UKinformaldisapprovinguk/ˈtʃʌɡ.ɪŋ/us/ˈtʃʌɡ.ɪŋ/thejoboractivityofstandingon astreetandaskingpeoplewho arewalkingpast to givemoneyto acharity(= anorganizationthat givesmoney,food, orhelpfreeto those who are in need because they areill,poor, or have nohome):
在街上请求行人为慈善机构捐款的工作或活动Chugging is afarcryfrom thedayswhencharityvolunteerswouldcoylyshakecollectiontins.现在募集善款的方式已经与从前靠志愿者在马路上尴尬地摇晃募捐罐大相径庭了。
After adayof getting just two sign-ups, Idecidedchugging isn't for me.一天下来只有两个人报名,我觉得在街上募集慈善款这个工作不适合我。
- Withpublicopinionturningagainst chugging, theInstituteof Charity Fundraising Managersissuedavoluntarycodeofpracticeforface-to-facecharityworkers.
- Thewidespreaduse of the chuggingtechniquethreatenspublicgoodwill.
- The chuggingapproachisobnoxious, buteffective.
Making appeals & requests
- appellate
- ask forsomeone
- behest
- call for orderphrase
- call onsomeone
- callsomeonein
- cap
- claim
- demand
- implore
- invite
- pay claim
- petitioner
- propitiation
- push forsomething
- put in forsomething
- put the squeeze onsomeoneidiom
- reapply
- requester
- requisition