lagging indicator
finance & economicsusuallyspecializeduk/ˌlæɡ.ɪŋ ˈɪn.dɪ.keɪ.tər/us/ˌlæɡ.ɪŋ ˈɪn.də.keɪ.t̬ɚ/something thatshowswhat asituationhas been like inpreviousweeks,months, etc.,ratherthanshowingwhat it is like now or will be like in thefuture:
滞后指标Theunemploymentrateis alaggingindicatorof the economy'soverallperformance.失业率是经济总体表现的一个滞后指标。
leading indicator
- Unemployment is alaggingindicator, he said,meaningthat thecircumstancesthatcausedtheAugustjumpinjoblessnessactuallyoccurredweeksormonthsearlier.
- He saidbankruptcycasesare alaggingindicatorfor theeconomy- whichmeansif arecessionbeganearly thisyear, thecaseloadwillbegintojumpin thefalland early nextyear.
- Some of thebenchmarksareusefulinpredictingfuturetrends, whileothersarelaggingindicators.
- Attitudes toward firstladiesare "alaggingindicatorabout where women are in thecountry," sayshistorianLewis Gould.
Signs, signals and symbols
- beacon
- breadcrumb
- cryptanalyst
- delimiter
- digital badge
- ideogram
- indicator
- leading indicator
- litmus test
- logograph
- marksomething/someoneoff
- marker
- prompt
- semiotics
- signifier
- signing
- status symbol
- the all-clear
- totem pole