uk/ˈraɪp.nəs/us/ˈraɪp.nəs/(offruitorcrops) thequalityof beingreadyto becollectedoreaten:
(水果或粮食)成熟(的状态)Cookingtimewillvaryaccordingto the ripeness of thepears.烹饪时间因梨的成熟度而不同。
Thefruitshouldreachitsmaximumripeness after a fewdays.果实应该在几天后达到最成熟度的状态。
- People sometimesthumpawatermelontotestitsripeness.
- At end of theday,pickerssortthecherriesaccordingtotheirripeness.
- Mr Kennedy hadreachedhisgreatestripeness ofthoughtandexperiencewhen hepublishedthisvolume.
- Thewinehas anuttyripeness like amaturecheese.
- The ripeness of the comedian'slanguagedeterredsomeaudiencemembers.
Various qualities of food
- candy coat
- candy-coated
- citric
- cordon bleu
- creaminess
- diabetic
- farmhouse
- fruity
- halal
- herby
- homegrown
- homemade
- hoppy
- nutritious
- ripe
- sharpness
- single-estate
- store-bought
- sugar-coated
- sugarcoat
thequalityof beingfullydeveloped:
成熟Hisintellectualpowershad come verygraduallyto ripeness.他的智力已经渐渐地成熟了。
He had hot-housed hisgametoperfectripeness.他已经催化完善了他的游戏。
Making progress and advancing
- advancement
- age
- ahead
- ahead of
- anti-development
- carry
- flourish
- furtherance
- gather
- get beyondsomething
- get it togetheridiom
- grow
- journey
- mature
- pan
- ripen
- self-advancement
- self-betterment
- self-development
- shape up
theconditionof having a verystrong, usuallyunpleasant,smell:
刺鼻难闻的气味Alargepairofbootswithsocksstill inside had beenleftunder one of thebeds;theirripenesssouredtheentireroom.一张床底下还放着一双塞着袜子的大靴子。 难闻的气味使整个房间都变了味。
Smells & smelling
- -smelling
- acrid
- anosmic
- aromatic
- beery
- bergamot
- deodorize
- deodorizing
- fragranced
- putrid
- ripe
- scented
- scratch-and-sniff
- smellsomewhereout
- smellscape
- sniff
- sniffsomething/someoneout
- stink
- stinky
- waft
(of someone'slanguage) thefactof being veryrude:
(语言)粗俗,下流There arewell-documentedinstancesof the ripeness of hislanguagetojournalists.有据可查的事例表明他回复记者时的用语是粗鄙不堪的。
Rude and cheeky
- cheekily
- cheekiness
- churlish
- churlishly
- churlishness
- coarse
- coarsely
- discourteous
- fruity
- gall
- impudent
- offensively
- offensiveness
- potty mouth
- potty-mouthed
- presume
- presumptuously
- ripe
- temerity
- unrepeatable