little Englander
UKdisapprovinguk/ˌlɪt.əl ˈɪŋ.ɡlən.dər/us/ˌlɪt̬.əl ˈɪŋ.ɡlən.dɚ/anEnglishpersonwhothinksEnglandisbetterthan all othercountries, and thatEnglandshould onlyworktogether with othercountrieswhen there is anadvantageforEnglandin doing so:
英格兰至上者,英格兰本土主义者Hispoliciesmightpleasethe little Englanders but they would be adisasterfor thecountryas awhole.他的政策也许会讨好英格兰本土主义者,但是对整个国家来说却将是一场灾难。
Politics - general words
- anti-capitalism
- anti-capitalist
- anti-communism
- anti-communist
- anti-fascism
- lab
- laissez-faire
- left
- left of centre
- leftist
- parliament
- party politics
- personality cult
- pinko
- plank
- super-conservative
- Thatcherism
- the Third Way
- Tory
- Toryism