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单词 opposite


You'd neverknowthey'resisters- they'recompletelyoppositetoeach other in every way.你怎么也不会知道她们是姐妹——她们各方面都全然不同。
Policeattemptstocalmtheviolencehad the oppositeeffect.警方试图平息暴力活动,却适得其反。
More examples
  • The twopoliticianshavediametricallyoppositepointsofview.
  • Two of the president'schiefadvisorshavestakedout oppositepositionson thisissue.
  • Heheldthe oppositeviewto hisbrother.
  • Thewitnessesgave oppositeaccountsof whocausedtheaccident.
  • Themoviewassupposedto bescary, but it had the oppositeeffecton him.


being in apositionon the otherside;facing
Mybrotherand Iliveon oppositesidesof thecity.我哥哥和我住在城里两个方向相反的区。
Themapon the oppositepageshowswhere thesebirdscommonlybreed.对页上的地图表明这些鸟一般在什么地方交配繁衍。
Theysatat oppositeendsof thetable(to/fromeach other),refusingtotalk.他们坐在桌子的两端,彼此互不搭理。
facingthespeakerorstatedpersonor thing
If youwanttobuytickets, you need to go to thecounteropposite.如果想买票,你得去对面的柜台。
Whoownsthathouseopposite(= on the othersideof theroad)?对面那栋房子的主人是谁?
More examples
  • "No, go that way, " I said,pointingin the oppositedirection.
  • These two men might bethoughttorepresentthe oppositepolesofeconomicideology.
  • By thetimewereachedthe oppositebank, theboatwassinkingfast.
  • Firmlysecurethe twouprightsto oppositewallsin thealcoveand thenslottheshelvesin between them.
  • Theydroveaway in oppositedirections.
in apositionfacingsomeone or something but on the otherside
We're in thebuildingopposite thegovernmentoffices.我们在正对着政府办公楼的大楼里。
Theysatopposite each other.他们面对面地坐着。
Put atickopposite(= next to)theanswerthat youthinkiscorrect.在你认为正确的答案旁边打个勾。
act/play/star oppositesb
toactapartin afilmorplaywith someone as apartner
Katharine Hepburnplayedopposite Henry Fonda in manyfilms.凯瑟琳‧赫本在许多电影中与亨利‧方达联袂出演。
More examples
  • We're in the very modern-lookingbuildingopposite thestation.
  • Ilivebangopposite thecinema.
  • Athin,beardedmansatopposite me on thetrain.
  • The womanseatedopposite himrefusedtostopstaringat him.
  • The womensittingopposite us weregazingadmiringlyatbabyJoe.


Oppositeorin front of?
Opposite as a preposition means ‘in a position facing someone or something but on the other side’:
noun[Coften singular]
something or someone that iscompletelydifferent from anotherpersonor thing
Myfatheris a verycalmperson, but mymotheris justtheopposite.我父亲是个非常沉着的人,而我母亲则正好相反。
She'sturnedout to betheexactopposite of what everyoneexpected.结果表明她是一个和大家的期盼恰恰相反的人。
Theoppositeof"fast" is "slow".fast(快)的反义词是 slow(慢)。
People say oppositesattract.他们总是说相异相吸。
More examples
  • Whileclaimingtopromotepositiveimagesof women, advertisers are infactdoing the very opposite.
  • She's verythoughtful- thedirectopposite of hersister.
  • No, I'm nottired. Rather the opposite infact.
  • What's the opposite of 'steep'?
  • I don'tdislikehim -quitethe opposite,actually.


Most common adjectives are members of a pair of opposites (antonyms):
Gradable opposites (antonyms)
The most common gradable adjectives can be grouped into pairs of opposites (antonyms) which refer to features like height: short – tall; heat: hot – cold, size; big – small, etc. These adjectives are at the upper and lower parts of an open-ended scale (a scale with no maximum or minimum):
in apositionfacingsomeone or something but on the otherside
Sheaskedthe mansittingopposite whether he'dmindif sheopenedthewindow.她问坐在对面的那位男子是否介意她把窗打开。
Thepeoplewholiveopposite(= on the othersideof theroad)are always making a lot ofnoise.住在马路对面的人总是很闹腾。
More examples
  • Iaskedthe woman opposite if I could use herphone.
  • I was on themetrothismorningwhen for noapparentreasonthe man oppositesuddenlyscreamed.
  • I went to thebankopposite.
  • Thehouseopposite isownedby anItalianfamily.
  • Theballendedup in thefieldopposite.


Theoppositedirection was created by reversing the order.
From theCambridge English Corpus
This apparent discrepancy actually makes sense under the view that both experiments captureoppositesides of children's understanding of indirect requests.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Theoppositedirection of this implication, that is, the completeness of the logical relations with respect to contextual equivalence remains future work.
From theCambridge English Corpus
If central powers tended to do the same foroppositereasons, their attitude towards non-bureaucratic opinion alternated between indifference and hostility.
From theCambridge English Corpus
But the government's judgement was quite theopposite.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Cells ofoppositepolarity to the central reference cell are shown in red and those of the same polarity in green.
From theCambridge English Corpus
However, theoppositetrend, albeit diminished, was seen at the soma, where the unconfined distribution was more effective than the clustered distribution.
From theCambridge English Corpus
A control of order -1 has theoppositebehaviour: a direct relationship between rate of change of the control's value and the dimension's value.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In the most general sense, these limits are the limits of generalization, inoppositedirections.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Indeed, he takes pains on every one of these counts to show that theoppositeis closer to the truth.
From theCambridge English Corpus
I showed that finite control demonstrates theoppositeproblem of resource surplus.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Here time discipline is put to the service not of virtuous self-culture, but theopposite, the degradation of the operatives as moral beings.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The changes in spectral sensitivity associated with this interference can be substantial, because the effects on the signals from the two cone types areopposite.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The literature is full of unproven claims about what is a good feature - and equally blunt statements to theopposite.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These scholars rarely consider theopposite-that these writings may not actually be disseminated to the population at large in a manner that is sociopolitically consequential.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.



These are words often used in combination withopposite.

Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.

absolute opposite
That is the absolute opposite of the truth.
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under theOpen Parliament Licence v3.0
binary opposites
It helps to reinforce binary opposites: us and them, self and other, objective and subjective, general and local.
From theCambridge English Corpus
complete opposite
It is thecompleteoppositeof the instinctive human reaction to pain: the deliberate, conscious attempt to feel as much physical anguish as possible.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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