atoolconsisting of awood,plastic, ormetalframewith awireorplasticnetattachedto it. You use it either toseparatesolidsfrom aliquid, or yourublargersolidsthrough it to make themsmaller:
筛;过滤器Pass thesaucethrough a sieve toremoveanylumps.用筛子滤去调味汁中的渣子。

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Straining & filtering devices
- air filter
- butter paper
- coffee filter
- filter
- filter bed
- filter paper
- funnel
- greaseproof paper
- HEPA filter
- hopper
- parchment paper
- salad spinner
- sifter
- skimmer
- strainer
- tea strainer
- water filter
- wringer
sievenoun[C](SPORT PLAYER)
inhockey, agoaltenderwhoallowsa lot ofgoals:
They couldn'twinagamewith that sieve in thenetfor the firstmonthof theseason.
- biscuit
- blocker
- carry
- cooler
- corner
- five-hole
- floor hockey
- fullback
- goal
- goaltender
- hockey
- penalty box
- puck
- rhombus
- ringette
- rink hockey
- set play
- shin guard
- shin pad
- stick
memory/mind like a sieve
uk/sɪv/us/sɪv/to put aliquidorpowderthrough a sieve:
过滤;筛To make thebatter, sieve theflourandsaltinto abowl.做面粉糊需要把面粉和盐筛到一个碗里。
Preparing food
- batch cooking
- biga
- bind
- butter
- buttered
- can't boil an eggidiom
- clarify
- glaze
- glazed
- grate
- ingredient
- jerk
- purée
- re-season
- recipe
- rehydrate
- restuff
- toss
- whip
- zap