theregularworkthat apersondoes toearnmoney:
When sheleftcollege, shegota jobasaneditorin apublishingcompany.大学毕业后她在一家出版公司当编辑。
It's verydifficulttryingtobringup twochildrenwhiledoingafull-timejob.一边抚育两个孩子一边做全职工作很困难。
He's nevermanagedtoholddown(=keep)asteady(=permanent)job.他从来没能保住一份稳定的工作。
She'sappliedfora jobwithaninsurancecompany.她已向一家保险公司求职。
Hegave uphis job tobecomeafull-timenovelist.
After adisastrousfirstmonthinoffice, manypeoplearebeginningtowonderif the newpresidentisup to(=ableto do)the job.由于任职的第一个月表现很糟,许多人开始怀疑新总统是否胜任。
Hundreds ofworkerscouldlosetheirjobs.成百上千的工人可能会失业。
situationold use
a job
- jobShe got a job as a lab assistant.
- occupationPlease fill in your name, age, and occupation.
- postThere's a post for a lecturer open in my department.
- positionShe's applied for a part-time editing position.
- appointmentThere are going to be several new appointments in the department this year.
- careerShe's had a very successful career in marketing.
out of a job
without a job:
没有工作,失业Howlonghave you been out of a job?你没有工作已有多久了?
If everyonecleanedtheirownwindows, I'd be out of a job.
Closing theminesput manylocalpeopleout of a job.
She wasstunnedtofindherself out of a job at theageof forty.
With thoseskills, you'll never be out of a job.
- I'veappliedfor anofficejob Isawadvertisedin thepaper.
- How is Maryenjoyingher new job?
- It's atragedythat so manyyoungpeopleareunabletofindjobs.
- Thecompanyplanstoshutdown fourfactoriesandcut10 000 jobs.
- Increasing thenumberof women intopmanagementjobs will be aslowprocess.
- anti-unemployment
- be between jobs/marriages/boyfriends, girlfriends, etc.idiom
- between
- disability living allowance
- displaced
- frictional unemployment
- idleness
- job centre
- jobless
- joblessness
- pip
- precarity
- sign
- sign on
- unemployed
- unwaged
- vagabond
- welfare
jobnoun(PIECE OF WORK)
(一件)工作,零工,活计Thebuildersareaimingto get the job done by the end of themonth.施工人员打算在月末前将活儿干完。
Hespenttheafternoondoingjobs around thehouse.他一下午都在家里干杂活儿。
UKinformalWill you beabletocarryall theshoppingbackhomeonyourbike, or will it have to be acarjob(= will you need thecar)?你能把买来的东西都用自行车带回家吗,是不是还得用汽车?
- They wereworkinglikecrazyto get the job done ontime.
- I've got plenty of jobs tokeepyoubusy.
- He's really good attrickypaintingjobs.
- Ispenttheafternoonpotteringaround thegardendoing a fewoddjobs.
- Hey - you did agreatjobtidyingyourbedroom. Well done!
Work, working and the workplace
- act assomething
- all work and no play (makes Jack a dull boy)idiom
- assignment
- bandh
- be at workidiom
- grind
- hoop
- hot-desking
- hotelling
- housekeeping
- in the line of dutyidiom
- induction
- industry
- moonlight
- slave
- slog
- slouch
- spadework
- subtask
- sweat
something that isyourresponsibility:
职责;任务[+ to infinitive]Shebelievedher job as apoliticianwastorepresenttheviewsof herpartyand thepeoplewhovotedfor her.她认为自己身为政治家就是要做自己政党和选民的代言人。
Iknowit's not my jobtotellyou how torunyourlife, but I dothinkyou've made amistake.我知道不该由我来告诉你如何生活,但我的确认为你犯了错。
- It's my job tokeepacheckonstocklevels.
- It is the job of theinspectorstoenforcecompliancewith theregulations.
- I don'tenvyyou the job ofcookingfor all thosepeople.
- Whose job was it tobringthetickets?
- It was my job to makesurethere was enoughfoodto go round.
Duty, obligation and responsibility
- accountable
- answer forsomething
- answerable
- baby
- brother
- domain
- fail
- fiefdom
- gotta
- had better/best dosomethingidiom
- hat
- havesomethingonyourhandsidiom
- payyourduesidiom
- pigeon
- portfolio
- purview
- remit
- responsibility
- someone'sanswer tosomeone/somethingidiom
- stick
aproblemor anactivitythat isdifficult:
难做的工作,费力的事[+ -ing verb]Itwas arealjob gettingthewheeloff thebike.把自行车轮子卸下来可真费劲儿。
We were only given anhourfor theexam, and Ihad ajobfinishingit.我们考试的时间只有1小时,我好不容易才做完。
Difficult things and people
- a (heavy) cross to bearidiom
- albatross
- bane
- be dead meatidiom
- be in the clearidiom
- be out of the woodsidiom
- bump
- equation
- hindrance
- hot potato
- impediment
- incubus
- marathon
- nut
- teething troubles
- the tip of the icebergidiom
- thorn inyourflesh/sideidiom
- tiesomeoneup
- to-do
- twist
anexampleof aparticulartype:
产品;东西It's anoriginal, not one of thoseimitationjobs.这是原件,不是仿制品。
Samples and examples
- advertisement
- aliquot
- archetype
- benchmark
- benchmarking
- classic
- core
- cross-section
- exemplification
- flavour
- for instanceidiom
- forerunner
- illustration
- quintessence
- role model
- sample
- showpiece
- sort
- swatch
- taste
acrimein whichmoneyorgoodsarestolen, or anactionoractivitythat isdishonestorunpleasant:
犯罪行为;勾当;伎俩He was put inprisonfor fiveyearsfordoingabankjob.他因抢劫银行被判入狱5年。
USHe reallydida jobonher,tellingher that he would alwaysloveher and thenmovingto Fiji with someoneelse.他的确耍了她,告诉她自己会永远爱她,后来却和别人一起跑到斐济去了。
See also
hatchet jobinformal
- abscond
- aggravated burglary
- anti-burglar
- anti-burglary
- anti-piracy
- hot-wire
- housebreaking
- jemmy
- jimmy
- joyride
- kleptomania
- piratical
- plunder
- poach
- poaching
- purloin
- rustle
- rustling
- snaffle
- snitch
be just the job
do a good/bad job
do the job
do/make a good/bad job ofsomething
good job!
it's more than my job's worth
job done
jobs for the boys
just the man/woman for the job