
- the Ordnance Survey
- the prime meridian
- triangulation
- trig point
- uncharted
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Plans and arrangements