mainlyUKuk/ˈlænd.bæŋk.ər/us/ˈlænd.bæŋk.ɚ/someone whobuysanareaoflandinorderto make aprofitbysellingit at a muchhigherpriceto those whohopethey canbuildhouses, etc. on it in thefuture:
土地创富投资者,其牟利的方式是购买土地并以高价出售给那些将来想利用该土地建房的人Typically, landbankersbuylandfor under £10,000 anacreand thensellplotsof one-tenth of anacrefor £8,000 to £16,000 each.土地创富投资者的典型做法是以低于每英亩一万英镑的价钱置地,然后将每十分之一英亩的地块以八千到一万六千英镑的价钱出售。
At least two landbankers haverecentlygonebust,leavinginvestorsholdingalmostworthlessplotsofland.至少有两家土地创富投资商破产了,使得那些投资下家购入的地块变得几乎一文不值。
- Landbankers own the 500hectaresoflandon the city'sfringes.
- Thefarmeris not a landbanker - he has just beenlucky.
- Thekeysof thehousewent to a landbanker whojoinedthebiddingat the lastmoment.
Investing money
- backer
- bet
- bet big onsomething/someoneidiom
- capitalize
- co-investor
- discretionary
- divestiture
- divestment
- ethical
- hedge fund
- investor
- mature
- paysomethingin
- pension plan
- plough
- plough intosomething/someone
- protect
- pumpsomethingintosomething
- punt onsomething
- speculate