aspicemade from thedriedshellofnutmeg:
肉豆蔻(一种调味品)Heat themilkwith thepeppercorns, mace andvegetablesuntilalmostboiling.

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- Christianityin the Moluccasdatesbacknearly500yearsto thearrivalofEuropeantradersseekingspicessuch asnutmeg, mace andcloves.
- Icombinemace withbay,especiallyforseasoningporkoroilyfish, such asherrings.
- Season withsalt,freshlymilledpepper, mace ornutmeg, andcayenne.
Herbs & spices
- aji
- ajwain
- Aleppo pepper
- allspice
- ancho
- chipotle
- chive
- chives
- cilantro
- cinnamon
- gingery
- habanero
- herb
- herbal
- herbed
- peppercorn
- peri-peri
- ras el hanout
- red pepper
- sage
adecoratedrodthat iscarriedby or put infrontofparticularpublicofficialsas asymboloftheirauthority:
(作为权威标志的)权杖Everybodystandsas theceremonialsilvermace iscarriedin andlaiddown infrontof thepresident.

UroshPetrovic/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Onecentralobjectondisplayis the Smithsonian'sceremonialmace.
- Newton alsoestablishedapracticethat the mace beplacedon thetableonly when thepresidentwas in thechair.
- Theceremonialswordofstate, mace, andoararekepthere and used at theopeningofparliament.
Ceremonial clothes & objects
- badged
- badging
- bearskin
- busby
- cockade
- coronet
- crest
- crown
- diadem
- mitre
- plume
- regalia
- scapular
- scarab
- sceptre
- skean dhu
- stole
- tiara
- vestments
aheavystickwithpointedmetalpartson thetop, used in the past as aweapon:
Thebasicweaponsin use to the end of the twelfthcenturywere thespear, the mace, thebow, thesword, and thedagger.

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- Somedescriptionsof Monkey Mansoundsuspiciouslylike Hanuman, a warrior-hero whodressesinarmorandcarriesa mace.
- Then therestwereamongstthem,slashingwith short-sword, mace andclub.
- Vishnu, a four-armedgodwith mace,conch,discus, andlotus, has manyincarnations.
Hand weapons
- battleaxe
- bayonet
- blowgun
- blowpipe
- bludgeon
- catapult
- goad
- haft
- halberd
- harpoon
- hilt
- jackknife
- rapier
- scabbard
- scimitar
- shanghai
- shank
- sheath
- sheath knife
- shield
abrandnamefor atypeofchemicalin acontainerthat, whensprayed(=forcedout insmalldrops)into a person'sface,causespainin theeyesandtearsto beproduced:
When theclerkconfrontedthe man, hesprayedher with mace.
Mace is sometimescarriedforself-defence.
Hand weapons
- battleaxe
- bayonet
- blowgun
- blowpipe
- bludgeon
- catapult
- goad
- haft
- halberd
- harpoon
- hilt
- jackknife
- rapier
- scabbard
- scimitar
- shanghai
- shank
- sheath
- sheath knife
- shield
to useMace(= achemicalin aspecialcontainerthat issprayedinto someone'sface)on someone:
Thepolicemaced Williamstwicebefore he wassubdued.
He wasallegedlymaced andhitwith agolfclubby two men.
Hand weapons
- battleaxe
- bayonet
- blowgun
- blowpipe
- bludgeon
- catapult
- goad
- haft
- halberd
- harpoon
- hilt
- jackknife
- rapier
- scabbard
- scimitar
- shanghai
- shank
- sheath
- sheath knife
- shield