aplantwithsmallfruityou caneat, thatgrowsmainlyinnorthwesternpartsofNorthAmerica:
Oakbrushcountryalso canholdearly-seasongrousebecause aspens, chokecherries and serviceberriesalmostalwaysgrownearby.
Plant serviceberryinsteadofcrapemyrtle.

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thesmallfruitof thisplant:
花楸果Their serviceberrieswitheredon thebushafter a lateJunefrost.六月下旬的霜冻过后,他们枝条上的花楸果枯萎了。

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- The serviceberrybusheswereheavywithfruit.
- The moose'sdietincludeswoodyplantssuch aswillowsand serviceberries.
- Aspringfreezedestroyedmost of the chokecherry, serviceberry andacornsthatbearsrely on forfoodduring thesummerandautumn.
- Aspen,willows, serviceberry, andmountainmaplearetreesandshrubsthat areabletoproducenewgrowthevenif the above-groundpartsareburned.
Bushes & shrubs
- aronia
- bramble
- briar
- brier
- broom
- furze
- gorse
- guaraná
- heather
- hedging
- manuka
- privet
- redcurrant
- rhododendron
- rosella
- undergrowth
- viburnum
- wahoo
- wayfaring tree
- whin
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Types of fruit