ski pants
uk/ˈskiː ˌpænts/us/ˈskiː ˌpænts/(UKalsosalopettes)
paddedtrousers, usually withstrapsthat go over theshoulders,wornwhenskiing:
Between us there was ablondeskiinstructorwearingbrightorangeskipants.
Thisyearskipantsthatcontrastwithyourjacketare in.

UK(USstirrup pants)
tighttrousers, usually for women, that are made from amaterialthatstretcheseasilyand areheldinplaceby astrapwornunder eachfoot:
Don't getlazyandthinkthat it'stimetowearskipantsand anoldsweater.
Shedressedin an unvaryinguniformofblackskipantsandpinkmohairpullover.
- Mytipis to go for really goodqualityskipantsinblackwithbraces, andteamthat with ajacketthatsuitsyourstyle.
- Thebracesofskipantsflaparound aspeoplemoonwalk intheirskiboots,searchingfor adeckchairthatfacesthesun.
- The go-anywherewardrobeisbasedaround twoessentials: a polo-neckblackbodyleotardandslimmingblackskipants.
- Theoutfit-slimskipantsand ahoodedparka-caughttheeyeof thelegendaryfashioneditorDiana Vreeland.
- bell-bottomed
- bell-bottoms
- Bermuda shorts
- blue jeans
- bootcuts
- cycling shorts
- daisy dukes
- denim
- drainpipe
- dress pants
- kecks
- knickerbockers
- knickers
- lederhosen
- leggings
- stirrup pants
- stride
- tracksuit bottoms
- trews
- trousers