dividedinto twocompletelyopposinggroups:
两极化的Thedebateisbecomingpolarized and thereseemsto be nomiddleground.辩论变得两极化了,看起来没有中间立场。
Theyhopedthedealcouldfinallybringameasureofpeaceto theincreasinglypolarizedcountry.他们希望该协议最终能给这个日益分化的国家带来一定程度的和平。
- Themassmediamay be polarized, but thenationis not.
- Theresultof suchpartisanand polarizeddebateis that themainstreamAmericanpublicgetsturnedoff - not just from thedebatebut from theissueitself.
- When did webecomeso polarized that welostourabilityto have acivilizeddiscussionaboutcomplexissues?
- He said that Belfast was adividedcitywith polarizedcommunities.
Separating and dividing
- apheresis
- atomize
- bifurcate
- bifurcation
- bisect
- clove
- dissociate
- dissociateyourselffromsomething
- dissociation
- disunite
- disunity
- fracture
- hive
- parcel
- polarize
- polarizer
- prophase
- pull
- pullsomething/someoneapart
- unravel
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Debate & discussion
(oflightwaves) made tomovein onedirectiononly, ormainlyin onedirection:
偏光的Thesampleswereanalyzedwith polarizedlightmicroscopy.用偏振光显微镜对样品进行分析。
(ofglass)treatedwith asubstancethatreducestheamountofreflectedlight:
(眼镜)偏光的Theysuggestboaterswearpolarizedsunglassesthatcutdown onglareand make iteasiertospottheendangeredmarinemammals.他们建议船工戴上偏光太阳镜,减少眩光,这样会更容易发现濒临灭绝的海洋哺乳动物。
- Wangfoundthelightfrom more than adozensupernovaeto be polarized.
- Crystals under polarizedlightare afavoritesubjectofartisticallyinclinedmicroscopists.
- Theyneededpolarizedcameralensestoreduceglareonphotostaken inbrightsunlight.
- Thefirewatcherswearpolarizedsunglassestohelpthemspotsmoke.
Physical & chemical processes
- absorbable
- absorptive
- absorptive capacity
- acidification
- addition reaction
- condense
- electrolysis
- evaporate
- evaporation
- excitability
- excitation
- excite
- exergonic
- oxidize
- redox
- refraction
- rehydrate
- reliquefy
- reliquify
- solidify
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Physics: optics, microscopy & lasers
Eyesight, glasses & lenses