apieceofequipmentused forclimbingup and down, that consists of twoverticalbarsorpiecesofropejoinedto each other by a set ofhorizontalsteps:
梯子She wasupa ladder,cleaningthewindow.她站在梯子上擦窗子。

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- Getting up the ladder waseasyenough - it was coming down that was theproblem.
- The ladder won'tquitereachthetopof thewall.
- Mysonbrokearibwhen hefelloff a ladder.
- That ladder doesn'tlooksafe.
- One of thestepson the ladder isbroken.
Parts of buildings: stairs & lifts
- chairlift
- chute
- drag lift
- dumb waiter
- elevator
- escalator
- fire escape
- flight
- lift
- rope ladder
- rung
- stair
- staircase
- stairlift
- step
- stepladder
- stoep
- stoop
- tread
laddernoun(SERIES OF STAGES)
aseriesofincreasinglyimportantjobsorstagesin aparticulartypeofworkorprocess:
(职位晋升的)阶梯;(发展的)阶段Once hestartedat Paramount in 1967, hemovedrapidlyup thecorporateladder.1967年他开始在派拉蒙电影公司工作,此后他在公司里升得很快。
a firstrung/stepontheemploymentladder职场的第一个台阶
Order and sequence - general words
- alphabetize
- around
- back end
- be a chapter of accidentsidiom
- catalogue
- chapter
- cycle
- inline
- linearity
- linearly
- litany
- merry-go-round
- priority
- procession
- secondly
- sequence
- sequencing
- string
- train
- wave
along,verticalholein apairoftightsor astocking
vadiar/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Holes, hollows and dips
- anti-crack
- aperture
- blistered
- chink
- cranny
- cratering
- escape hatch
- gouge
- hollow
- imprint
- intake
- interstice
- leak
- leaky
- nook
- nooks and cranniesidiom
- piercing
- pinprick
- tear
- void
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Tearing and breaking into pieces
[C]mainlyUK(alsoladder tournament)
(inparticularsports) asystemin which all theplayerswhoplayregularlyare given apositionin alistand canimprovetheirpositionbybeatingotherplayersin thatlist:
Competitions, & parts of competitions
- be a game of two halvesidiom
- beauty contest
- beauty pageant
- benefit match
- competition
- contest
- debate
- head-to-head
- on your marks, get set, go!idiom
- peloton
- postgame
- postseason
- pre-meeting
- premiership
- pro-am
- quiz
- spelling bee
- the Champions League
- the Premier League
- under starter's ordersidiom
If apairoftightsor astockingladders or if you ladder it, alongholeappearsin it:
(紧身衣、袜子)抽丝;被刮破Damn! That's the secondpairoftightsI've laddered today!真该死!我今天换上的第二双长筒袜也刮破了。
Tearing and breaking into pieces
- apart
- asunder
- bobble
- bobbly
- break(something)off
- catch
- crack
- fall apart
- fall to piecesidiom
- fragment
- fragmentation
- fragmented
- frayed
- rip
- splinter
- split
- sunder
- tearsomethingapart
- tearsomethingup
- teardown