medicalspecializeduk/raɪˈnɒl.ə.dʒi/us/raɪˈnɑː.lə.dʒi/thestudyof thenoseanddiseasesof thenose:
鼻科学Rhinologyplasticsurgeryincludesthecorrectionof acrookednose.鼻科整形手术包括矫正歪鼻。
Thediagnosisofnasalpolyposisaccountsfor 11% of thepatientswhoattendourrhinologydepartment.我们的鼻科患者中,11%被诊断为患有鼻息肉。
- You need aphysicianwhospecializesin rhinology.
- Ireadabout theprocedurein the American Journal of Rhinology.
- Over the past twodecades, thefieldof rhinology hasgrownrapidly.
Medical studies & the people who study them
- anatomist
- audiologist
- audiology
- bacteriologist
- bariatrics
- cardiologist
- mannikin
- midwife
- neurologist
- oculist
- oncologist
- optometry
- oral surgeon
- orthopaedics
- orthoptics
- orthoptist
- pharmacologist
- virologist
- virology
- vivisectionist