adjective[before noun]
(alsointer-station)uk/ˌɪn.təˈsteɪ.ʃən/us/ˌɪn.t̬ɚˈsteɪ.ʃən/between aseriesoffixedpoints:
an interstationsystemofradiocommunication
We used anarrayofsamplingstationswith auniforminterstationdistance.
between the differentplaceswherebusesortrainsstop:
All of the inter-stationtransportationsystemshave now beenshutdown.
The newrailwayshould have aminimuminterstationdistanceof 8miles.
- Maximumefficiencyisachievedwhen the interstationspacingisuniform.
- The interstationspacingis enough topermitthesystemtooperateat thedesiredtopspeed.
- An interstationsystemprovidesvoicecommunicationsbetween thevariousemergencyservices.
- Weobtainedgoodresultsfor arestrictedfrequencyrangefor each interstationdistance.
Train & bus stations & taxi ranks
- baggage room
- bus shelter
- bus station
- cabstand
- coach station
- inter-terminal
- left luggage
- platform
- railroad station
- rank
- request stop
- retiring room
- staging post
- station
- stop
- taxi rank
- terminal
- terminus
- train station