uk/ˈmæd.ɪ.sən/us/ˈmæd.ɪ.sən/Madisonnoun(US CITY)
thecapitalcityof the USstateof Wisconsin:
Herfamilywas with her in her Madisonhomewhen shepassedaway onThursday.
Similargangissueshave beenboilingup in other Madisonneighborhoods.
- Shegrewup in Madison.
- Hespentfiveyearsworkingas anursein Madison.
- Thepreviousrecordfor the mostrainin onemonthin Madison was 10.93inches, set inJuly1950.
- Tenzin said that this year'svisitwill be the Dalai Lama's seventhvisitto Madison.
Towns & regions: city names & their inhabitants
- Aberdeen
- Aberdonian
- Abidjan
- Abu Dhabi
- Abuja
- Boston
- Bozeman
- Brasília
- Bratislava
- Brazzaville
- Dundonian
- Durham
- Dushanbe
- Edinburgh
- El Paso
- Madrid
- manchester
- Melbourne
- Memphis
- Miami
Madisonnoun(BICYCLE RACE)
aracein whichteamsof twopeoplecompeteinridingbicyclesaround aspecialtrackas manytimesaspossiblein aparticulartime, with eachmemberof theteamtaking aturntoraceso the other canrest:
TheMadison is one of cycling's mostspectacularevents.
Wiggins and Haylesrecoveredfrom acrashin the madison towinbronze.
Specific sporting events
- bowl
- classic
- double-header
- El Clásico
- Highland Games
- modern pentathlon
- Paralympian
- Paralympic
- pentathlon
- roller derby
- sports day
- swimathon
- the IOC
- the Olympics
- the Paralympics
- the Special Olympics
- the World Series
- Wimbledon
- World Cup