rugby ball
uk/ˈrʌɡ.bi ˌbɔːl/us/ˈrʌɡ.bi ˌbɑːl/anovalshapedballused in thesportofrugby:
橄榄球Irememberpassingarugbyballaround with mydadandbrothers.我记得我和爸爸还有兄弟们一起传接橄榄球。
When I firstkickedarugbyballI had noideawhichdirectionit would take.第一次踢橄榄球时,我不知道它会朝哪个方向飞。

John Rensten/The Image Bank/GettyImages
- There werekidschuckingarugbyballabout.
- An Americanfootballisharderthan arugbyball.
- Hedisappearedintotheirmidstlike arugbyballinto ascrum.
- bomb
- chargesomethingdown
- converted
- cooler
- drop kick
- field of play
- flanker
- hack
- heel
- lineout
- place-kick
- place-kicking
- post-match
- postgame
- premiership
- ruck
- rugger
- test match
- wing back
- work rate