roll verb (MOVE )
B2 [I orT ,usually + adv/prep ] to (causesomething to)movesomewherebyturningover and over or fromsidetoside:
(使)翻滚;(使)滚动 Thevaserolled off theedgeof thetableandsmashed. 花瓶从桌边滚落下来摔得粉碎。
Thedogrolled over ontoitsback. 那只狗翻了个身四爪朝天躺着。
I rolled thewheelalong thesideof theroadback to thecar. 我沿路边把车轮滚回到汽车旁。
B2 [I orT ,usually + adv/prep ] tomovesomewhereeasilyand withoutsuddenmovements:
滚动;滚移;飘移 Atearrolled down hischeek. 一滴泪水顺着他的脸颊滚下。
Awaveofcigarettesmokerolled towards me. 有人在抽烟,一团烟雾向我这边飘来。
The piano's onwheels, so we can roll it into theroom. 钢琴装有轮子,所以我们可以把它推进屋里来。
[I ] If anaircraftor ashiprolls, itleansto onesideand then to the other because of thewindorwaves.
[I ] If amachineis rolling, it isoperating:
(机器)运转,启动,开动 Just as thetelevisioncameras startedrolling, itbegantopourdown withrain. 正当电视摄像机启动拍摄时,突然下起了瓢泼大雨。
C2 [T ] If you rollyoureyes, youmovethem so that you arelookingup, to show that youconsidersomeone or somethingstupidorsilly:
(表示认为某人或某事很愚蠢)翻(白眼),向上翻动(眼球) When hesuggestedthey shouldbuya newcar, she rolled hereyesin disbelief. 他建议说他们应该买辆新车,她翻了翻白眼,一副不相信的样子。
You roll thediceand whoever gets thehighestscoregoes first. Anapplerolled out of thebag. He rolled theballback to thegoalkeeper. How do wedecidewho rolls first? Theshipwas rollingviolentlyfromsidetoside. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesRevolving, rotating and spinning
around around and around idiom backspin birl centrifugal circuit revolve revolving rotary rotate rotation span spin swim swing twirl twirling twirly underspin wheel round See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Advancing and moving forward
Air travel: aviation
Sailing & boating
Slanting, sloping, leaning, tilting
Machines - Functioning
Grimacing and frowning
roll verb (TURN OVER )
B1 [T usually + adv/prep ] to (causesomething to)turnover onto itself toformtheshapeof aballor atube:
(使)卷;(使)绕;裹;滚搓 He rolled theclayinto aballin hishands. 他把黏土用手搓成一个球。
As I gotcloser, thehedgehogrolled itself(up) into aball. 我靠近时,刺猬缩成了一个球。
[T ] to make acigarettebywrappingapieceofpaperaround sometobacco
[I orT ,+ adv/prep ] tofoldover apieceofclothingormaterialto make itshorter:
(被)卷起 We rolledback thecarpettoseethefloorboards. 我们把地毯卷了起来查看地板。
He rolled acigarettewhile he waswaiting. You should rollyoursleevesup if you don'twantthem to getdirty. By rolling up hissleepingbaghe wasabletofitit into hisrucksack. Roll themixtureinyourhandsand thendipit into thebatter. She rolled up thenewspaperand used it toswatthefly. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBending, twisting and curving
ball up bendy bent bowed buckle describe entwine flex flexion flexure fluted matted meander sinuous torsion tortuously tortuousness true twiddly wring See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Tobacco & smoking
Making things more or less smooth or straight
roll verb (SMOOTH )
[T ] to make somethingsmoothandflat:
擀平;碾平;滚平 [+ obj + adj ] Sheborrowedagardenrollerto roll thegrassflat. 她借了一台园圃滚压器来把草地轧平。
When you have rolled(out) thepastry,placeit in apiedish. 把馅饼皮擀好后放入馅饼盘里。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMaking things more or less smooth or straight
bunch bunch(something) up coarsen coarsening creased crinkle fold foldaway folding furl grooming interfold pucker rumple sandpaper screw sleek sleek back/down stabilizer wrinkle See more results »
roll verb (SOUND )
[I ] to make acontinuous,repeated,deepsound:
发出持续而低沉的声音,隆隆作响,轰轰响 Thedrums rolled as theacrobatwalkedalong thetightrope. 在咚咚鼓声的伴奏下,杂技演员在钢丝上行走。
[T ] If you rollyourr's, youpronouncethem withyourtonguemovingquicklyandrepeatedlyagainst thetopof themouth:
发…的舌尖颤音 When youspeakSpanishyou rollyourr's. 说西班牙时要用舌尖颤音发r音。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSounds made by objects, movement or impact
babble blaze bong chuff clatter click away clicker clinking clunk crump growl gunshot hiss jangling plunk scrunch sonic boom tick white noise whoosh See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Idioms how sb rolls
rolled into one
be rolling in it
be rolling in the aisles
roll on the weekend, five o'clock, etc.
roll up!
roll upyour sleeves
roll with the punches
Phrasal verbs roll around
roll backsomething
rollsomething back
roll by
roll in
roll(something) out
roll over
roll(something) oversomething
rollsomething up
roll up
roll noun (TUBE )
B2 [C ] apieceoffilm,paper, orcloththat is rolled into theshapeof atube:
一卷;筒形物;卷轴 a roll ofcarpet 一卷地毯
atoiletroll(= a roll oftoiletpaper) 一卷卫生纸
Dave King/Dorling Kindersley/GettyImages
[C ] If apersonoranimalhas rolls offatontheirbody, thatpersonoranimalis veryfat:
Thedoghad rolls offatalongitsneck. 这条狗脖子上有一圈圈的赘肉。
a roll offilm UKlooroll a roll ofSellotape a roll ofwallpaper a roll ofclingfilm SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSpherical, circular and annular objects
air bubble bead bobbin bobble bowling ball disc egg game ball glob globe hoop knob pearl pellet pelleted ring sphere spheroid spool tubal See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Animal physiology: fat or well-built
roll noun (BREAD )
B1 [C ]
(also bread roll ) asmallroundloaf ofbreadfor oneperson:
Would you like a roll andbutterwithyoursoup? 要不要来份黄油面包卷配你的汤?
UK Iboughtacheese/ham/tuna roll(= asandwichmade with a roll) forlunch. 我午饭买了一个奶酪/火腿/金枪鱼面包卷吃。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBread
Anadama bread arepa bagel baguette bannock cottage loaf crouton crumb crumpet crust hot cross bun iced bun injera johnnycake kaiser roll pitta poppadom pretzel pumpernickel roti See more results »
roll noun (LIST )
[C ] anofficiallistofnames:
名单;花名册;登记表 Isyournameon theelectoral roll(= thelistofpeoplewho canvote) ? 你的名字在选民册上吗?
take/call the roll mainlyUS
If you take/callthe roll, youreadaloudthenamesof all thepeopleon thelistto makecertainthat they arepresent:
点名 Theteachercalled the roll toseeif anystudentswereabsent. 老师点名看是否有学生缺勤。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesLists and catalogues
agenda archivist bibliographical birthday honours bucket list glycaemic index hit list honor roll honours list indices questionnaire recital roll of honour roster rota the White Pages waiting list wedding list whitelist wish list See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Questioning people & asking questions in general
roll noun (MOVEMENT )
[C ] anactof rolling on theground:
滚动;打滚;翻滚 Thedogwent for a roll in thegrass. 狗跑到草丛里打了个滚。
Spaces Images/Blend Images/GettyImages
a roll in the hay humorous
sexualactivitythat isquickandenjoyableand does notinvolveseriousfeelings:
苟合;野合(快速、享乐的性行为,不涉及认真的感情) I wouldn'tsacrificemymarriagefor a roll in thehaywith awaitress. 我绝不会为了在一个女服务生身上找刺激而牺牲我的婚姻。
[U ] The roll of ashiporaircraftisitsmovementfromsidetosidein thewaterorair.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesRevolving, rotating and spinning
around around and around idiom backspin birl centrifugal circuit revolve revolving rotary rotate rotation span spin swim swing twirl twirling twirly underspin wheel round See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Air travel: aviation
Sailing & boating
Slanting, sloping, leaning, tilting
roll noun (SOUND )
[C usually singular ] acontinuousrepeateddeepsound:
发出持续而低沉的声音,隆隆作响,轰轰响 adrum roll 一阵鼓声
adeafeningrollofthunder 一阵震耳欲聋的雷声
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSounds made by objects, movement or impact
babble blaze bong chuff clatter click away clicker clinking clunk crump growl gunshot hiss jangling plunk scrunch sonic boom tick white noise whoosh See more results »
(Definition ofroll from theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
roll verb (MOVE )
B2 [I orT ,usually + adv/prep ] to (causesomething to)movesomewherebyturningover and over or fromsidetoside
(使)翻滚;(使)滚动 Thevaserolled off theedgeof thetableandsmashed. 花瓶从桌边滚落下来摔得粉碎。
Thedogrolled over ontoitsback. 那只狗翻了个身四爪朝天躺着。
I rolled thewheelalong thesideof theroadback to thecar. 我沿路边把车轮滚回到汽车旁。
B2 [I orT ,usually + adv/prep ] tomovesomewhereeasilyand withoutsuddenmovements
滚动;滚移;飘移 Atearrolled down hischeek. 一滴泪水顺着他的脸颊滚下。
Awaveofcigarettesmokerolled towards me. 有人在抽烟,一团烟雾向我这边飘来。
The piano's onwheels, so we can roll it into theroom. 钢琴装有轮子,所以我们可以把它推进屋里来。
[I ] If anaircraftor ashiprolls, itleansto onesideand then to the other because of thewindorwaves.
[I ] If amachineis rolling, it isoperating.
(机器)运转,启动,开动 Just as thetelevisioncameras startedrolling, itbegantopourdown withrain. 正当电视摄像机启动拍摄时,突然下起了瓢泼大雨。
C2 [T ] If you rollyoureyes, youmovethem so that you arelookingup, to show that youconsidersomeone or somethingstupidorsilly.
(表示认为某人或某事很愚蠢)翻(白眼),向上翻动(眼球) When hesuggestedthey shouldbuya newcar, she rolled hereyesin disbelief. 他建议说他们应该买辆新车,她翻了翻白眼,一副不相信的样子。
You roll thediceand whoever gets thehighestscoregoes first. Anapplerolled out of thebag. He rolled theballback to thegoalkeeper. How do wedecidewho rolls first? Theshipwas rollingviolentlyfromsidetoside.
roll verb (TURN OVER )
B1 [T usually + adv/prep ] to (causesomething to)turnover onto itself toformtheshapeof aballor atube
(使)卷;(使)绕;裹;滚搓 He rolled theclayinto aballin hishands. 他把黏土用手搓成一个球。
As I gotcloser, thehedgehogrolled itself(up) into aball. 我靠近时,刺猬缩成了一个球。
[T ] to make acigarettebywrappingapieceofpaperaround sometobacco
[I orT ,+ adv/prep ] tofoldover apieceofclothingormaterialto make itshorter
(被)卷起 We rolledback thecarpettoseethefloorboards. 我们把地毯卷了起来查看地板。
He rolled acigarettewhile he waswaiting. You should rollyoursleevesup if you don'twantthem to getdirty. By rolling up hissleepingbaghe wasabletofitit into hisrucksack. Roll themixtureinyourhandsand thendipit into thebatter. She rolled up thenewspaperand used it toswatthefly.
roll verb (SMOOTH )
[T ] to make somethingsmoothandflat
擀平;碾平;滚平 [+ obj + adj ] Sheborrowedagardenrollerto roll thegrassflat. 她借了一台园圃滚压器来把草地轧平。
When you have rolled(out) thepastry,placeit in apiedish. 把馅饼皮擀好后放入馅饼盘里。
roll verb (SOUND )
[I ] to make acontinuous,repeated,deepsound
发出持续而低沉的声音,隆隆作响,轰轰响 Thedrums rolled as theacrobatwalkedalong thetightrope. 在咚咚鼓声的伴奏下,杂技演员在钢丝上行走。
[T ] If you rollyourr's, youpronouncethem withyourtonguemovingquicklyandrepeatedlyagainst thetopof themouth.
发…的舌尖颤音 When youspeakSpanishyou rollyourr's. 说西班牙时要用舌尖颤音发r音。
Idioms rolled into one
be rolling in it
be rolling in the aisles
roll on the weekend, five o'clock, etc.
roll up!
roll upyour sleeves
roll with the punches
Phrasal verbs roll around
roll backsth
rollsth back
roll by
roll in
roll(sth) out
roll(sth) oversth
rollsth up
roll up
roll noun (TUBE )
B2 [C ] apieceoffilm,paper, orcloththat is rolled into theshapeof atube
一卷;筒形物;卷轴 a roll ofcarpet 一卷地毯
atoiletroll(= a roll oftoiletpaper) 一卷卫生纸
[C ] If apersonoranimalhas rolls offatontheirbody, he, she, or it is veryfat.
(人或动物身上由于肥胖而突起的)赘肉,肥肉 Thedoghad rolls offatalongitsneck. 这条狗脖子上有一圈圈的赘肉。
a roll offilm looroll a roll ofSellotape a roll ofwallpaper a roll ofclingfilm
roll noun (BREAD )
B1 [C ]
(also bread roll ) asmallloaf ofbreadfor oneperson
面包卷;小圆面包 Would you like a roll andbutterwithyoursoup? 要不要来份黄油面包卷配你的汤?
UK Iboughtacheese/ham/tuna roll(= asandwichmade with a roll) forlunch. 我午饭买了一个奶酪/火腿/金枪鱼面包卷吃。
roll noun (LIST )
名单;花名册;登记表 Isyournameon theelectoral roll(= thelistofpeoplewho canvote) ? 你的名字在选民册上吗?
take/call the roll mainlyUS
If you take/callthe roll, youreadaloudthenamesof all thepeopleon thelistto makecertainthat they arepresent.
点名 Theteachercalled the roll toseeif anystudentswereabsent. 老师点名看是否有学生缺勤。
roll noun (MOVEMENT )
[C ] anactof rolling on theground
滚动;打滚;翻滚 Thedogwent for a roll in thegrass. 狗跑到草丛里打了个滚。
a roll in the hay humorous
sexualactivitythat isquickandenjoyableand does notinvolveseriousfeelings
苟合;野合(快速、享乐的性行为,不涉及认真的感情) I wouldn'tsacrificemymarriagefor a roll in thehaywith awaitress. 我绝不会为了在一个女服务生身上找刺激而牺牲我的婚姻。
[U ] The roll of ashiporaircraftisitsmovementfromsidetosidein thewaterorair.
roll noun (SOUND )
[C usually singular ] acontinuousrepeateddeepsound
发出持续而低沉的声音,隆隆作响,轰轰响 adrum roll 一阵鼓声
adeafeningrollofthunder 一阵震耳欲聋的雷声
roll | American Dictionary
roll verb (MOVE )
[I/T ] tomovein adirectionbyturningover and over or bytravelingonwheels, or tocausesomething tomovein this way:
[I ] Thecoinrolled off thetable.
[T ] I rolled thesparetirearound to thesideof thecar.
[I ] Tears rolled down hischeeks.
Bobrolled over (=turnedhisbodywhilelyingdown) onto hisstomach.
[I/T ] If you roll acarwindowup or down, youturnahandleorpressabuttonthatopensorclosesthewindow.
[T ] toformsomethingsoftinto aroundedshape:
He rolled theclayinto aball.
[M ] She rolled up herpantsso they wouldn’t getwet.
roll verb (SOUND )
[I/T ] to make acontinuousrepeatedsound:
[I ] Thunder rolled in thedistance.
Idioms (all) rolled into one
rolling in the aisles
roll out the red carpet (forsomeone )
roll upyour sleeves
rollyour eyes
Phrasal verbs roll around
roll backsomething
roll in
roll outsomething
roll outsomething
roll noun (LIST )
[C ] anofficiallistofnames:
roll noun (MOVEMENT )
[C/U ] themovementof something in adirectionbyturningover and over or bytravelingonwheels:
[C ] You have toallowfor the roll of theballwhen itlandsafter youhitit.
roll noun (SOUND )
[C usually sing ] acontinuousrepeatedsound:
roll noun (ROUNDED SHAPE )
[C ] alongpieceof something thatbends,formedinto acylinder:
a roll offilm/tape/aluminumfoil
[C ] A roll is also aroundedmassof something:
(Definition ofroll from theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
roll off the assembly/production line
to beproducedin afactory:
The newvehiclesroll off theassemblylineinAugust.
The company's firstlocallymadevehiclewill roll off theproductionlinewithin ayear.
Phrasal verbs roll sth back
roll in
roll out
roll sth over
roll sth up
(Definition ofroll from theCambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
Examplesof roll roll
A suitable mechanism with gear trains has been designed for performing the jaw of shoulder and theroll of wrist. From theCambridge English Corpus
The single wheel has three resistance forces during the steering - the contact frictional force, the wheel rolling resistance and the scrubbing torque. From theCambridge English Corpus
The sharp spectralroll -off in this range exaggerates the ordinal error for a fixed abscissa. From theCambridge English Corpus
A second way in which an opposition party may avoid being rolled is by exercising institutional veto or delay powers with which it is endowed. From theCambridge English Corpus
A certain 'familialization' of the councils can be ascertained, with some family names appearing on the rolls for generation after generation. From theCambridge English Corpus
Curves 1 and 2 are two extremes of observed trajectories stabilizing toroll cells with a negative flow direction. From theCambridge English Corpus
The intervention group was a closed cohort group where no rolling admissions were allowed into the group after treatment had commenced. From theCambridge English Corpus
Consider a rotating spherical target, which rolls down along the layering channel. From theCambridge English Corpus
For large fluid depths and small temperature differences only circular plan-form rolls were observed. From theCambridge English Corpus
When we walk, the feet take us forward, rolling slowly, yet linear and horizontal, helped by the eyes leading us on. From theCambridge English Corpus
Let's assume that the desired bodyroll angle with reference to the vertical is zero (upright posture). From theCambridge English Corpus
Ten leaves per plot were cut early in the morning (before rolling) and immediately transported to the laboratory. From theCambridge English Corpus
With an appropriate local control at the stance-ankleroll joint, the algorithm was successfully implemented to achieve lateral balance without the need of learning. From theCambridge English Corpus
By sheer accident, an empty trolley, nobody aboard, is starting toroll down a certain track. From theCambridge English Corpus
For selection ofroll -call votes, see note 72. From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Collocationswith roll roll These are words often used in combination withroll .
Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.
membership roll
The church had 70 members at this stage; when themembership roll was inaugurated in 1938 there were 52.
This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license.
muster roll
We have the muster roll in that area.
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under theOpen Parliament Licence v3.0
piano roll
An example is the familiar scrolling 'piano roll ' display which features in most sequencing software.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.