uk/ˌɑː.piːˈdʒiː/us/ˌɑːr.piːˈdʒiː/RPGnoun[C](COMPUTER GAME)
abbreviationforrole-playinggame: acomputergamein whichplayerscontroltheactionsofcharactersin animaginaryworld:
电子角色扮演游戏(role-playing game的缩写)Graphically, it's thebestRPGyet.这是迄今为止在美术设计方面最出色的电子角色扮演游戏。
Thecompanyis theleadingdeveloperof RPGvideogames.该公司是电子角色扮演游戏开发的领军者。
- Thegamecontainsmanychallengesfor RPGfansbotholdand new.
- If you'd like a scalpel-wielding RPG, the Trauma Centersurgerygamesareawesome.
- Beautifulbackdropsand asprinkleof RPGinnovationarescantconsolationfor the game'snumerousshortcomings.
Miscellaneous games & activities
- air hockey
- beer pong
- boomerang
- bran tub
- buildering
- bungee
- cage diving
- Frisbee
- horseshoe
- juggling
- jump rope
- keepy-uppy
- korfball
- raffle
- story mode
- subworld
- sudoku
- table football
- tabletop
abbreviationforrocket-propelledgrenade: aweaponthatfiresanexplodingrocket(= anobjectthatfliesveryfastthrough theair)towards atarget, usually atank(= amilitaryvehiclewithwheelsthatturninsidemovingbelts):
火箭筒;火箭推进榴弹(rocket-propelled grenade的缩写)Mylieutenantorderedan RPG to befired.我的中尉命令发射一枚火箭弹。
Insurgentslaunchedtwo RPGattacksandplantedananti-tankminenearby.叛乱分子用火箭筒发起了两次进攻,并在附近埋设了一枚反坦克地雷。
- Someguysfiredan RPG atourtruck.
- FightersshootRPGs from theoppositesideof thestreet.
- He waskilledwhen another UStankmistookhistelevisioncamerafor an RPGlauncher.
Bombs & missiles
- anti-mine
- anti-missile
- anti-radar
- anti-satellite
- anti-ship
- enrich
- enrichment
- Exocet
- firebomb
- frag bomb
- Molotov cocktail
- mortar
- mushroom cloud
- napalm
- neutron bomb
- suicide belt
- suicide vest
- superbomb
- surface-to-air missile
- test ban treaty
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Hand weapons