post hoc
adjective[before noun]
formaluk/ˌpəʊst ˈhɒk/us/ˌpoʊst ˈhɑːk/made orhappeningonly after anevent, notplannedordecidedbefore ithappens:
事后的Thereasoningcameafterwardas aposthocjustification.这个推理后来被用作事后辩护。
aposthocanalysisof thedisease对这种疾病的事后分析
- Thematerialpresentedis not somekindofposthocanalysisimposedupon thetextsin thelightofpresent-dayconcerns.
- Yourreasonsforyouractionsareposthocrationalizations thatyourbraingeneratestoexplainto you whatyourbrainhas already done.
Before, after and already
- advance
- afore
- afterwards
- already
- ante
- as it isidiom
- before
- gone
- immediate
- in advanceidiom
- in advance ofsomething/someoneidiom
- in the wake ofsomethingidiom
- next
- prologue
- quondam
- second-wave
- secondarily
- secondary
- shortly
- wake
post hoc
uk/ˌpəʊst ˈhɒk/us/ˌpoʊst ˈhɑːk/after anevent, not in a way that isplannedordecidedbefore ithappens:
事后地Thegroupsin thestudyweredefinedposthocafter thestudywascompleted.研究中的组别是在研究完成后确定的。
Was this theoriginalstrategyor was itdecidedposthoc?这是最初的策略还是事后决定的?
- One might say thatattitudescan bediscoveredposthoc.
- If allcomparisonsare doneposthoc, then noexperimentwas done since thehypothesiswas notstatedpriorto theexperiment.
- Treatmentdecisionsare often madeposthoc,basedonconclusionsdrawnfromobservingtheeffectsofmedications.
Before, after and already
- advance
- afore
- afterwards
- already
- ante
- as it isidiom
- before
- gone
- immediate
- in advanceidiom
- in advance ofsomething/someoneidiom
- in the wake ofsomethingidiom
- next
- prologue
- quondam
- second-wave
- secondarily
- secondary
- shortly
- wake