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classnoun(TEACHING GROUP)A1[C,+ sing/pl verb]agroupofstudentswho aretaughttogether atschool,college, oruniversity: 班;班级 Which class are you in thisyear?今年你在哪个班? She gave thewholeclassextrahomeworkfor aweek.她给全班额外布置了一星期的家庭作业。 My class(= thepeoplein my class)was/wererathernoisythismorning.我的班里今天早上很吵。 [as form of address]Okay, class,settledown andopenyourbooks.好了,同学们,安静下来,打开书本。 A1[C,+ sing/pl verb]aperiodoftimein whichstudentsaretaughtsomething: (一节)课;课堂 My last classendsat four o'clock.我最后一堂课4点结束。 I was told off fortalkinginclass.我因为在课堂上讲话而受到了严厉批评。 Whotakes/teachesyourenvironmentalstudiesclass?谁教你们环境学? Imissedmyaerobicsclassyesterday.我昨天没去上有氧健身操课。 Classes have beencancelledtoday because of astaffmeeting.因为有全体教工会议,今天的课取消了。 the class of 2012, 2013, etc.mainlyUS agroupofstudentswhosuccessfullyfinishedtheirstudiesin aparticularyear: 2012(2013等)届毕业生The class of 2004achievedthehighesteverSATscoresin thisdistrict. See more- Sophie is wayaheadof the otherchildrenin her class.
- She neverpaidattentionin class andseemedto be in apermanentdaydream.
- Ithinkit'simportanttoreduceclasssizesinschools.
- We'vestartedgoing to akeep-fitclass at thesportscentre.
- She'ssignedup foreveningclasses at thecommunitycollege.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesStudents & pupils - -grader
- alumna
- alumnus
- attrition
- batch
- batchmate
- entrant
- graduate
- homeschooler
- houseman
- infant
- internship
- learner
- pupil
- school-leaver
- schoolboy
- schoolchild
- schoolgirl
- schoolmate
- theologian
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: classnoun(ECONOMIC GROUP)B2[CorU]agroupofpeoplewithinsocietywho have the sameeconomicandsocialposition: 社会等级;阶级;阶层 TheLabourPartyhaslosta lot ofsupportamong theworkingclass.工党失去了工人阶级中许多人的支持。 Shebelongsto therichAmericanupperclass.她属于富裕的美国上层阶级。 Welivein amiddleclassneighbourhood.我们住在一个中产阶级居住区。 She comes from anuppermiddleclassbackground.她出身于中上层阶级家庭。 He was amemberof therulingclasses.他是统治阶级中的一员。 She'sstudyingthe classstructureof Japan.她在研究日本的阶级结构。 - Theupperclasses usuallysendtheirchildrentoexpensiveprivateschools.
- There is awideninggulfbetween themiddleclasses and thepoorestsectionsofsociety.
- Theuppermiddleclasstendto go intobusinessor theprofessions,becoming, forexample,lawyers,doctors, oraccountants.
- Theworkingclass usuallyreactsin apredictableway togovernmentpolicies.
- In thosedayspeoplewereexpectedtomarrysomeone fromtheirownsocialclass.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesClass & class-consciousness in general - anti-bourgeois
- anti-snob
- arriviste
- bougie
- gentrification
- gentrify
- go/come down in the worldidiom
- go/come up in the worldidiom
- pedigreed
- petit bourgeois
- petty bourgeois
- pleb
- social climbing
- social mobility
- the bottom of the heapidiom
- the gentry
- the petite bourgeoisie
- trailer trash
- underclass
- upper class
See more results » classnoun(RANK)A2[C]agroupinto whichgoods,services, orpeopleare putaccordingtotheirstandard: (货物、服务或人的)等级,类别,级别 Whenever Itravelbytrain, I alwaystravelfirstclass.我每次乘火车旅行都坐头等车厢。 first/secondclassmail一类/二类邮件 abusiness/economyclassticket商务舱/经济舱的机票 When it comes tomathematics, he's ina differentclasstohispeers.说到数学,他和他的同龄人不在一个级别上。 [C]in the UK, thestandardthat someone hasreachedintheiruniversitydegree: (英国大学学位成绩的)等级 What class ofdegreedid you get?你得的是几等学位? Hegraduatedwith asecond-classhonoursdegreeinphysics.他以物理学二等优秀学位毕业。 class A/B/C drug in UKlaw, agroupofillegaldrugsclassifiedaccordingto howdangerousthey arethoughtto be and howseverethepunishmentis for using orsellingthem, with class A the mostdangerous: A/B/C类毒品(英国对毒品的分类,根据毒品的危险程度,以及被发现使用或销售后的受罚程度而定,A类毒品最危险)He waschargedwithpossessionof a class Adrug,namelyheroin.他被控持有一种A类毒品,即海洛因。 See morebe in a class ofyourown to be thebestat aparticularactivity: 是第一流的;是最好的As along-distancerunner, she's in a class of her own.作为一名长跑选手,她是一流的。 See morebe in a class by itself/of its own to be something of such a highqualitythat nothing can becomparedto it: 无与伦比,无可比拟In New York, it isclearthatDominicanhairsalonsare in a class oftheirown. See morebe out ofyourclass to be muchbetterat doing something than you: 比…强得多I can'tplaychesswith him. He'scompletelyout of my class!我没法跟他对弈。他水平比我高多了! See more- They alwaysflyeconomyclass.
- Because of thedelay, we wereofferedseatsin first class.
- I'd like you tosendthis for me first class,please.
- Most of thegirlswere good atdrawing, but Jenny was in a class of her own.
- When it comes tocooking, Jane's in a different class to therestof us.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesQuality and standard - bar
- benchmark
- cachet
- calibre
- conform
- conform to/withsomething
- ideal
- level
- mark
- multi-levelled
- multilevel
- notch
- place
- prestige
- qualitative
- star
- starred
- style
- take first/second placeidiom
- upscale
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: classnoun(STYLE)[U]thequalityof beingstylishorfashionable: 风度;时髦;优雅 She's gotrealclass.她的确风姿优雅。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesModern & fashionable - be (all) the rageidiom
- be having a momentidiom
- be the last word insomethingidiom
- futuristic
- get with the programmeidiom
- go ahead
- happening
- high-tech
- hipster
- smartness
- snappily
- snappy
- snazzily
- sophisticated
- the avant-garde
- up to date
- up-to-the-minuteidiom
- way-out
- with it
- à la mode
See more results » classnoun(BIOLOGY)[C]biologyspecializedagroupofrelatedplantsoranimals, in thegeneralclassificationofplantsandanimals (植物或动物分类的)纲 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSpecies & genders - breed
- clade
- cliff edge
- femaleness
- genera
- genus
- he
- holotype
- intergeneric
- male
- order
- paramecium
- phylum
- related
- same-gender
- she
- speciesism
- strain
- suborder
- xenotransplantation
See more results » C1toconsidersomeone or something tobelongto aparticulargroupbecause oftheirqualities: 把…归类;把…分级 I'm 17, but I'm still classedasachildwhen Itravelbybus.我17岁了,可是乘公共汽车时仍然被视为儿童。 I would class heramong/withthetopten Americannovelists.我会将她列为美国最好的10位小说家之一。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesClassifying and creating order - alphabetize
- anti-hierarchical
- arrange
- arrangement
- arranger
- array
- bracket
- misclassification
- misclassify
- miscode
- mislabel
- misorder
- nest
- set out
- setsomethingup
- shake
- shakesomeonedown
- short-list
- shortlist
- tick
See more results » a classact出色的行为 UKHe's a classgolfer.他是位一流的高尔夫球手。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesInformal words for good - A-OK
- amazeballs
- apple pie
- awesomesauce
- badass
- dank
- ill
- jim-dandy
- juicy
- killer
- knock
- knock spots offsomethingidiom
- like a bossidiom
- out of sightidiom
- safe
- shabby
- shit hot
- sight
- smashing
- some
See more results » (Definition ofclassfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)classnoun(TEACHING GROUP)A1[C,+ sing/pl verb]agroupofstudentswho aretaughttogether atschool,college, oruniversity 班;班级Which class are you in thisyear?今年你在哪个班? She gave thewholeclassextrahomeworkfor aweek.她给全班额外布置了一星期的家庭作业。 My class(= thepeoplein my class)was/wererathernoisythismorning.我的班里今天早上很吵。 [as form of address]Okay, class,settledown andopenyourbooks.好了,同学们,安静下来,打开书本。 A1[C,+ sing/pl verb]aperiodoftimein whichstudentsaretaughtsomething (一节)课;课堂My last classendsat four o'clock.我最后一堂课4点结束。 I was told off fortalkinginclass.我因为在课堂上讲话而受到了严厉批评。 Whotakes/teachesyourenvironmentalstudiesclass?谁教你们环境学? Imissedmyaerobicsclassyesterday.我昨天没去上有氧健身操课。 Classes have beencancelledtoday because of astaffmeeting.因为有全体教工会议,今天的课取消了。 the class of 2012, 2013, etc.mainlyUS agroupofstudentswho successfullyfinishedtheirstudiesin aparticularyear 2012(2013等)届毕业生 - Sophie is wayaheadof the otherchildrenin her class.
- She neverpaidattentionin class andseemedto be in apermanentdaydream.
- Ithinkit'simportanttoreduceclasssizesinschools.
- We'vestartedgoing to akeep-fitclass at thesportscentre.
- She'ssignedup foreveningclasses at thecommunitycollege.
classnoun(ECONOMIC GROUP)B2[CorU]agroupofpeoplewithinsocietywho have the sameeconomicandsocialposition 社会等级;阶级;阶层TheLabourParty haslosta lot ofsupportamong theworkingclass.工党失去了工人阶级中许多人的支持。 Shebelongsto therichAmericanupperclass.她属于富裕的美国上层阶级。 Welivein amiddleclassneighbourhood.我们住在一个中产阶级居住区。 She comes from anuppermiddleclassbackground.她出身于中上层阶级家庭。 He was amemberof therulingclasses.他是统治阶级中的一员。 She'sstudyingthe classstructureof Japan.她在研究日本的阶级结构。 - Theupperclasses usuallysendtheirchildrentoexpensiveprivateschools.
- There is awideninggulfbetween themiddleclasses and thepoorestsectionsofsociety.
- Theuppermiddleclasstendto go intobusinessor theprofessions,becoming, forexample,lawyers,doctors, oraccountants.
- Theworkingclass usuallyreactsin apredictableway togovernmentpolicies.
- In thosedayspeoplewereexpectedtomarrysomeone fromtheirownsocialclass.
classnoun(RANK)A2[C]agroupinto whichgoods,services, orpeopleare putaccordingtotheirstandard (货物、服务或人的)等级,类别,级别Whenever Itravelbytrain, I alwaystravelfirstclass.我每次乘火车旅行都坐头等车厢。 first/secondclassmail一类/二类邮件 abusiness/economyclassticket商务舱/经济舱的机票 When it comes tomathematics, he's ina differentclasstohispeers.说到数学,他和他的同龄人不在一个级别上。 [C]in the UK, thestandardthat someone hasreachedintheiruniversitydegree (英国大学学位成绩的)等级What class ofdegreedid you get?你得的是几等学位? Hegraduatedwith asecond-classhonoursdegreeinphysics.他以物理学二等优秀学位毕业。 class A/B/C drug in UKlaw, agroupofillegaldrugsclassifiedaccordingto howdangerousthey arethoughtto be and howseverethepunishmentis for using orsellingthem, with class A the mostdangerous A/B/C类毒品(英国对毒品的分类,根据毒品的危险程度,以及被发现使用或销售后的受罚程度而定,A类毒品最危险)He waschargedwithpossessionof a class Adrug,namelyheroin.他被控持有一种A类毒品,即海洛因。 be in a class ofyourown to be thebestat aparticularactivity 是第一流的;是最好的As along-distancerunner, she's in a class of her own.作为一名长跑选手,她是一流的。 be in a class by itself/of its own to be something of such a highqualitythat nothing can becomparedto it 无与伦比,无可比拟 be out ofyourclass to be muchbetterat doing something than you 比…强得多I can'tplaychesswith him. He'scompletelyout of my class!我没法跟他对弈。他水平比我高多了! - They alwaysflyeconomyclass.
- Because of thedelay, we wereofferedseatsin first class.
- I'd like you tosendthis for me first class,please.
- Most of thegirlswere good atdrawing, but Jenny was in a class of her own.
- When it comes tocooking, Jane's in a different class to therestof us.
classnoun(STYLE)[U]thequalityof beingstylishorfashionable 风度;时髦;优雅She's gotrealclass.她的确风姿优雅。 classnoun(BIOLOGY)[C]biologyspecializedagroupofrelatedplantsoranimals, in thegeneralclassificationofplantsandanimals (植物或动物分类的)纲 C1toconsidersomeone or something tobelongto aparticulargroupbecause oftheirqualities 把…归类;把…分级I'm 17, but I'm still classedasachildwhen Itravelbybus.我17岁了,可是乘公共汽车时仍然被视为儿童。 I would class heramong/withthetopten Americannovelists.我会将她列为美国最好的10位小说家之一。 极好的;优秀的;出色的a classact出色的行为 UKHe's a classgolfer.他是位一流的高尔夫球手。 class| American Dictionaryclassnoun(TEACHING GROUP)[C]agroupofstudentswho aretaughttogether atschool, or ashortperiodin which aparticularsubjectistaught: She got introublefortalkingin class. [C]The class of aparticularyearis thegroupofstudentswho willcompletetheirstudiesthatyear: The class of 2003 is verylarge. classnoun(ECONOMIC GROUP)[C/U]agroupofpeoplewithin asocietywho have the sameeconomicandsocialposition: [U]Most of usthinkof ourselves asmiddleclass. classnoun(RANK)[C]therankingofgoodsandservicesor people’sskillsaccordingto what theyprovideor how good they are: Whenever Ifly, I gobusinessclass. She’s afirst-classteacher. classnoun(STYLE)[U]thequalityof beingstylishorfashionable: Shedresseswith a lot of class. classnoun(BIOLOGY)[C]biologyagroupofplantsoranimalswithsimilarbiologicalstructure classy
Hedrivesa very classycar. classverb[T](RANK)I would class her with thebestAmericanviolinists. (Definition ofclassfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)[CorU]agroupofpeoplewithinsocietywho have the sameeconomicorsocialposition: Asrentsincreased,workingclassfamiliesleftthecityinsearchof moreaffordableneighborhoods. upper/middle/lowerclass [C]COMMERCEastandardbasedonpriceandquality: Theplaneswill haverecliningseatsforcustomersin first class. She and herhusbandruna luxury-classholidayaccommodationbusiness. [C]COMMERCEagroupinto whichgoodsandservicesare putbasedontheircharacteristics: Yourshipment'sfreightclassdeterminesthe carrier'sshippingcharges. a class of sthAtissueis a class ofmortgagesthatlenderscall"subprime" because they do notqualifyfor thelowestorprimeinterestrate. [C]aseriesoflessonson aparticularsubject: a class in/on sthAspartof a class ininternationalrelations, theconferenceaimedtoteachstudentstheartofnegotiations. enrol in a classAnd so thatfall, Ienrolledin anagribusinessmarketingclass. take/go to/attend classesFor the past twoyearshe's been takingnightclasses while alsoworkingfull-timeas anurse. hold/offer/teacha class See alsobest in class business classnoun economy class first classadjective second-classadjective (Definition ofclassfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)CollocationswithclassclassThese are words often used in combination withclass. Click on a collocation to see more examples of it. asset class However, this strategy implies excessive concentration of risks in one asset class. From theCambridge English Corpus class stratification It is probably to this period that we should assign the consolidation of the class stratification between a pastoral nobility and an agricultural peasantry. From theCambridge English Corpus dance class In 1925 a dance class for young girls was created. From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/class## |