uk/ˌself.sɪˈlek.tɪŋ/us/ˌself.səˈlek.tɪŋ/choosingto be or do something yourself,ratherthan beingchosen:
Onlinesurveysarenotoriouslybiased, becauserespondentsare self-selecting.
Thecountryisrunby a self-selectingoligarchy.
involvingpeopleororganizationsthatchooseto takepartin anactivity,ratherthan beingchosenby someoneelse:
A self-selectingsurveyof more than 10,000peopleshowedapprovalof the government'saction.
involvingpeoplewhoshareaparticularbelieforcharacteristicchoosingto do something:
Political bloggers are a self-selectinggroupof thepoliticallymotivated.
Thejournalismprofessionis self-selecting because if you don't have theabilitytotalkyourway intojournalism, then youprobablydon't have what ittakesto be ajournalist.
Taking and choosing
- adopt
- adopted
- adoption
- appoint
- bags I...idiom
- either-or
- elect
- empanel
- faute de mieux
- favoured
- go forsomeone
- picker
- plump
- Robin Hood
- select
- selection
- selective
- selectively
- selector
- skim