in or into thespacethatseparatestwoplaces,people, orobjects:
(空间上)在…中间,在…之间Thetownlieshalfwaybetween Rome and Florence.此城镇位于罗马和佛罗伦萨的中间。
Standing between the twoadultswas asmallchild.站在两个大人之间的是个小孩。
Shesqueezedbetween theparkedcarsandranout into theroad.她在停放的车子间挤来挤去,最后跑到了马路上。
There were twohouseswith anarrowpathinbetween.一条狭窄的小路从两幢房子之间穿过。
- On thetrainI wassittingbetween two verylargemen.
- Theplantshaveseededthemselves in thecracksbetween thepavingstones.
- There was arevoltinggreenslimein between thebathroomtiles.
- Wewatchedaspiderspinawebbetween threetallgrassstems.
- Ourneighbourshave noclaimto thatstripoflandbetweenourhouses.
- 'twixt
- (in) between timesidiom
- amid
- among
- betwixt
- block
- halfway
- in
- in-between
- inter
- interleave
- intermediate
- interstitial
- intervening
- liminal
- mid
- midst
- partway
If something is between twoamounts, it isgreaterthan the firstamountbutsmallerthan the second:
(数量)介于…之间Sheweighsbetween 55 and 60kilograms.她的体重在55公斤到60公斤之间。
Thecompetitionisopentochildrenbetween six and twelveyearsofage.比赛是为6岁至12岁的孩子而设的。
Theroomwas eitherextremelycoldorhot, never anythinginbetween(= in themiddle).这间屋子不是极冷就是极热,从来都没有不冷不热的时候。
- 'twixt
- (in) between timesidiom
- amid
- among
- betwixt
- block
- halfway
- in
- in-between
- inter
- interleave
- intermediate
- interstitial
- intervening
- liminal
- mid
- midst
- partway
A1(alsoin between)
in theperiodoftimethatseparatestwo differenttimesorevents:
(时间上)在…中间,在…之间You shouldn'teatbetweenmeals.你不应该吃零食。
There is abreakof tenminutesbetweenclasses.课间有10分钟的休息时间。
Theofficeisclosedforlunchbetween 12.30 and 1.30.办公室午饭时间关闭,时间从12点半到1点半。
In betweensobs, hemanagedtotellthem what hadhappened.他泣不成声,呜咽着向他们诉说所发生的一切。
Hevisitshisparentseverymonthand sometimesinbetween.他每个月都去看望父母,有时候去得更频繁一些。
- Breakfast isservedin therestaurantbetween 7 and 9
- Millions ofAfricansweresoldintoslaverybetween the 17th and 19thcenturies.
- It will take ussomewherebetween three and fourhoursto get to Madrid.
- Visitinghoursare between 6.00 and 9.00 p.m.
- ThevoucherisvalidbetweenJulyandDecemberandentitlesyou to 10% off alloverseasflights.
- 'twixt
- (in) between timesidiom
- amid
- among
- betwixt
- block
- halfway
- in
- in-between
- inter
- interleave
- intermediate
- interstitial
- intervening
- liminal
- mid
- midst
- partway
Between and among are prepositions.…Between,among: meaning and use
We use between to refer to two things which are clearly separated. We use among to talk about things which are not clearly separated because they are part of a group or crowd or mass of objects:…Betweenand prepositional phrases
Between is most often used to introduce a prepositional phrase which contains two singular or plural noun phrases:…Nouns and verbs followed bybetween
The most common nouns often followed by between are: connection, difference, distinction, link, relationship:…Amongmeaning ‘surrounding, part of or included in’
We use among to suggest a sense of being a part of or surrounded by or included in something else. It is typically followed by a plural noun phrase:…Among othersandamong other things
In the phrases among others and among other things, among means ‘as well as’:…Idioms
be between jobs/marriages/boyfriends, girlfriends, etc.
(in) between times
among two or morepeopleor things:
在(两个或两个以上的人或事)之间Themoneywasdividedequallybetween severalworthycauses.那笔钱被平均分配给几个有价值的项目。
Wedranktwobottlesofwinebetween the four of us.我们4个人分享了两瓶酒。
Trade between the twocountries(=theirtradewith each other)hasincreasedsharplyin the pastyear.在过去的一年里,两国之间的贸易额急剧增加。
There is agreatdealofsimilaritybetween Caroline and hermother(= they are verysimilar).卡罗琳和她的母亲之间有许多相似之处。
- We'll have toportionthemoneyout between the six of us.
- It'ssimplynotpracticaltodividetheworkbetween so manypeople.
- If it's achoicebetweenhigherpayandjobsecurity, I'dprefertokeepmyjob.
- Wesharedthepreparationfor thepartybetween us, so it wasn't too muchwork.
- There's a lot ofcompetitionbetweencomputercompanies.
Acting, being or existing together
- accompanying
- allied
- along
- alongside
- among
- double act
- en bloc
- en masse
- epiphenomenon
- formation
- non-conflicting
- one-stop shop
- oneness
- pair off
- pairwork
- two-way
- unison
- unite
- united
- unity
Adiscussion,argument, orgamebetween two or morepeopleorgroupsofpeopleinvolvesbothpeopleorgroups:
(讨论、争论或比赛)发生在…之间Thenegotiationsbetween theunionandmanagementhavebrokendown.工会和资方的谈判已经破裂。
There has always been afiercerivalrybetween the twoschools.这两所学校之间的竞争一直很激烈。
Tonight'sgameis between the New OrleansSaintsand the St. Louis Rams.今晚的比赛在新奥尔良圣徒队和洛杉矶公羊队之间举行。
Acting, being or existing together
- accompanying
- allied
- along
- alongside
- among
- double act
- en bloc
- en masse
- epiphenomenon
- formation
- non-conflicting
- one-stop shop
- oneness
- pair off
- pairwork
- two-way
- unison
- unite
- united
- unity
If youchoosebetween two things, youchooseone thing or the other:
在…间(做出选择)You'll have tochoosebetween aholidayor a newwashingmachine.你必须在度假和买洗衣机之间作出选择。
She wastornbetweenloyaltyto herfatherandlovefor herhusband(= she could notdecidewhich one tosupport).对父亲的感情和对丈夫的爱不能两全,这让她左右为难。
Taking and choosing
- adopt
- adopted
- adoption
- appoint
- bags I...idiom
- elect
- empanel
- faute de mieux
- favoured
- go forsomeone
- go off withsomeone
- picker
- plump
- select
- selection
- selective
- selectively
- selectivity
- selector
- skim
connectingtwo or moreplaces, things, orpeople:
来往于…之间;连接着…There is aregulartrainservicebetween Glasgow and Edinburgh.在格拉斯哥和爱丁堡之间有定期列车开行。
from oneplaceto another:
(地点)从…到…;往返于Hecommutesdailybetween Baltimore and Washington, D.C.他每天往返于巴尔的摩和华盛顿特区之间。
- Aseniorjudgeisactingasrefereein thepaydisputebetween thetradeunionandmanagement.
- Scientists haveestablishedthelinkbetweenlungcancerandsmoking.
- There is a goodrelationshipbetweenstaffandpupilsat theschool.
- There's very littlecommunicationbetweenmotheranddaughter.
- There isn't enoughcontactbetweenteachersandparents.
- 'twixt
- (in) between timesidiom
- amid
- among
- betwixt
- block
- halfway
- in
- in-between
- inter
- interleave
- intermediate
- interstitial
- intervening
- liminal
- mid
- midst
- partway
separatingtwoplacesor things:
分隔着;区分开…ThewallbetweenEastandWestBerlin came down in 1989.将东西柏林隔开的柏林墙于1989年被推倒了。
Thereportstatesthat thegapbetween therichand thepoorhasincreaseddramaticallyover the pastdecade.报告表明在过去10年里贫富差距明显增大了。
- "So what's thedifferencebetween these twoTVs?" "Well, they'rebasicallythe same, but the moreexpensiveone comes with aremotecontrol."
- There's astrikingcontrastbetween what he does and what he says he does.
- Thetraincrossestheborderbetween France and Spain.
- There's amarkedcontrastbetween hischaracterand hers.
- Somebody will have tocompromiseif we are tobreakthedeadlockbetween the twowarringfactions.
- 'twixt
- (in) between timesidiom
- amid
- among
- betwixt
- block
- halfway
- in
- in-between
- inter
- interleave
- intermediate
- interstitial
- intervening
- liminal
- mid
- midst
- partway
Between and among are prepositions.…Between,among: meaning and use
We use between to refer to two things which are clearly separated. We use among to talk about things which are not clearly separated because they are part of a group or crowd or mass of objects:…Betweenand prepositional phrases
Between is most often used to introduce a prepositional phrase which contains two singular or plural noun phrases:…Nouns and verbs followed bybetween
The most common nouns often followed by between are: connection, difference, distinction, link, relationship:…Amongmeaning ‘surrounding, part of or included in’
We use among to suggest a sense of being a part of or surrounded by or included in something else. It is typically followed by a plural noun phrase:…Among othersandamong other things
In the phrases among others and among other things, among means ‘as well as’:…Idiom
(just) between you and me