a tube-shapedobjectin amachinethatturnsover and over inordertocarrythings along orpressthem down or together:
滚轴;滚筒;轧辊As thehotmetalpassedbetween thehugerollers it waspressedintothinsheets.炽热的金属块从巨大的轧辊中穿过,马上被挤压成薄薄的金属片。

Jevtic/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
[Cusually plural]
a tube-shapeddevice, oftenheated, that women use tocurltheirhair:
(烫发用的)卷发筒,发卷Sheansweredthedoorwith her rollersin.她开了门,头上还戴着发卷。

Colin Hawkins/Cultura/GettyImages
aheavymachineused to makesurfacessmoothandflat:
滚轧机;碾轧机;压路机The men used a roller toflattenthetarmac.那些人用压路机轧平柏油碎石路面。
See also
Machines - parts
- air compressor
- air filter
- axle
- cogwheel
- compressor
- console
- control panel
- controller
- cowl
- differential gear
- guard
- instrumentation
- jet
- plunger
- regulator
- slide
- split pin
- universal joint
- vee belt
- wheel
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Hair care
Machines - general words
Trucks, vans & caravans
alarge,longwaveon thesea
- bore
- breaker
- choppy
- comber
- crest
- dumper
- heavy
- overfall
- rough
- roughness
- spume
- standing wave
- surf
- swell
- tidal wave
- tsunami
- wake
- wave
- white horses
- whitecaps