toload(= put)informationor aprogramonto acomputerbefore it issoldor used:
(出售或使用前)预先安装;预先加载Teachers preloadlessonsonto these wall-lengthcomputerscreens.教师将上课内容预先加载到这些墙一样长的电脑屏幕上。
Theconsolecomes pre-loadedwithmusicandvideos.控制台预先安装了音乐和视频。
tofillacontainer, etc. with something beforemovingorsendingitsomewhereelse:
预装入;预填入Thevaccineis preloaded intosyringes.疫苗是预先装入注射器的。
Onlargeplanes,metalcontainersare preloadedwithbags.在大型飞机上,金属容器里面的袋子是预先装入的。
to havefoodordrink,especiallyalcoholicdrink, before doing something or going outsomewhere:
(指外出之前在家)喝热身酒,预喝酒You've got to preload before you get to abarbecause you can'tdrinkonceyou go in.到酒吧之前要先预喝一些,因为进去之后就不能喝酒了。
- Thelawyerpreloads thetabletwith all thedocumentationneededincourt.
- Thesoftwarecomes preloaded onto themachine.
- TheoriginalKodak had a preloadedrollofpapernegatives.
- Pre-loading somecomponentscanhelpreduceloadingtime.
- He preloads withcarbsbeforeexercise.
Operating computers
- admin
- aliasing
- always-on
- backsomeoneup
- black hat
- computerate
- computerize
- drill down
- enter
- escape
- interface
- keyboarder
- maximize
- miswrite
- mouse oversomething
- munging
- navigational
- scroll
- ticket
- uninstall
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Computer programming & software
Computer concepts
Wrapping, packing and loading
Alcohol - general words