light noun (BRIGHTNESS )
B1 [U ] thebrightnessthat comes from thesun,fire, etc. and fromelectricaldevices, and thatallowsthings to beseen:
光,光亮,光线 abrightlight 明亮的光线
fluorescent/ultravioletlight 荧光/紫外光
abeam/rayof light 一道/束光线
Light wasstreamingin through theopendoor. 光线从敞开的门口倾泻进来。
It's a north-facingroomso it doesn't get much light(=brightnessfrom thesun) . 房间朝北,所以光线有些不足。
A2 [C ] apieceofequipmentthatproduceslight, such as alampor abulb:
发光体;灯,电灯 Could youswitch/turnthe lighton/off ,please? 请把灯打开/关上好吗?
She couldseethecitylights in thedistance. 她能够看到远处城市的灯光。
As the lights went down, theaudiencegrewquiet. 灯熄灭后,观众们开始安静下来。
Myfrontbikelight isn'tworking. 我的自行车前灯不亮了。
the lights (also the light )
trafficlights (= a set ofred,yellow, andgreenlights thatcontrolthemovementofvehicles, usually at apointwhere two or moreroadsjoin) :
Shestoppedat the lights andsawhim on the othersideof theroad.
As the lightsturnedgreen,cyclistswould be the first away, withcarsandbusesfollowingon behind.
Somesignalsusetechnologiesthatdetectwhencarsarestoppedat the light.
The light was sobrightthat I had tocovermyeyes. Thebombexplodedin aflashofyellowlight. Thetorchsendsout apowerfulbeamof light. Shepulledtheduvetover herheadtotrytoshutout the light. Wesawaglimmerof light in thedistance. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesLight
beam brilliance candlelight firelight fluorescence helio- illumination incandescence incident light incident ray infrared lamplight monochromatic phosphorescence photo shininess starlight sunlight sunshine torchlight See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Lighting & light fittings in the home
Roads: lights, signs & markings on roads
light noun (FLAME )
a light
something that willproduceaflameandcauseburning, such as amatchor acigarettelighter:
打火机,点火器 Have you got a light,please? 请问你有打火机吗?
Heaskedme for a light. She gave me a light. I didn't have a light. Can you give me a light? Ineededa light.
set light tosomething UK
tocausesomething tostartburning:
点燃 Thelampcaughtfireand set light to thecurtains. 灯起火了,烧着了窗帘。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTobacco & smoking
anti-tobacco big tobacco bong briar chain-smoker cigarette cigarette butt cigarette holder fag filter tip nicotine patch passive smoking puffer roll up! idiom roll-your-own second-hand smoke shisha smokeless tobacco weed See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Heaters & burners
Starting fires
light noun (LUNGS )
[plural ] animallungseatenasfood:
TheFrenchlike topoachlights beforefryingthem withonions,tomatoes, and awinesauce.
They used thewholeanimal,includingliverand lights.
In the US, lights aremainlyfedtopets. Lights aretechnicallyoffal, butanimallungstendnot to beeatenin the UK. InTurkeyand Greece,skeweredlamb's lights arewrappedwithintestinesandgrilledtoproducekokoreç or kokoretsi. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesOrgans eaten as meat
brawn chitterlings foie gras giblets headcheese kidney liver menudo offal sweetbread tongue tripe
Idioms bringsomething to light
cast/shed/throw light onsomething
come to light
go out like a light
in the light ofsomething
keep the lights on
light at the end of the tunnel
the light ofyour life
show someone in a bad light
light adjective (NOT HEAVY )
A2 notweighinga lot:
轻的;轻便的 Here, take thisbag- it'squitelight. 给你,拿着这个袋子——很轻的。
He's a fewpoundslighter than he used to be. 他的体重比以前轻了几磅。
How do you getyourcakessowonderfullylight, Amy? 艾米,你是怎样把蛋糕做得这么松软的?
He has a very light(=gentle) touch , which is what isrequiredinmassage. 正如按摩所要求的那样,他的手法很轻。
She's very lighton herfeet (= shemovesgracefully) . 她走起路来步态轻盈。
A2 Lightclothesare made ofthinmaterialthatallowsyou to becool:
(服装面料)凉爽的,轻薄的 a lightsummerdress 凉爽的夏季长裙
Will you beabletocarrythesebagsto thecar? There'requitelight. Thisumbrellais very light and itfitseasilyinto mybag. I can'tcarryyou around any more - you're not as light as you were, mygirl! Mysuitcaseisfairlylight as I didn't havetimetopackvery much. Thekittenwas so light I couldhardlyfeelitsittingon mylap. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesLight and weightless
(as) light as a feather idiom airiness airy be (as) light as a feather idiom ethereal feather fluffiness fluffy foamy frothy insubstantial lightweight portability portable sheer superlight ultra-lightweight weightlessness wispy See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Style & appearance of clothes
light adjective (BRIGHT )
B1 lit by thenaturallight of theday:
亮的,光亮的,明亮的 Thebigwindowsmake theroomfeelwonderfullylight andairy. 大窗户使房间显得特别明亮、通透。
It gets light very early thesesummermornings. 在这样的夏日里天亮得很早。
Summer is coming and theeveningsare getting lighter(= gettingdarklater) . 夏天快到了,天黑得越来越晚了。
The newofficesare light andairy. It doesn't get light until nine. Thehallwas light anddecoratedin amodernstyle. Iwantedthesummerroomto be very light. Herhouseis light andairy. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesThe qualities of light
ablaze brightly brilliantly dazzling dazzlingly dullness flickering fluorescent glittering luminescent luminous lustrous moonlit optically polychromatic prismatic shining starlit sunlit ultraviolet See more results »
light adjective (PALE )
A1 (ofcolours)pale:
(颜色)淡的,浅的 He hadspikylightbrownhair,shavedat thesidesandgelledontop. Adarkcarpetwon'tmarkaseasilyas a light one. Thewallsarepaintedlightblue. Iprefertowearlightcolours. They have a lightbrowncarpet. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesColourless or causing colour to fade
bleach colourless discoloration discolour discoloured drab drably drabness fade faded frost lighten muted pale paleness pre-faded sober sombre washed out weather See more results »
light adjective (NOT SERIOUS )
entertainingandeasilyunderstood, but notseriousand notintendedto make youthink:
轻松的,愉快的 Iwantsome lightreading for thesummerholidays- aromanceor something. 暑假里我想读点轻松的东西——比如言情小说之类的。
Alivelyargumentbetween the twomainspeakersprovidedsomelightrelief (= somethingenjoyableoramusing) in anotherwisedullconference. 两位主要发言者间活跃的争论是一种愉悦轻松的调剂。否则, 会议实在枯燥乏味。
make light ofsomething
C2 tobehaveas if asituation,especiallyaproblem, is notseriousorimportant:
轻视,忽视(尤指问题) It iseasyto make light of other people'sproblems. 忽视他人的问题很容易。
Ifoundhernovelsratherlight. Theprogrammesareintendedas lightentertainment. I did a little lightreading. Sheenjoyslightopera. Themoviewas light butfun. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesHumour & humorous
amusingly barrel blackly bone dry idiom bring broadness facetious hilarious jocular joker jokester non-serious photobomb photobombing playfully playfulness rib-tickling ridiculous uproarious wag See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Types of music
Treating as unimportant
light adjective (NOT MUCH )
B1 notgreatinstrengthoramount:
弱小的;少量的 A lightwindwasblowing. 外面有微风。
Thetrafficwasquitelight so we got through Londonquickly. 路上车不多,所以我们很快就穿过了伦敦。
It's only lightrain- you don't need anumbrella. 只是下了点儿小雨——你不必拿雨伞。
light eater/drinker/smoker
someone whoeats/drinks/smokesonly a little
light sleeper
someone who iseasilywokenup bynoise, etc.
There was a lightcoveringofsnow. Thiswinehas a light,fruityflavour. Thesauceitself was light,fragrantandslightlysweet. Theboatgoesfast,evenin lightwinds. There is only lighttrafficon theroadstonight. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesWeakness and vulnerability
Achilles heel at a low ebb idiom be (only) flesh and blood idiom besomeone's poodle idiom brittle helplessly helplessness house of cards idiom human impotence sitting target soft target submissive submissively submissiveness wetly wetness wimpy wonky wuss See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Self-control and moderation
light adjective (MEAL/DRINK )
A lightmealissmallandeasytodigest:
(食物)少量的,简便的,清淡的 I don'teatmuch forlunch- just a lightsnack. 我午饭吃得不多——只吃一点儿小吃。
used todescribealcoholicdrinksthat are notstronginflavour:
酒精饮料度数低的,低度的 It'sdescribedon thelabelas "light,fruitywine". 标签上写着“浓郁醇香的低度葡萄酒”。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMeals & parts of meals
accompaniment afternoon tea afters amuse-bouche antipasto dinner time elevenses English breakfast feast feeding packed lunch picnic picnicker plate meal ploughman's lunch tapas tea tea party teatime tiffin See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
light adjective (NOT SEVERE )
needingonly a verysmallamountofeffort:
轻微的,轻松的,容易的 lightexercise, such aswalking 散步之类轻微的运动
a little lighthousework 一点儿家务活儿
A lightsentenceinprisonis ashortone:
(量刑)轻的 He got off with afairlylightsentencebecause it was his firstconviction. 因为是初犯,他得以轻判。
make light work ofsomething/doing something
to do somethingquicklyandeasily:
轻而易举地做某事 Heather made lightworkofpaintingthewalls. 希瑟轻而易举地刷完了墙。
You made lightworkof thatchocolatecake(= youateitquickly) ! 你三两下就把巧克力蛋糕吃光了!
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesEasiness and simplicity
(as) easy as pie/ABC/anything/falling off a log idiom a piece of cake idiom accessibility at the push of a button idiom at the stroke of a pen idiom be (all) downhill idiom doss friendly gift gimme give/handsomething tosomeone on a (silver) platter idiom handily painting by numbers idiom platter presto rarefied the path of least resistance idiom walkaway walkover withyour eyes closed/shut idiom See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Putting people in prison
Hurrying and doing things quickly
Efficient and effective
light verb (START FLAMES )
B1 [I orT ] tostarttoburnor to make somethingstarttoburn:
点燃,点火 to light afire 点火
I can't get thecookerto light. 我无法点燃煤气灶。
He lit his fifthcigaretteinhalfanhour. 不到半个小时,他已经开始点第5支烟了。
Theroomwas lit bycandles. Afullmoonlit up thesky. Adimtorchlit thecave. Laserbeamslit up thenight. Awhitelight lit up thescreen. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesStarting fires
arsonist bellows combust fire fire starter firelighter ignite ignition kindle kindling make makesomething up match put putsomething out reignition set fire tosomething/someone idiom setsomething/someone on fire idiom tinder torch See more results »
light verb (MAKE BRIGHT )
B2 [T ] toproducelight that makes anobjectorareabrightoreasytosee:
照亮,点亮;为…照明 Thestagehad been lit withcandles. 蜡烛照亮了舞台。
Fireworks litup thesky(= made theskybright) . 焰火点亮了天空。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesGiving out light
afire albedo beam bioluminescence burnished candlelit flicker gleam glimmer glitter glow illuminate noctilucent non-glare non-luminous out-glitter pearlescence reflected ray shine wink See more results »
Idiom light a fire undersomeone
Phrasal verbs light on/uponsomething
light(something) up
(Definition oflight from theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
light noun (BRIGHTNESS )
B1 [U ] thebrightnessthat comes from thesun,fire, etc. and fromelectricaldevices, and thatallowsthings to beseen
光,光亮,光线 abrightlight 明亮的光线
fluorescent/ultravioletlight 荧光/紫外光
abeam/rayof light 一道/束光线
Light wasstreamingin through theopendoor. 光线从敞开的门口倾泻进来。
It's a north-facingroomso it doesn't get much light(=brightnessfrom thesun) . 房间朝北,所以光线有些不足。
A2 [C ] apieceofequipmentthatproduceslight, such as alampor abulb
发光体;灯,电灯 Could youswitch/turnthe lighton/off ,please? 请把灯打开/关上好吗?
She couldseethecitylights in thedistance. 她能够看到远处城市的灯光。
As the lights went down, theaudiencegrewquiet. 灯熄灭后,观众们开始安静下来。
Myfrontbikelight isn'tworking. 我的自行车前灯不亮了。
The light was sobrightthat I had tocovermyeyes. Thebombexplodedin aflashofyellowlight. Thetorchsendsout apowerfulbeamof light. Shepulledtheduvetover herheadtotrytoshutout the light. Wesawaglimmerof light in thedistance.
light noun (FLAME )
a light
something that willproduceaflameandcauseburning, such as amatchor acigarettelighter
打火机,点火器 Have you got a light,please? 请问你有打火机吗?
Heaskedme for a light. She gave me a light. I didn't have a light. Can you give me a light? Ineededa light.
set light tosth UK
tocausesomething tostartburning
点燃 Thelampcaughtfireand set light to thecurtains. 灯起火了,烧着了窗帘。
Idioms bringsth to light
cast/shed/throw light onsth
come to light
go out like a light
in the light ofsth
light at the end of the tunnel
the light ofyour life
show someone in a bad light
light adjective (NOT HEAVY )
轻的;轻便的 Here, take thisbag- it'squitelight. 给你,拿着这个袋子——很轻的。
He's a fewpoundslighter than he used to be. 他的体重比以前轻了几磅。
How do you getyourcakessowonderfullylight, Amy? 艾米,你是怎样把蛋糕做得这么松软的?
He has a very light(=gentle) touch , which is what isrequiredinmassage. 正如按摩所要求的那样,他的手法很轻。
She's very lighton herfeet (= shemovesgracefully) . 她走起路来步态轻盈。
A2 Lightclothesare made ofthinmaterialthatallowsyou to becool.
(服装面料)凉爽的,轻薄的 a lightsummerdress 凉爽的夏季长裙
Will you beabletocarrythesebagsto thecar? There'requitelight. Thisumbrellais very light and itfitseasilyinto mybag. I can'tcarryyou around any more - you're not as light as you were, mygirl! Mysuitcaseisfairlylight as I didn't havetimetopackvery much. Thekittenwas so light I couldhardlyfeelitsittingon mylap.
light adjective (BRIGHT )
B1 lit by thenaturallight of theday
亮的,光亮的,明亮的 Thebigwindowsmake theroomfeelwonderfullylight andairy. 大窗户使房间显得特别明亮、通透。
It gets light very early thesesummermornings. 在这样的夏日里天亮得很早。
Summer is coming and theeveningsare getting lighter(= gettingdarklater) . 夏天快到了,天黑得越来越晚了。
The newofficesare light andairy. It doesn't get light until nine. Thehallwasbrightanddecoratedin amodernstyle. Iwantedthesummerroomto be very light. Herhouseis light andairy.
light adjective (PALE )
(颜色)淡的,浅的 lightblue/green 浅蓝色/绿色
He hadspikylightbrownhair,shavedat thesidesandgelledontop. Adarkcarpetwon'tmarkaseasilyas a light one. Thewallsarepaintedlightblue. Iprefertowearlightcolours. They have a lightbrowncarpet.
light adjective (NOT SERIOUS )
entertainingandeasilyunderstood, but notseriousand notintendedto make youthink
轻松的,愉快的 Iwantsome lightreading for thesummerholidays- aromanceor something. 暑假里我想读点轻松的东西——比如言情小说之类的。
Alivelyargumentbetween the twomainspeakersprovidedsomelightrelief (= somethingenjoyableoramusing) in anotherwisedullconference. 两位主要发言者间活跃的争论是一种愉悦轻松的调剂。否则, 会议实在枯燥乏味。
make light ofsth
C2 tobehaveas if asituation,especiallyaproblem, is notseriousorimportant
轻视,忽视(尤指问题) It iseasyto make light of other people'sproblems. 忽视他人的问题很容易。
Ifoundhernovelsratherlight. Theprogrammesareintendedas lightentertainment. I did a little lightreading. Sheenjoyslightopera. Themoviewas light butfun.
light adjective (NOT MUCH )
B1 notgreatinstrengthoramount
弱小的;少量的 A lightwindwasblowing. 外面有微风。
Thetrafficwasquitelight so we got through Londonquickly. 路上车不多,所以我们很快就穿过了伦敦。
It's only lightrain- you don't need anumbrella. 只是下了点儿小雨——你不必拿雨伞。
light eater/drinker/smoker
someone whoeats/drinks/smokesonly a little
light sleeper
someone who iseasilywokenup bynoise, etc.
There was a lightcoveringofsnow. Thiswinehas a light,fruityflavour. Thesauceitself was light,fragrantandslightlysweet. Theboatgoesfast,evenin lightwinds. There is only lighttrafficon theroadstonight.
light adjective (MEAL/DRINK )
A lightmealissmallandeasytodigest.
(食物)少量的,简便的,清淡的 I don'teatmuch forlunch- just a lightsnack. 我午饭吃得不多——只吃一点儿小吃。
used todescribealcoholicdrinksthat are notstronginflavour
酒精饮料度数低的,低度的 It'sdescribedon thelabelas "light,fruitywine". 标签上写着“浓郁醇香的低度葡萄酒”。
light adjective (NOT SEVERE )
needingonly a verysmallamountofeffort
轻微的,轻松的,容易的 lightexercise, such aswalking 散步之类轻微的运动
a little lighthousework 一点儿家务活儿
A lightsentenceinprisonis ashortone.
(量刑)轻的 He got off with afairlylightsentencebecause it was his firstconviction. 因为是初犯,他得以轻判。
make light work ofsth/doing sth
to do somethingquicklyandeasily
轻而易举地做某事 Heather made lightworkofpaintingthewalls. 希瑟轻而易举地刷完了墙。
You made lightworkof thatchocolatecake(= youateitquickly) ! 你三两下就把巧克力蛋糕吃光了!
light verb (START FLAMES )
B1 [I orT ] tostarttoburnor to make somethingstarttoburn
点燃,点火 to light afire 点火
I can't get thecookerto light. 我无法点燃煤气灶。
He lit his fifthcigaretteinhalfanhour. 不到半个小时,他已经开始点第5支烟了。
Theroomwas lit bycandles. Afullmoonlit up thesky. Adimtorchlit thecave. Laserbeamslit up thenight. Awhitelight lit up thescreen.
light verb (MAKE BRIGHT )
B2 [T ] toproducelight that makes anobjectorareabrightoreasytosee
照亮,点亮;为…照明 Thestagehad been lit withcandles. 蜡烛照亮了舞台。
Fireworks litup thesky(= made theskybright) . 焰火点亮了天空。
Phrasal verbs light on/uponsth
light(sth) up
light | American Dictionary
light noun (ENERGY )
[C/U ] theenergyfrom thesunorfireand fromelectricaldevicesthatallowsyou toseeclearly:
[U ] Light wasstreamingthrough thewindows.
[U ] The light was sobrightthat ithurtmyeyes.
[C/U ] A light is also anything thatprovideslight,esp. anelectriclamp:
[C ] Don’tforgettoturnoff the lights when youleave.
[C/U ] A light is also atrafficlight:
Let’s go – you’ve got agreenlight.
light noun (FLAME )
[U ] adeviceused toproduceaflame, such as amatch:
Excuse me, have you got a light?
Idioms in (the) light of
light at the end of the tunnel
light adjective (NOT HEAVY )
[-er/-est only ] having littleweight; notheavy:
Ty’s a fewpoundslighter than he used to be.
[-er/-est only ] Clothes that are light are made ofthinmaterialwhichallowsyou to becool:
[-er/-est only ] A lightmealis asmallone:
light adjective (NOT FAT )
(also lite ) (offood) having lessfator fewercaloriesthanusual:
light adjective (NOT SERIOUS )
[-er/-est only ] intendedtoentertain; notserious:
Take along some lightreadingfor thetrip.
light adjective (NOT A LOT )
[-er/-est only ] notgreatinstrengthoramount;slight:
a lightrain
Thedoctorsaid it was OK to take lightexercise, such aswalking.
[-er/-est only ] A lightsentenceinprisonis ashortone.
[-er/-est only ] Tastes andsmellsdescribedas light are notobvious:
a lightscentof wildflowers
light eater/drinker
A lighteater/drinkereatsordrinksonly a little.
light adjective (ENERGY )
[-er/-est only ] providingenergyfrom thesunthatallowsyou toseeclearly:
It was still light out at eight in theevening.
light adjective ,adverb [-er/-est only] (PALE )
a light-coloredcar
Thewallswere lightgreen.
light verb (ENERGY )
[T ] toprovidewithenergyfrom thesun,fire, orelectricaldevicesthatallowyou toseeclearly:
Thehousewas lit withcandlesfor thedinnerparty.
light verb (FLAME )
[I ] I can’t get thebarbecueto light.
[T ] Itriedto light thefire, but thewoodwaswet.
Idiom light a fire undersomeone
Phrasal verbs light up
light upsomething
(Definition oflight from theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
notgreatinsize,strength, oramount:
Airtrafficwas very light at Heathrow so we were notdelayed.
We had alightmeal before webegannegotiations.
TRANSPORT used fordescribingformsoftransportthat aresmalleror that use lesspowerthan theusualkind:
Fleets oflighttrucks deliverfurnituretohouseholdsthroughouttheregion.
Lightaircraft allowbusyexecutivestoflyanywhereat a moment'snotice.
Acontestforlightrail developmentdrewinterestfromurbanplanners.
needingonly a verysmallamountofworkoreffort:
light on sth
not having a lot of something:
light on details/facts/information Hispresentationwas light ondetailsas to how he wouldspendthemoney.
make light work of (doing) sth
to do somethingquicklyoreasily:
Workers from the secondshiftstayedlate so we wereableto make lightworkofunloadingthedeliveries.
a way ofthinkingabout orunderstandingsomething:
a bad/good/new light After theywonall thoseawards, wesaw themin a new light anddecidedthey wereseriouscompetitors.
a negative/positive light Wewanttoshow ourcountryin apositivelight .
cast/shed light on sth
to show something about asituationthat waspreviouslyunknown:
Thisshedsnew light on whye-businessinvestmentdoes not alwaysleadtoimprovedfirmperformance.
give sth a/the green light
to give someonepermissionto do something:
Contractors were given agreenlight toinstalltheinfrastructurefor theindustrialpark.
in the light of
(US in light of ) because of something or as aresultof something:
In light ofproblemswe're having, we have nochoicebut toclosethebusiness.
(Definition oflight from theCambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
Examplesof light light
Besides nutrients andlight , rice and weeds also competed for water. From theCambridge English Corpus
Preconditioning with brightlight evokes a protective response againstlight damage in the rat retina. From theCambridge English Corpus
However, this does not warrant totally abandoning the notion of separate senses, particularly inlight of evidence of limits in cross-modal representations. From theCambridge English Corpus
Interestingly, although the amplitude of thelight response can be completely recovered, the characteristic feedback-induced rollback does not reappear. From theCambridge English Corpus
The size of the horizontal cell receptive fields adapts to the stimulus in thelight adapted goldfish retina. From theCambridge English Corpus
A 3-min period of dark adaptation was followed by a 1-min period oflight adaptation to the two surrounds. From theCambridge English Corpus
On a technical note, the maps are so blurred as to be sometimes unreadable and the print quality islight and indistinct on some pages. From theCambridge English Corpus
The child was then told that the lights in the room would be turned off. From theCambridge English Corpus
However, many problems have remained unsolved, and many supposed facts need to be revised in thelight of recent research. From theCambridge English Corpus
Luminance gradients are usually thought to provide cues about the interactions oflight and surfaces that model the volume of the resulting object. From theCambridge English Corpus
One major cross-linguistic generalisation that is supported by these data concerns syllable weight : many stress systems distinguish betweenlight and heavy syllables. From theCambridge English Corpus
Inlight of this, it would seem appropriate to try another analytical approach that could be appropriate for strongly nonlinear systems. From theCambridge English Corpus
Roughly speaking, life nudges the universe so as to allowlight to circumnavigate the universe first in one direction, and then another. From theCambridge English Corpus
The pragmatic themes of reevaluation and revision inlight of new information are evident in this method. From theCambridge English Corpus
All of them shed a direct or obliquelight on the main themes of this project. From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Collocationswith light light These are words often used in combination withlight .
Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.
amber light
Report on human cloning through embryo splitting: an amber light.
From theCambridge English Corpus
artificial light
It will be possible to modulate the transparency of the surface by mixing daylight,artificial light from above andartificial light from below.
From theCambridge English Corpus
beacon light
That lead was followed, and it acted as a beacon light for the remainder of the war.
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under theOpen Parliament Licence v3.0
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.