B1[Cusually plural]
anacceptedprincipleorinstructionthatstatesthe way things are or should be done, andtellsyou what you areallowedor are notallowedto do:
规则;法则;规章;条例Arefereemustknowall the rules of thegame.裁判一定要通晓比赛的所有规则。
The first/mostimportantrule inlifeis always toappearconfident.人生的首要法则就是永远要表现得自信。
Before youstartyourownbusinessyou should befamiliarwith the government's rulesandregulations.在创立自己的公司之前,你应该了解政府的有关条例和规定。
You mustfollow/obey/observethe rules.你一定要遵守规则。
You must notbreakthe rules.你千万不可违反规则。
Inspecialcasesthemanagerwillbend/stretchthe rules(=allowthe rules to bebrokenslightly).在特殊情况下,经理会对这些规定进行变通。
You cantrustRuth because she alwaysplays(it) by/goes by/does things bythe rules(=followsinstructions,standards, or rules).你可以信任露丝,她做事一贯遵守规矩。
[+ to infinitive]It'sagainstthe rules (of/inboxing)tohitbelow thebelt.击打腰带以下的部位是违反(拳击比赛)规则的。
[+ that]It's aclubrulethatnewmembersmustsingasong.新成员一定要唱一首歌,这是俱乐部的规定。
- There areexceptionsto every rule.
- There's anunwrittenrule that you don'twearjeanstowork.
- They made anineffectiveattemptto get the ruleschanged.
- Prisonerscomplainthat they aresubjectedto too manypettyrules andrestrictions.
- Grammatical rulesprescribehow words may be used together.
Rules & laws
- admiralty
- anti-bribery
- anti-regulatory
- anti-sodomy
- anti-speculative
- binding
- edict
- juridical
- leash law
- legislation
- non-binding
- non-competition
- non-regulation
- protocol
- retroactive
- self-regulation
- sharia
- the Highway Code
- the law is an assidiom
- the Official Secrets Act
aperiodoftimeduring which aparticularpersonorgroupis incontrolof acountry:
统治(期);管辖(期)Theperiodof Fascist rule is onepeopletrytoforget.那段法西斯统治的历史时期是人们想要努力忘却的。
We don'twantone-party rule - wewantrulebythepeople.我们不想要一党专制--我们想要的是民治。
See also
- VariouspartsofAfricahavesufferedundercolonialrule.
- UK TheconstituencyfelltoLabourat the lastelection, after tenyearsofConservativerule.
- Thepresidentresignedafter 30yearsofautocraticrule.
- In the end shelefthomejust toescapethetyrannicalrule of hermother.
- Thepeoplerevoltedagainstforeignrule andestablishedtheirowngovernment.
Ruling & governing
- administration
- affairs of state
- ascend
- ascend the throneidiom
- bipartisanship
- government-owned
- government-sponsored
- governmental
- governorate
- hard Brexitidiom
- oppression
- oppressive
- oppressively
- oppressiveness
- overgovern
- subjugate
- subjugation
- super-government
- the politburo
- tinpot
as a (general) rule
make it a rule
rule of thumb
rules are made to be broken
tocontrolor be thepersoninchargeof something such as acountry:
控制;统治;治理Mostmodernkingsandqueensrule (theircountries) only in aformalway, withoutrealpower.现代的大多数国王或女王(对他们的国家)的统治都只是形式上的,并不握有实权。
She rules herhouseholdwith anironhand/fist(=severely).她在家里大权在握,持家很严。
to be the mostimportantandcontrollinginfluenceon someone:
支配,操控,控制Love ruledsupremein herheart.她的心已被爱所俘虏。
Thedesperatedesireto go to Moscow ruledtheirlives.要去莫斯科的强烈愿望支配了他们的生活。
- Theoccupyingforceruled bydiktat.
- The Romans ruled over most ofEurope.
- He wasableto rule thegamewith hissuperiorstrengthandskill.
- He has been ruling thecountrysince amilitarycoupin 1987.
- It used to be said thatBritainruled anempireon which thesunnever set.
Ruling & governing
- administration
- affairs of state
- ascend
- ascend the throneidiom
- bipartisanship
- government-owned
- government-sponsored
- governmental
- governorate
- hard Brexitidiom
- oppression
- oppressive
- oppressively
- oppressiveness
- overgovern
- subjugate
- subjugation
- super-government
- the politburo
- tinpot
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Controlling and being in charge
裁决,裁定;判定;决定Only the AppealCourtcan ruleonthispoint.只有上诉法院才可以就这一问题作出判决。
[+ that]Thegovernmenthas ruledthattherefugeesmust bedeported.政府已经作出决定,难民必须被驱逐出境。
[+ obj + noun/adj]Thecourtshave ruled hisbraveactionillegal.法院裁决他的勇敢行为不合法。
See also
- Herconfessionwas ruledinadmissibleasevidencebecause it was given underpressurefrom thepolice.
- Thejudgeruled that thedirectorshadknowinglybrokenthelaw.
- Thejudgeruled herunfittopleadon thegroundsofinsanity.
- We won't besurprisedif thejudgerules in herfavour.
- Theplayerwas ruled off-side and so thegoalwasdisallowed.
UK politics: legislation & law-making
- abolish
- abrogate
- abrogation
- amend
- amendment
- assemblyman
- constitutional
- enforce
- gold plate
- Green Paper
- guillotine
- hard Brexitidiom
- jurisprudence
- presiding officer
- Prime Minister's Questions
- private member's bill
- prohibit
- prohibition
- sanction
- writ
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Judges & juries
todrawastraightlineusing something that has astraightedge:
(借助有直边的东西)画(线)She ruled tworedlinesunder thetitle.她在标题下面画了两条红线。
Painting, drawing & printing
- airbrush
- brushstroke
- brushwork
- chiaroscuro
- coloursomethingin
- describe
- engraving
- etching
- face painting
- foreshorten
- foreshortened
- illustrate
- painting by numbersidiom
- pentimento
- picturize
- re-ink
- redraw
- shade
- sketch
- stroke
be ruled bysomeone
rule OK
rule the roost
Phrasal verbs
rulesomething or someonein
rulesomething or someoneout