apersonwho putsmoneyinto something inorderto make aprofitor get anadvantage:
投资者A New York investorofferedtoacquirethe company'ssharesfor $13 each.一名纽约投资商提出以每股13美元的价格收购这家公司的股票。
Smallinvestors(=peoplewhoinvestonly asmallamountofmoney)arehopingthat themarketswillimprove.小额投资者希望市场会好转。
- There is a 20-day cooling-offperiodin which the investor canchooseto back out of thecontract.
- They havebegunattractinginvestors, mostnotablybigJapanesefinancialhouses.
- Thefinancialcrashblackenedtheimageofinvestmentfor manysmallinvestors.
- Stutteringproductivityfiguresover the last twoyearshave made theindustryunattractiveto investors.
- Thecompanywas set up tobuyandsellsharesonbehalfof investors.
Investing money
- backer
- bet
- bet big onsomething/someoneidiom
- capitalize
- co-investor
- discretionary
- divestiture
- divestment
- endow
- ethical
- mature
- microfinance
- paysomethingin
- pension plan
- plough
- plough intosomething/someone
- protect
- pump
- pumpsomethingintosomething
- speculate