If acontainer, etc. is pressurized, theairpressureinside it ishigherthan theairpressureoutsideit:
a pressurizedtank增压罐
Aircraftcabinsare pressurized.飞机座舱是密封的。
- Theaeroplanewasbuilttoflyat highaltitudes, and it had one of the first pressurizedcabins.
- Onceluggagemovesfrom thecheck-indeskto theconveyorbelt, it is put in a pressurizedboxthatdetonatesanyexplosivebefore thebagisloadedon theplane.
- Artesianwellsaresunkinto pressurizedrockformations, and thewatergushesout like anaturalspring.
Physics: the state of matter
- absorbency
- absorption
- acidic
- allotropic
- compressible
- concentration
- e-liquid
- fluid
- gaseous
- impermeable
- metallic
- neutral
- permeable
- runny
- slurry
- sulphurous
- superabsorbent
- superwave
- unabsorbent
- unset
difficulttodealwith,especiallybecause there are a lot of things to do ordifficultdecisionsto make:
Inheadofficeeverything's very pressurized, withdeadlinesleft,right, andcentre.
He hasperformedbestunder the most pressurizedcircumstances.
- Theincreasinglypressurizedenvironmentofclassroomsis having anegativeeffectonchildren.
- In this pressurized setting,separatedivisionsworkedasfastaspossible.
- He did nottrustthem tokeeptheirnervesundercontrolin such a pressurizedspot.
Difficult things and people
- a (heavy) cross to bearidiom
- albatross
- bane
- be dead meatidiom
- be in the clearidiom
- be out of the woodsidiom
- bump
- equation
- hindrance
- hot potato
- impediment
- incubus
- marathon
- nut
- teaser
- teething troubles
- the tip of the icebergidiom
- thorn inyourflesh/sideidiom
- tiesomeoneup
- twist