adjective[before noun],adverb
medical,biologyspecialized(alsopostburn)uk/ˌpəʊstˈbɜːn/us/ˌpoʊstˈbɝːn/existingorhappeningafter someone or something has beenburned:
Thecreamwasappliedtwiceadayfor 4–12monthsto the post-burnscars.
This is apredictablepost-burncomplication.
Repeatedfiresmaydepletethenutrientreservesnecessaryfor postburngrowthandcauselossofnutrientsfrom theecosystem.
- Skingrafting(2–7dayspost-burn) ispractisedassoonas thepatientissurgicallyfit.
- ThestudyexaminedtheeffectofvitaminE on postburnimmunosuppression.
- Timelymanagementof the postburnscarshasdecreasedtheincidenceofdeformities.
Burning, burnt & on fire
- ablaze
- afire
- alight
- blaze
- burn(something)down
- burn sb up
- burned out
- burnt
- burnt offering
- burnt out
- carbonize
- char
- charred
- flame
- frazzle
- go up in flamesidiom
- inextinguishable
- scorched
- sear
- unlit