theforceyouproducewhen youpresssomething:
压力He put too much pressure on thedoorhandleand itsnapped.他用力过猛,把门把手弄断了。
You canstopbleedingbyapplyingpressurecloseto theinjuredarea.压住伤口边缘可以止血。
theforcethat aliquidorgasproduceswhen itpressesagainst anarea:
The newmaterialallowsthecompanyto makegaspipeswhichwithstandhigherpressures.新材料使得公司可以生产出耐压力更强的输气管道。
Thegasisstoredunderpressure(= in acontainerwhichkeepsit at ahigherpressure than it would usually have).这种气体是加压贮存的。
- If youapplypressure to acutit'smeanttostopthebleeding.
- Shetriedtocurethepainin mykneeby puttingmanualpressure on thejoint.
- Thealarmisactivatedby thelightestpressure.
- Myankleisextremelypainfulif I put any pressure on it.
- Thevacuuminside thetubecausedit toimplodewhen theexternalairpressure wasincreased.
Physics: energy, force & power
- anti-gravity
- atmospheric pressure
- attract
- attraction
- bar magnet
- barometric pressure
- frictionless
- fundamental force
- G-force
- gravitational
- high-impact
- meltdown
- propulsion
- stored energy
- strong force
- surface tension
- thermodynamic
- transduce
- transduction
- unexcited
theactoftryingto make someoneelsedo something byarguing,persuading, etc.:
Teachers areunderincreasingpressure toworklongerhours.教师们被迫长时间工作,压力越来越大。
[+ to infinitive]Pressuretoabandonthe newmotorwayisincreasing.要求放弃修建这条新的高速公路的呼声与日俱增。
The DefenceSecretaryresignedunderpressurefromthe Prime Minister(= because the Prime Ministerforced him to).国防大臣是在首相的压力下辞职的。
She'sputtingpressureonhim(=tryingtopersuadehim)to getmarried.她在逼他结婚。
formalTheinternationalcommunityistryingtobringpressuretobearon thegovernment(=tryingtopersuadethem)toresolvethesituation.国际社会正试图说服该国政府解决问题。
adifficultsituationthat makes youfeelworriedorunhappy:
压力;困扰She's got a lot of pressureonher atworkjust now.她现在工作压力很大。
Beniceto him - he's beenundera lot of pressurerecently.对他好一点——最近他压力很大。
Can youworkwellunderpressure?你在压力下工作能做得好吗?
the pressuresofwork工作压力
so no pressure then!humorous
something that you say when what someone has just said makes youfeelthat you musttryvery hard to do something:
压力来了"Theseexamsare the mostimportantof all." "Oh, so no pressure then!"“这些考试是所有考试中最重要的。”“哦!有压力了吧!”
asituationin afootballgamein whichattackingplayersaremovingforwardand gettingclosertoscoringagoal, andplayersfrom theopposingteamhave toworkhard tostopthem fromscoring:
(足球比赛中)一方向前进攻,临近进球,对方不得不全力防守Ryan Giggs put thehomedefenceunder pressure.瑞恩·吉格斯给主场球队的防守施压。
Playing fourforwardsputs too much pressure on thedefence.派出四名前锋会对防守造成太大压力。
- They are putting pressure on thegovernmenttoequalizestatepensionagesbetween men and women.
- Somemanagersexertconsiderablepressure ontheirstafftoworkextrahourswithout beingpaid.
- He's putting pressure on me tochangemymind.
- Despiterenewedpressure to give up theoccupiedterritory, they will notyield.
- Herconfessioncould not beadmittedasevidencebecause it was given under pressure from thepolice.
Causing somebody to act
- arm-twisting
- bludgeon
- bounce
- bouncesomeoneintosomething
- bulldoze
- bully
- forcibly
- holdsomeoneto ransomidiom
- impel
- impose
- jolt
- railroad
- ramsomethingintosomeone
- ransom
- reduce
- reducesomeonetosomething
- reimpose
- reimposition
- slap
- squeeze
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Urging & persuading
Anxiety and worry - general words
Trying and making an effort
Competing in sport
USuk/ˈpreʃ.ər/us/ˈpreʃ.ɚ/(UKpressurize)tostronglypersuadesomeone to do something they do notwantto do:
强迫,对…施加压力She was pressuredintojoiningtheclub.她被迫加入那个俱乐部。
Causing somebody to act
- arm-twisting
- bludgeon
- bounce
- bouncesomeoneintosomething
- bulldoze
- bully
- forcibly
- holdsomeoneto ransomidiom
- impel
- impose
- jolt
- railroad
- ramsomethingintosomeone
- ransom
- reduce
- reducesomeonetosomething
- reimpose
- reimposition
- slap
- squeeze
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Urging & persuading