(alsosemifinalist,mainlyUKsemi finalist)uk/ˌsem.iˈfaɪ.nəl.ɪst/us/ˌsem.iˈfaɪ.nəl.ɪst/apersonorteamthatreachesthesemifinals(= one of the twogamesthat areplayedtodecidewho will takepartin thefinalgameoreventof acompetition):
Atkinson told me that no-oneremembersthe semi-finalists.
Henman is a four-time Wimbledonsemifinalist.
Theteamconsists of thesinglessemifinalists and thedoublesfinalistsfrom the MIAAindividualtournament.
- SheffieldUnitedwere semi-finalists in both the FA andLeaguecupsthatseason.
- He's a semifinalist for "Bestchefin theSouth".
- You only need tolookat the ChampionsLeaguesemifinaliststoseetheirimpact.
Parts & stages of competitions
- a game in handidiom
- added time
- bracket
- cup tie
- elimination
- event
- final
- full time
- half
- hand
- kick
- kick off
- lap
- quarter
- shootout
- squeaky-bum time
- the home straight
- timeout
- victory
- victory lap